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The Chameleon

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Everything posted by The Chameleon

  1. I think this is as close as bush ever got to a black child in his life. Let alone a black person*. He probabaly took a shower right after. I bet he's sleep better knowing he could torture them if the step outta line. *And Condeleeza Rice isn't black anymore she's beige after she sarted wroking for Bush. I bet she can't even dance anymore. Hahaha
  2. Good! But I'm sure you can understand my fear. The Raptors are one of the most injusry plagued NBA teams I've ever followed. Glad he's back.
  3. Who are these "New Movement" cats, and what do they play?
  4. Perhaps, but there are certainly "no hold barred when it comes to the Republican dictatorship" Also while the title is sensational, it does reflect the fact that Bush does technically now have the power to sexually torture Amercian children if he so chooses. It doesn't say he will, but he could given, his torching of the Geneva convention.
  5. I just read inthe T.O. star that Chris Bosh is already sidelined with a foot/heel issue. Looks like the Raptor injury fairy has come home to roost already! Good lord, let's hope this is minor!
  6. Exactly how Bush would say it too. Hahhahaa...so true. When is Bouche gonna get a spellcheck running on this borad already!
  7. True, there is a fair bit of "spin" happening in this article, but the kernel of truth is the fact that Bush could do pretty much anything to Americans if he deems them "combatants", regardless if they are or not and regardless if they ever left American soil. Not that's scary. Also for the amount of "spin" the republicans thrive on to manipulate people, I think some "spin" the other way is almost essential to balance the scale.
  8. [color:red]Bush Given Authority To Sexually Torture American Children The "horror of the shrieking boys" gets a rubber stamp from the boot-licking U.S. Congress & Senate as America officially becomes a dictatorship Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | September 29 2006 Slamming the final nail in the coffin of everything America used to stand for, the boot-licking U.S. Senate last night gave President Bush the legal authority to abduct and sexually mutilate American citizens and American children in the name of the war on terror. There is nothing in the "detainee" legislation that protects American citizens from being kidnapped by their own government and tortured. Yale Law Professor Bruce Ackerman states in the L.A. Times, "The compromise legislation....authorizes the president to seize American citizens as enemy combatants, even if they have never left the United States. And once thrown into military prison, they cannot expect a trial by their peers or any other of the normal protections of the Bill of Rights." Similarly, law Professor Marty Lederman explains: "this [subsection (ii) of the definition of 'unlawful enemy combatant'] means that if the Pentagon says you're an unlawful enemy combatant -- using whatever criteria they wish -- then as far as Congress, and U.S. law, is concerned, you are one, whether or not you have had any connection to 'hostilities' at all." We have established that the bill allows the President to define American citizens as enemy combatants. Now let's take it one step further. Before this article is dismissed as another extremist hyperbolic rant, please take a few minutes out of your day to check for yourself the claim that Bush now has not only the legal authority but the active blessings of his own advisors to torture American children. The backdrop of the Bush administration's push to obliterate the Geneva Conventions was encapsulated b y John “torture†Yoo, professor of law at Berkeley, co-author of the PATRIOT Act, author of torture memos and White House advisor. During a December 1st debate in Chicago with Notre Dame professor and international human rights scholar Doug Cassel, John Yoo gave the green light for the scope of torture to legally include sexual torture of infants. Cassel: If the president deems that he's got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles of the person's child, there is no law that can stop him? Yoo: No treaty. Cassel: Also no law by Congress — that is what you wrote in the August 2002 memo… Yoo: I think it depends on why the President thinks he needs to do that. Click here for the audio. So if the President thinks he needs to order children's penises to be put in vices, there is no law that can stop him and after last night's vote, the Senate and Congress, exemplified by sicko 16-year-old boy groomer Mark Foley (R-FL) , has graciously provided Bush its full support for kids around the world to be molested in the name of stopping terror. Yoo's comments were made before the passage of the torture legislation last night. Up until that point Bush had merely cited his role as dictator-in-chief as carte-blanche excuse for ordering torture - now his regime have the audacity to openly put it in writing - going one step further than even the Nazis did. Again, for those who are still deluded into thinking the extent of the "pressure" is loud music and cold water being thrown over Johnny Jihad in Ragheadistan, consider for a moment the fact that your own Congress and President who, according to the Constitution, are mandated to serve you, have just legalized abducting your kids from your home and electric shocking their genitals. Now that the criminals have declared themselves outside of the law does that mean we'll see Bush barbecuing babies on the White House lawn? Of course not, but the policy of torturing children in front of their parents has already been signed off on by the Pentagon and enacted under the Copper Green program and it happened at Abu Ghraib . Women who were arrested with their children were forced to watch their boys being sodomized with chemical glow sticks as the cameras rolled. Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh says that the U.S. government is still withholding the tapes because of the horror of the "soundtrack of the shrieking boys" and their mothers begging to be killed in favor of seeing their children raped and tortured. Your government has just lobbied for and Congress has passed legislation to discard the Geneva Conventions and mandate all this. Pedophiles nationwide should rejoice - they can comfortably take a stroll down to the local swimming pool, grab whoever they like, drag them home, rape and torture them, and then in their defense cite the U.S. government as an example of how one should conduct themselves. The bill also retroactively gives Bush, the Neo-Cons or any of their henchmen immunity from war crimes charges dating back to September 11 . Ask yourself why they would be so careful to protect themselves from accusations of war crimes. Could that possibly be because they are knowingly committing war crimes? The legislating of torture itself should be a criminal act. All laws that contradict the U.S. Constitution are null and void. It was once a law that black people were slaves. Only by engaging in civil disobedience and refusing to tolerate or acknowledge the laws of a criminal regime that has greased the skids for sexually torturing kids can we ever have a hope of returning America to its past glory. http://www.infowars.com/articles/ps/terror_laws_bush_given_authority_sexually_torture_us_kids.htm
