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Posts posted by timouse

  1. niffermouse and i got home last night from a fabulous slightly shortened visit to Izzy's. The music saturday night was spot on...we got there in time to catch the 2nd half of Professor Louie's set, and could tell right away that these guys are part of The Band Family. What a wonderful solid groove they laid down...and yet again, missed the chance to see Vanderpark and What the Thunder said, but from all reports they both played very solid sets.

    Mark Wilson was a huge treat, the sound was just right and wow! what a band! mr somethng something did their pied piper run through the campground and showed at the stage with a huge crowd in tow. holy syncopation! another set of stellar music. by the time truths & rights got in gear, the crowd was huge & primed to dance, and got the groove they needed...

    it was awesome to spend time with all the mice, and to meet more fine folks from this board...got to talk to the good rev and cookycanooky at the next campsite, and met velvet and phorbesie in front of the stage, and others that will spring to mind as my head clears :)

    the scullies split with us late sunday afternoon, bound for their new home base in Osgoode. it was great to party with them one last time before they became official ottawa folk...

    what a blast!!!

  2. Hey' date='

    Could someone make a list of his "lies"?

    The things that he said or presented that are factually wrong.


    I just woke up, but one misrepresentation was the first scene in Bowling For Columbine: Guns were never actually given out in the bank to new bank members. The guns were mailed-out. The scene was staged.

    he also spliced charlton heston out of context. he was talking about the (not cancelled) NRA meeting in Colorado shortly after columbine, and showed a clip of heston holding a rifle above his head, ranting that they will "take away my gun over my cold dead body," without explaining that the clip in question was from a different meeting pre-columbine.

    inaccuracies aside, the guy does make a very good point, and it's excellent fillmaking. i don't think it's necessarily legit "news" as such, but the "news" isn't much better, and moore is at least obviously biased toward the good side, and is performing a valuable fuction as loudmouth entertainer & filmmaker.

  3. from http://www.gregpalast.com



    by Greg Palast

    Friday, September 2, 2005

    The National Public Radio news anchor was so excited I thought she'd piss on herself: the President of the United had flown his plane down to 1700 feet to get a better look at the flood damage! And there was a photo of our Commander-in-Chief taken looking out the window. He looked very serious and concerned.

    That was yesterday. Today he played golf. No kidding.

    I'm sure the people of New Orleans would have liked to show their appreciation for the official Presidential photo-strafing, but their surface-to-air missiles were wet.

    There is nothing new under the sun. In 1927, a Republican President had his photo taken as the Mississippi rolled over New Orleans. Calvin Coolidge, "a little fat man with a notebook in his hand," promised to rebuild the state. He didn't. Instead, he left to play golf with Ken Lay or the Ken Lay railroad baron equivalent of his day.

    In 1927, the Democratic Party had died and was awaiting burial. As depression approached, the coma-Dems, like Franklin Roosevelt, called for balancing the budget.

    Then, as the waters rose, one politician finally said, roughly, "Screw this! They're lying! The President's lying! The rich fat cats that are drowning you will do it again and again and again. They lead you into imperialist wars for profit, they take away your schools and your hope and when you complain, they blame Blacks and Jews and immigrants. Then they push your kids under. I say, Kick'm in the ass and take your rightful share!"

    Huey Long laid out a plan: a progressive income tax, real money for education, public works to rebuild Louisiana and America, an end to wars for empire, and an end to financial oligarchy. The waters receded, the anger did not, and Huey "Kingfish" Long was elected Governor of Louisiana in 1928.

    At the time, Louisiana schools were free, but not the textbooks. Governor Long taxed Big Oil to pay for the books. Rockefeller's oil companies refused pay the textbook tax, so Long ordered the National Guard to seize Standard Oil's fields in the Delta.

    Huey Long was called a "demagogue" and a "dictator." Of course. Because it was Huey Long who established the concept that a government of the people must protect the people, school, house, and feed them and give every man or woman a job who needs one.

    Government, he said, "We The People," not plutocrats nor Halliburtons, must build bridges and levies to keep the waters from rising over our heads. All we had to do was share the nation's wealth we created as a nation. But that meant facing down what he called the "concentrations of monopoly power" to finance the needs of the public.

    In other words, Huey Long founded the modern Democratic Party. Franklin Roosevelt and the party establishment, scared senseless of Long's ineluctable march to the White House, adopted his program, called it the New Deal, and later The New Frontier and the Great Society.

    America and the party prospered.

    America could use a Democratic Party again and there's a rumor it's alive -- somewhere.

    And now is the moment, as it was in '27. As the bodies float in the streets of New Orleans, now is not the time for the Democrats to shirk and slink away, bleating they can't "politicize" this avoidable disaster.

    Seventy-six years ago this week, Huey Long was shot down, assassinated at the age of 43. But the legacy of his combat remains, from Social Security to veterans' mortgage loans.

    There is no such thing as a "natural" disaster. Hurricanes happen, but death comes from official neglect, from tax cuts for the rich that cut the heart out of public protection. The corpses in the street are victims of a class war in which only one side has a general.

    Where is our Huey Long? America needs just one Kingfish to stand up and say that our nation must rid itself of the scarecrow with the idiot chuckle, who has left America broken and in danger while he plays tinker-toy Napoleon on other continents.

    I realize that the middle of rising flood is a hell of a bad time to give Democrats swimming lessons; but it's act up now or we all go under.


    A pedagogical note: As I travel around the USA, I'm just horrified at America's stubborn historical amnesia. Americans, as Sam Cooke said, don't know squat about history. We don't learn the names of a nation's capitol until the 82d Airborne lands there. And it doesn't count if you've watched a Ken Burns documentary on PBS.

