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Posts posted by timouse

  1. Dont forget to get the 44 security patches for OS X there Del...if it applies to you,or what applies to you.If any....


    the nice thing about macs is that they do all this nonsense for you without ever scrutinizing what you have installed on your computer...the first time i tried to buy antivirus software for our mac they told me that it wan't worth the bother :) although as osX gets more unix-y it's bound to get weirder.

  2. There is one thing that I really do not understand (and no I am not tyring to start an arguement or open up Pandora's Box)' date=' if your not an American or one of the allies in the war then why is it such a big deal. It is our young men and women who are dying and it is our tax dollars being spent. **If you think about it we make you guys look pretty good.[/quote']

    Because when it comes to war on this kind of scale and intent, it engages us as members of the world community whether we are actively involved or not. Besides, some of us are simply appalled by war and cannot sit idly by with no concern or opinion. The actions of the US Administration against Iraq do not exist in a bubble, only of concern to those actively involved in it.

    what marco said.

    so biggest fan, did you like Wolf or Tiger better?

  3. Are egg cartons worth saving? :crazy:


    if you're serious about soundproofing, there are acoustical foam panels that have an egg-cartony surface....if you're really going to town, roxul makes a sound insulation that's just deadly. we use it at work when we make machine covers. that's what they used in the Very Quiet Tunnel that they used to have at the Science Centre...

    i went to your page but couldn't hear the tunes. (im still running windows 98 :blush: , and find that fewer and fewer things work on the net, so it might be me too...)

  4. years ago, i was pulled over in my dead sticker covered car and searched during a roadside stop...i threw a cigarette butt out the window while being tailed by a cop. both officers came up to my car and said "good evening, son. (i was nearly 30, they looked 15.) whaddya doing in there, blowing a joint?" they then pointed out a headlight that was out and told me that they were going to search my car (full of fast food litter & coffee cups...) they found nothing, gave me a notice of report to get the headlight fixed & let me go home.

    months later while emptying the glove box i found a small tin with a quarter and some papers in it that had definiltely been in there the night the cops were rooting around. thank you the engineers at vw for making the glove box insanely deep :)

    i spoke to a lawyer shortly after that who explained that probable cause was a linguistically loose phrase, and in my case they were within their rights to search my car. i was living in hamilton at the time, just after the 2nd set of hamilton dead shows, and more people seemed to have figured out what the sticker covered car was about....

    robert pirsig riffed about cops in one of his books, basically saying that they are a cultural immune system. anything that looks weird or different or dangerous gets scrutinized, and worse depending on the circumstances. i would imagine that revelstoke in the fall is prime time to nab people bringing that crop to town, and was pleasantly surprised to see that the guy was let off.

    thanks for posting this, stonemtn! very good reading indeeed...

  5. Once Castro kicks the bucket I'd give it a maximum of 12 months before the US makes a move.

    I'd take that bet' date=' or some variant thereof. What's that line about the centre not being able to hold and mere anarchy being loosed upon the world? Think Yugoslavia without Tito, or the Dead without Jerry [there, now this thread has music content']. Think the Pentagon being the wolf casing out the herd of deer waiting for the weakest to fall behind.

    the wolf's already got the herd cased...they're hiding over in the trees putting napkins around their necks :) and marco, i would imagine that invading brooke burke would be like throwing a hotdog down a hallway (thank you family guy!!)

  6. I read that this isn't really a big deal. Apple only needs to modify the submitted patent and attempt again. Patents don't always get accepted on the first run.

    It only describes a GUI that categorizes and displays music. It has nothing to do with the iPod, just a patent on interface. Apple's interface could be described in a different way, and I'm sure they'll figure out how.

    i hope so...as someone who uses both macs and pc's, i far prefer mac on a whole bunch of levels. and as if microsloth needs the money....

  7. from http://www.vassarclements.com

    Dear Friends,

    On August 16th 2005 at 8:35 am Nashville time, the angels in heaven stopped singing for a moment, as they heard the most beautiful music approaching from a distance - the high lonesome sound of Vassar Clements' fiddle.