  9. Simoce eh? Well you'll never go hungry for a donut. There are more donut shops than there are people in Simcoe.
  10. Agreed. That what it should be about. However, by the time most acts are playing arenas and larger venues it is more about the money. Otherwise, they'd be doing multi-night runs in smaller venues grossing wayyy less revenues. Just like all those musicians from the punk movement in the 70s learned to play their instruments so well? It was about NOT playing them in tune, or needing to have had classical training, and demystifying the perceived pompousness of the grand scale prog rock emenating from the 70s. I do agree with you. However, it all comes down to one person's opinon on what "sucks" and their definition thereof. One man gathers what another man spills . . . Later . . . Kanada Kev =8) ps - i admit it, i am going to see Supernova (comp tix and I plan on PARTYING like a rockstar ). I'll probably be kicked out, or passed out, before the show is over/started ) Excellent Kanada Kev! Party it up get smashed and punch a little EMO makeup wearing kid int he mouth for me! hahahahaha!
  11. I think the point Bruce was making is that Maiden was created by a group of musicians that wanted to play music together. They were not created by a TV show or by a record label. Yes the do sell mech and are a brand unto themselves. I don't think he was indicating a band should make money and sell thier merch. But I think what he is saying is that with Rockstar:Supernova, the selling, image and branding is paramount and the music is a by product and totally disposable. And in that context I agree. Furthermore the band is branding for the label not the band itself. And yes the music insudtry is about making money. True. But musicians should be about making music and the money should be the by product, nit the other way around. Also no one will ever take you seriouly as a musician and you will never be respected by your peers if you win a contest! Pay yer dues! Learn to play your instrument too.
  12. I saw the Iron Maiden on Monday in T.O. and Bruce Dikinson made a point of saying that reality showslike Rockstar:Supernova do not create bands, they create brands and they are simply a long expensive commercial! He then proceed to tell the audience that they dersverve better and must demand it. TO that the entire ACC erupted in thuderous applause! I could not agree more! I also fuckin' hate that the mouthpiece that won, is a Canadian dude! Uggh! Everyone needs to calm down about winning these reality shows. it's just a sexed up Karkoe contest!
  13. No idea Canada Kev, but my vote is for something very classic like: "Exile on Mainstreet" or "American Beauty" Too soon to tell.
  14. If only the CPC had afforded Paul Martin's Liberals the same luxury. Don't you remember Stephen Harper in opposition?
  15. I am going to this and I recently bought "Radiodread". I think it is well produced and well played, but I wonder if it will have the impact of "Dub Side of the Moon". I mean while "OK Computer" is considered a modern classic among gen Xr's and younger but I don't see it as having the same crossover appeal. Or the same classic status (yet) as Dark Side. Furthermore, not being a massive Radiohead fan the songs don't resonate with me as much. The dub thing is also a little streached by the fact the Radiohead used different time signatures and more chord changes than reggae ever does. So I think the album will grow on me, but I think they've really narrowed the audience appeal. Who else bought the album? Comments......?
  16. Fuckthe tits! Is she even real anymore! or is she a barbie from the 40's come to life. Freaky!
  17. Yeah Maiden mentioned that the new album is thier best seeling in years and especially in Canada. Lots of teenagers at the show too. Metal 4EVER! RAWK ON!
  18. You are right, mostly the new album with some hits at the end. Decent show, well played. Some posing like I hav never seen! So Rock 'n' Roll! I thought the sound was pretty lame at the ACC last night. Way clearer for Clapton. But Maiden rock hard and had a great stage show. Fun times.
  19. I will most certainly be at this show, wouldn't miss it! Just got the new album...Can't wait to hear thier treatment of OK computer.
  20. Here's a killer solo Bobby show from the 80's. I'm loving this right now! Bob Weir 04.28.86 Wolfgang's San Fran.
  21. Election? The sooner the better, I'm ready to vote again.
  22. Sad to say the US has far to go until they break. The still haven't introduced a full on draft yet. They still haevn't tapped thier massive oil reserves and Bush still has 2 more years. America will coose to be "world cop/enforcer" for years to come, and due tho thier choice of that role, countries that are not firendly with them (Korea, Iran etc...) will feel they need weapons of mass destruction to protect themselves against the most armed nation in the world. THe U.S.A.
  23. Like it or hate, love him or hate him. His entrance into the world stage as a nuclear power, will force the US to "deal" and not attack him. I hate to say it but given the current situation it was a shreud millitary move, one that will protect him from unchecked American invasions.
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