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The Chameleon

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Everything posted by The Chameleon

  1. I love it Jaydawg is the only white guy in the band! Killer! Jaydawg is this a new dubbish KC & the Sunshine band senario? I hope so. hahahahahaahah! One Love.
  2. 59% say soldiers dying for unwinnable war; 34% disagree Results reflect poor opinion of Bush leadership, pollster says Oct. 2, 2006. 05:48 AM ALEXANDER PANETTA CANADIAN PRESS OTTAWA—A clear majority of Canadians consider the mission in Afghanistan a lost cause, according to an extensive survey that hints at deep public skepticism about the war on terror. Decima Research polled more than 2,000 Canadians last month just as Prime Minister Stephen Harper stepped up his efforts to promote the mission. Fifty-nine per cent of respondents agreed Canadian soldiers "are dying for a cause we cannot win," while just 34 per cent disagreed with that statement. An even larger majority said they would never fight in Afghanistan themselves under any circumstances — not even if they were forced to in some military draft. The online survey of 2,038 people was conducted Sept. 8-18 and is considered accurate to within 2.2 percentage points, 19 times out of 20. The doubts of respondents about Canada's chances in Afghanistan paled in comparison to their downright dismissal of the overall U.S.-led war on terror. Almost three-quarters said the Bush administration had made the world more dangerous, 76 per cent said American policy had contributed to a rise in terrorism, and 68 per cent predicted the U.S. will eventually abandon Iraq without success. "I think the reason the Afghan mission is coming under such scrutiny has less to do with Canada's position," said Decima pollster Bruce Anderson. "It has more to do with doubts about the leadership of the Bush administration in the war on terror than (with) decisions made by the Liberals or the Conservatives to participate in Afghanistan." This public skepticism could have deep implications for Canada, both politically and militarily. Kandahar now threatens to become the centre of Canada's political universe, just nine months after a federal election that saw almost no discussion of international issues. In the last month alone, the NDP called for a quick pullout, while the Prime Minister launched a media blitz to promote the mission and suggested troops could even remain beyond the currently scheduled end to the deployment in 2009. Harper has been consistent in his defence of the Canadian mission to Afghanistan over the last few weeks. It was at the heart of his address to Canadians on the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. The Prime Minister admitted, in recent television interviews, that the fighting has been more difficult than he anticipated. But he exhorted other leaders — and Canadians watching at home — to stay the course in Afghanistan during an address at the United Nations. The same message was driven home by Afghan President Hamid Karzai during his visit to Canada just over a week ago. Twenty-eight per cent of respondents in the Decima poll said they would fight in Afghanistan if they were of fighting age and were called upon in a military draft. No politician of any stripe has proposed conscription. But Anderson said the military could take a glass-half-full approach in interpreting the numbers. He pointed out, for example, that the Canadian Forces could fill their ranks several times over if 28 per cent of adult Canadians agreed to take up arms. Among those aged 18-34, 20 per cent indicated that they would be willing to fight. The military has, in fact, been surpassing its recent recruitment targets, despite the fact that 37 soldiers have died in Afghanistan since the mission began in 2002. The poll results were generally similar across the country Toronto Star Article
  3. [color:red]Here, Here! Well said! I second that notion!
  4. Well this is par for the course for the current government. How long until abortion is illegal, people are doing life for petty drug crimes and I can buy a gun at wallmart and bullets for pennies. At this rate the next Canadian election will be decided by recount and when it gets close, after counting all those "hanging chads", a supreme court justice will "call off the recount", as to not delay the Canadian people [color:purple]democracy. I'm getting ill typing this. Each day with this gov't is like someone turing a knife in a open wound. "my only hope is that this gov't tables a budget, that gets a no confidence vote." Although I think that is a slim chance. Too bad. And even if it did happen by then the Conservatives would have dismantled the apparatus to remove them. Uggh.
  5. Birdy this is a streach even for you. Anyway you tart it up, his cuts are hurting his wife's aims.
  6. Agreed the Hawks are in rough shape. Let's just hope the Raptors pull it together this season. I'm pullin' for them, I'd love to be excited about them again. Let's also hope the injury bug doesn't kill us this year.
  7. A "Headdy Hate Harper Jam" Mmmmmmmm. That sounds srcumptious! I'm in! Where can we get this puppy rollin'! Way overdue. I'm gonna attend this event smokin' weed, with a gay married couple and and while there I'm gonna register my long gun as well. Excellent suggestion! Kudos! hahaha.
  8. I'm not bitchin' about Coangelo. He hasn't had egnough time to prove his worth yet. Agreed. I am saying that the organization as a whole needs to deliever this season to a, real/tangable result. Meaning, getting out of the first round of the playoffs. It's waaaay overdue. And if anyone even mutters the word "rebuild" this season, I'm calling up the JYD and me and him will go and beat Richard Pettite with a $10 footlong hotdog from the ACC!
