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Posts posted by timouse

  1. agreed, brilliant... especially since it was devised at 3:00am, HST called Murray and woke him up outta bed

    i had forgotten that part of it...it all feeds in to the HST myth though, Hunter up at 3am full of bourbon and various stimulants cranking out a column...

    in retrospect, i'm amazed that he made it as far as he did. there was a flurry of HST books written about 5 years ago, the first thing that i thought when i saw the display at he bookstore was oh no! hunter kakked! but no, he was just rallying and stoking his career...there was a brilliant quote arributed to the doctor, paraphrased "there's no point dying young and beautiful looking. better to come skidding in to the grave on two wheels, parts falling off."

    i like to think that hunter at least used up all his parts, and now he has violently exploded whatever was left :)

  2. I miss the articles from the ESPN Page2.

    He used to have a new one every Monday, usually very gonzo-style, tying in politics with his gambling stories and whatnot

    always entertaining and if you could decipher the context, enlightening as well

    my favourite was HST & Bill Murray inventing "skeet golf." One guy hits the ball off the tee, his partner tries to blow it out of the air.


  3. a quick google turned up references to their page (currently down) and reports of them opening for little feat and leftover salmon. in addition, the band roster lists barry sless and pete sears, so they must be reasonably good.

    the archive has 2 of their shows available.



    the setlists look intriguing...stella blue, gdtrfb, and other deadish tunes.

    edit to add: i was going to go back for a listen but there's no streaming link, shorten only. if you have the hd space and are curious, i would expect it to be worth the bandwidth.

  4. The best yogurt in canada, hands down, is Liberty. Don't get the shit light stuff, go straight for the 8% M.F. And yes, they have plain.

    not only that but they make real yogurt. if it doesn't have live Lactobacillus acidophilus culture, then it's just a tasty snack.

    mmmm...tasty snacks....

  5. I'd vote another for the band..

    hearing the hawks stuff would be great.. I actualy saw a show on some channel about ronnie and they did a big thing about him and the band..

    he;s a nice guy, I met him a couple times, actualy had a chance to play with his band once but was too chicken..

    ooh! never even thought of The Band...now there's a job i could sink my ears into...very good call!

  6. as i understand' date=' the issue is about hiring on contract vs. hiring full time...the CBC has been hiring just about everyone new on contract rather than as an employee, and this is not going over well.... i'd be pissed too...[/quote']

    You're right that this is the main issue and I agree that this is not generally the ideal working condition, but the thing with radio and television broadcasting (esp. at the already cash-strapped CBC) is that the nature of the whole industry is contract. If a new pilot is picked up and only lasts for one season... what is management supposed to do with a bunch of full-timers? Their skills are not necessarily transferable to the next project that comes up. The ones who more justified in these demands are the administrative staff... those who run the offices of the CBC and who manage the contract employees and such.

    I can imagine the programming would get pretty stale, pretty quick if the industry consisted only of a bunch of "lifers"

    indeed. so rather than just hiring contract talent and techies, they're now contracting everyone? that seems a but underhanded...

  7. One of the most beautiful instrumentals I've heard would have to be "Watermelon In Easter Hay" by Frank Zappa, from the "Joe's Garage" album. It has an eerie feel to it, due in no part to it being in 9/4 time, and the phrasing on is reminiscent of Miles Davis' yearning trumpet playing.



    that's one of my alltime favourites, brad...dr evil and snail worked it out, we used to jam it incessantly...mmmmm....9/4....

  8. wow. i would be terrified to say no to a cop...very interesting that the shoe's on the other foot south of the 49th. i had always understood that your car was fair game (again with that wonderfully elastic disclaimer "probable cause...")' date=' but for a cop to search my person requires full-on cause (pound of pot on the dash sort of thing).

    interesting to get the US perspective on things :)


    Well, it was kind of strange (Telling a cop he can't do something. Or at least that he doesn't have MY permission to do it.) He kept saying things like, "Well, what do you have to hide?" "You must have something in there you don't want me to see."