    I suggest starting with this: read "Huey Long" by the late historian Harry T. Williams. If you want to ease into it, get the Randy Newman album based on it (Good Old Boys) with the song, "Louisiana 1927." Listen to part of the song at www.GregPalast.com Do NOT watch the crappy right-wing agit-prop film, "Huey Long," by Ken Burns.

    Greg Palast is the author of the New York Times bestseller, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. Subscribe to his commentaries or view his investigative reports for BBC Television at www.GregPalast.com

  4. I agree that you are "right" that there are more pressing issues out there.

    Yah' date=' like what the clour of my underwear used to be.


    lisa: grandpa, what's your first name?

    grandpa simpson: aaah! you're making my headstone!

    lisa: no, grandpa, we're just curious.

    grandpa simpson: i'll check my underwear. it has the answer to all of life's important questions.

  5. they should make mayor Nagin president. he sounds like art neville...totally cool, rational guy, and in total dismay. he kept pointing out that the cleanup in new york happenned instantly (too fast to forensically examine?? - my comments, not his :) ) while cleaning up new orleans has just barely started five days in.

    no wonder new york got so much attention. after all, you can't make money waging a War On Weather :)

  6. You know I subscribed to the michael moore criticism for his tone, approach, and mudslinging, and in many ways I still agree that his occasional lapses into unprofessionalism cuts into his message BUT after having thought about it, why the hell should he apologise for his delivery?

    And what's more, I also think that some of the people who focus in on this aspect of Michael Moore are simply trying to divert attention from the message, much the way CNN and FOX slagged of Cindy Sheehan for "aligning herself with leftists like MoveOn.org". It's like changing the subject when the subject at hand shuold be belted out as loud as possible from as many people as possible from every soapbox available.

    attacking the messenger to distract from the message is a debating weapon of the losing team...if michael moore is such a dink, then where are the people making a convincing case for the other side?

    agreed that moore has massaged the truth for dramatic purpose, but the fundametal truth of what he's generally on about needs to be pointed out. no offense to the american contingent here, many of whom i find to be at least as left leaning as the rest of the folks here, but if people are buying the cnnmsnbccbs bs that the tv news hands out, then you really don't have much hope of getting their attention with a well reasoned argument about the facts at hand.

    chomsky talks about the lack of invitations to speak on tv in Manufacturing Consent, and basically says that the big breaking news story generally gets 2 minutes at the top of the news, with subsequent items getting even less. so the tv news viewer has been set up to want or need the gist of the story in less than two minutes. moore is a very shrewd guy for reealizing this and making what amounts to left wing infotainment. good on him for turning the other team's weapons back on them! woodward and bernstein are now network news functionaries, and there's really nobody in mainstream media doing their job any longer...i would prefer that he embellished things less, but he does brilliantly at encapsulating complex cencepts in a straightforward manner. people that want more of the story will dig into his sources, and folks that won't at least have the basic idea right.

    as always, your mileage will vary :)

  7. wow. just read the high points of this guy's page, and i'm astounded by the matter-of-fact way in which he gets across that the place is a mess...it speaks volumes that an apparently sane american is begging the army to come in to his town, fully understanding the curtailment of civil rights that that entails...

    jeebus help the folks in new orleans...

  8. from the Gasoline on a Raging Fire Department...

    Paula Zahn interviewed a "frigtened New Orleans resident" by telephone tonight. He was in his house terrified to come out becuase "people that weren't his neighbours" were in his neighbourhood. He was locked inside safe, his car was in a secure garage (presumably aboveground) but he was scared. in fact Paula led the interview by asking him "[w]hat are you most afraid of now?"

    during this interview (one minute maybe) they were running footage of "looters." i counted 5 non black people to easily 100 black people...all the while paula and guest talked about looters looting. total CNN moment...


    Of course it will get better because they are sending in the national guard.

  9. djed' date='

    i am working on the cancer thing...trying to create positive change in other ways is just what i do in my spare time.[/quote']

    [color:purple]Oncology's gay.

    the whole medical profession is gay. dentists too.

  10. I truly believe it has evolved into a meaning that is distinctive from sexual identities. I suppose when people say 'that's just gay' they mean something is queer about it' date=' or something's off but I tend to interpret it as meaning 'that's just lame' or 'totally unnecessary'. [/quote']

    I recently had a friend tell me that he got "totally Jewed" when making a purchase. I couldn't believe my ears, took offence and asked him what he meant by it. He told me that he meant he got ripped off and what was my problem? Like many folks, he didn't make the connection or even realize that his words were not just some commonly acceptable colloquialism.

    This sums it up for me.

    I can tell you that one of the only times I almost physically attacked a person was when he used the term "Jewish" to refer to being cheap. He said it directly to me.

    There is something extremely offensive about a person using a word that accurately characterizes you, to mean something entirely negative and derogatory.

    I suspect that in his peer group, the word has "evolved" into meaning something other than being a member of the group who practices Judaism. That doesn't make it acceptable.

    it's all about being aware enough to understand the language you use, and the power it has to be enightening or hurtful.

    i have met lots of people through work that still use racist slang in conversation. i try hard to see where their choice of decsriptor comes from rather than just leaping on them, but i do call them on it. and for that matter i expect people to call me in it when i cross the line...

    the buddhists say that's it's the intentions of your actions that count...i think that inappropriate descriptive language comes out of fear. knowledge beats fear. if people knew that gays or minorities were nice people too and had families and feelings things might be different. certainly seems that people who do understand this use that kind of language a lot less frequently...

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