  9. This used to be true, and yes herb stealers are the lowest form of life. But has anyone noticed more and more people being busted for outdoor gorwing this season than usual? I certainly have in the Southern Ontario region. I wonder if this has to do with the conservative gov't? [color:purple]Nawww couldn't be??
  10. Hey wasn't there a brief movement to make Toronto a province or something to that effect? I remeber some talk about that a while back. I obviously went nowhere, but a great idea.
  11. You are so right I forgot they got bounced in the first round all those times. I guess like you to me getting bounced in the first round doesn't really count or excite me. I guess what I should have said is they only made it out of the first round once. I beleive that is correct. Anyway, point is I'm tired of the bad decisions and terrible management and the constant "rebuild". The Raptors need to put up or shut up this year, the fans desreve a winning team. NOw. I think real problem is Richard Pettite. That guys knows nothing of basketball. I guess we can all agree we want them to win.
  12. I love the sound of a Torontonian society. I'm excited now. hahhaa.
  13. Ok Ok I'm just bitter. All I'm saying is that the Raptor's have made it to the playoffs once! In 11 years, that's unnaceptable. And I would hazzard a guess that other teams that put out $$$$ didn't have nearly the brutal record we did. Point is they need to get to the playoffs this year, as I get the sense less and less folks in the T-dot care of have hope for this team, given thier history of disatrous trades. And if they don't start winning those precious attendance numbers will crumble like Olajuwan's fragile knees right after we cut him a cheque! No one wants to pay to see a team lose forever!
  14. Man I wish Phish played some of those early songs more often, Letter to Jimmy Page Light up or Leave me Alone (traffic cover) I know a little (Synyrd cover) Alumni Blues Flat Fee Maiden Voyage (Herbie Hancock cover) All killer tunes that basically (save a few rare apperances) didn't make past 1992. Shame. I'll have to get this.
  15. Let me clarify: I feel held hostage by Stephen Harper and his parties decision/policies. It's all relative. I, like you am a Canadian and am beholdant to the policies, laws and changes the goverment of the day enacts. Therfore when a right wing Bushite like Harper, runs around spout ignornace and making choices that make me embarassed to be a Canadian, I feel powerless and held hostage to his decisions. Many people in big cities feel this way as none of us voted for HArper. Hence why he has no seats in The entire GTA. To your point of the repression in other nations and our freedoms in comparison. I will say bluntly that in this dichotomy and discussion"It simply has no bearing". I say that not to be crass, but for the fact that I am not evaluting the gov't system or it's effect of any other counrty. I am doing so from a Canadian perspective as a Canadian citizen. I am only concerned with what is happening (for this discussion) in our country. And my feelings and opinions are based on what as a Canadian we historically have come to expect and understand. I see no need to frame the discussion by the trials and autrocities in another nation that has no realtion to our political system.
  16. Regarless of all that I still think Jack Layton is the kind of forward thinking PM we need right now. Someone who is progressive and willing to take a stand on rational foriegn policy. As oppose to the Harper governemt's bend over and lube up approach with the Americans. Layton all the way. And wether people voted for Layton or not really is inconsequential in the last election. The reality is that the Conservatives won becuase Paul Martin botched the handling of the sponsership scadal. The PC had to win due to that fact. Sad. Canadians need to vote conservatives in ever 10yrs or so to remind us of why we don't vote Conservative.
  17. Here Here! Why aren't you locking your doors in the first place. It ain't the 50's anymore. lock it up!
  18. Let's hope that the removal of the purple also removes the irony of the Raptors never winning yet spending a fortune to do so all in the name of "the never ending rebuild". The gotta make the playoffs this year or move the team! Seriously!
  19. I indeed did. It made me ill. I feel like I'm being held hostage in my own country with this stooge at the healm. Egads!
  20. I saw Thievery Corporation at the Carlu. Killer venue awesome sound! Can't wait. So fill me in did Massive Attack cancel thier Virgin Music fest appearance?
  21. I saw Blind Melon with the Tea party at the Warehouse in Toronto when i was still in High School and I remember thinking wow, this band is really good, I bet they'll be bigger as the years go by. Too bad it was all cut short, they had real potential and a unique sound.
  22. [color:purple]Bitchin'! We are superstoked to be a part of this sure fire dubtastic extravaganza. For our part The Chameleon Project will be performing a no holds barred, exclusive dub set with dashs of breakbeat/jungle madness thown in for good measure. Can't wait to hear the Irie band..I've heard wonderful things...
  23. So true. This whole "we have to keep reshearching the effets" thing is a diversion tactic so they never actually have to do anything close to decriminalization and hence piss off the Americans. I bet Stephen Harper still believes in the gateway theory.
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