    I simply replied that I wasn't hiding anything, I was just late to work. He wasn't very happy about it, they never are. But people have rights and there are procedures to follow to ensure that one's rights are not violated. And I've heard of people being busted for seeds on the floorboard, so I'm not going to take any chances if I don't have to...

    Well, now I know to pocket anything I might have on me in Canada, and now you know that on your person is a terrible place to have anything, if ever you are in the US...


    cross cultural education at its' finest, cheers, s/c! :)

  9. Actually, the CBC is legendary in the broadcasting business for being saddled with dud employees. No wonder they now hire contract workers.

    as a contract employee in the broadcasting world, what does that mean? i do contract mechanical design work, and charge an hourly rate. i deal with my own taxes and cpp/ei contributions on that money...is it the same game in the braodcast world? and does that mean that they are cut out of group medical/dental benefits?

  10. according to pollstar.com


    richard thompson

    trinity st pauls centre.

    that is all.

    no wait, theres more.......



    see you there! (as soon as tickets are on sale and i get one that is)...thanks for posting this, dave!!

  11. Don't hold your breath... my roommate works for them and says that the employees are bracing for the long haul. They're mandated to put in 20 hours a week on the picket line and many of them are taking on part time work on the side.

    Wonder how many are out there today in this rain?

    that's nuts. marge, maybe you can shed light on the "labour disruption." as i understand, the issue is about hiring on contract vs. hiring full time...the CBC has been hiring just about everyone new on contract rather than as an employee, and this is not going over well.

    understandably so, as if you are hired on contract they have no obligation to keep you once your term is up...this is sort of a disconcerting hiring practice that has been picked up by a lot of big companies, and even municipalities. i have had it explained to me by a friend who works in HR for halton works, they use the contarct system to aviod getting saddled with dud employees. hire everyone on contract, and if you prove youself as a decent employee then after your 1 year contract you're in.

    sounds like the CBC has the first part down, but is not handing out full time jobs.

    i'd be pissed too...

  12. i hope that the CBC comes to its' senses soon and unlocks the doors. the management folks are obviously trying hard, but the quality of their shows has gone way down. particularly the morning show...it occurred to me this morning what the morning show reminds me of...the brutal "in flight radio" that Air Canada used to offer :)

    on the other hand, it's sure nice to hear some unusual music on the cbc...but come on guys, get it together already!

  13. The Grateful Dead.

    Because I simply love their music and the culture they spawned. I am endlessly fascinated by their legacy.

    Apart from that, I'd love have a crack at Richard Thompson's archives, should such a thing exist, which I doubt. He is so prolific and operating at such a high level of artistry that I just know his official output only scratches the surface. Maybe it's not so much that I want to be the one to handle it, I just hope someone out there is lording over those tapes!

    oooh...richard thompson...i don't know if he's fully trader friendly or not, but i've seen his live stuff circulate. but he's a distant 2nd to the dead, for a lot of the same reasons. to be able to hear tunes evolve and hear the band evolve together would be a trip.

  14. So I guess what I am wondering is, When in Canada, is it permissible for the cops to search your car relatively easily? Here, they always ask you "So you won't mind if I take a look around in your car, then?" If you say yes, you're screwed, because you just consented to a search. I have said NO several times, and always had that request respected. A friend of mine had something like this happen, the cop asked him if he could look in the car, he said NO, cop searched anyhow, friend repeatedly told cop "You do not have my permission to search my vehicle. Please stop digging through my personal belongings, etc" Cop found all kinds of goodies, and the charges were all dismissed, because friend SPECIFICALLY STATED that the cop does NOT have permission to search.


    wow. i would be terrified to say no to a cop...very interesting that the shoe's on the other foot south of the 49th. i had always understood that your car was fair game (again with that wonderfully elastic disclaimer "probable cause..."), but for a cop to search my person requires full-on cause (pound of pot on the dash sort of thing).

    interesting to get the US perspective on things :)

  15. the US is building "enduring bases" in iraq. ironically, according to Naomi Klein, this is the only construction going on in iraq. fat chance of them leaving any time soon.

    the editor of In These Times was on TUC Radio recently and talked about overlaying a map of current US incursion with a map of existing oil reserves...surprise! guess which superpower has all the worlds' oil surrounded?

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