    We are deeply saddened by the passing of this truly wonderful and beautiful man whose purpose in life on Earth was in spreading love and happiness to people, both through his music and through his generosity and light of spirit.

    Vassar indeed has touched the lives of so many of us, and we can all count ourselves as blessed to have been witness to the musical genious and kind-hearted nature of this great yet humble man.

    It is a great testament to a life when those whose paths you crossed hold you up as an example on how to treat others. Vassar's guestbook is that testament and shows how incredibly loved and admired Vassar was on this Earth by both those who knew him personally and those who knew him only through his music.

    I would like to thank Vassar's daughter Midge and son-in-law George on behalf of all of us that loved Vassar for the great love and care they have shown him since the passing of his wife Millie just over seven years ago. Selfless and devoted, they not only took care of Vassar emotionally and physically, but also jumped in and learned the music business so Vassar could continue to play for all of us around the country.

    I picture Vassar and Millie in heaven, reunited in the love they shared that transcends all things, him playing while she dances.

    Thank You Vassar - God Bless You. Rest In Peace.

  8. Im moving to the Annex in Toronto. I am house sitting for my parents and avoiding rent for a year.

    I am a little apprehensive about moving home as an adult, but at least they will be traveling most of the year.

    right on! party at beth's house!

    (kidding...) living at home as an adult is a weird thing, at least you get the benefit of no actual parents :)

  9. Snicker, snicker, snicker... how many times do I get to watch the Conservative Party fall apart in one lifetime?

    divide your life expectancy by three :) don't worry, they'll be back...and in the meantime, how long will it take until we see stephen harper in all of the village people outfits? so far we've seen gay cowboy, possibly construction worker, what does that leave?

  10. I like this Monday because it really has that today is the first day of the rest of my life feel. Due solely to the surprise engagement party my fiancé and I were thrown on Friday of last week.

    We basked in the various events that the party brought forth for the rest of the weekend. Alone, at peace, appreciative of eachother and our loved-ones.

    This event this past Friday has lifted us and this Monday is saturated with thoughts of our families harmoniously coming together and an increased faith in ourselves and our decision.

    Smiling greatful music loving fools we is. Wooohooo :)

    wow! way to go! been married just over a year, couldn't have made a better decision :)

  11. i learned awhile ago that annoying beeps are the best thing for me to wake-up to.. otherwise i'd lay there all morning and miss my bus.

    I couldn't agree more. I choose the high-pitched beeping because it's jarring and shrill. If I weren't so tired' date=' waking up in such a manner every day would probably make me edgy for a good part of the morning. Then again, if I weren't so tired, I probably wouldn't need an alarm clock, either.[/quote']

    the cbc makes (or made) the perfect sort of noise at 6:30 (and all the 1/2 hours) that until this morning, was just the right thing to wake up to.

    i miss the cbc already. however, there were a couple of good (but not necessarily memorable) tunes on the way in this morning...and as goofy as it gets, at least there are no commercials. i realized listening to non-public radio today exactly how many commercials are in fact on. i guess that's why they call it commercial radio...

  12. i'm hoping that our last move will indeed be that last one for a while.

    we hired movers. 2 guys and a truck, $60 an hour, can't beat it, right? sadly we actually hired a moving contractor who subbed the job out to one guy and a truck. one guy with limited english and a truck, who assured us that the other guy was "come soon." after watching this guy move stuff on his own for a bout 10 minutes, i pitched in. i should mention at this point that i'm on reasonably heavy painkillers due to a couple of freshly cracked ribs. niffermouse has enthusiasm for moving but a bad back, and taken together that motivated us to get movers. back to the move...

    the contractor that we originally dealt with called just in time for the last item to go on the truck. he assured us that he indeed had the second guy and would be there right away. he told us to relax & have some lunch, he would meet the truck at the new house and have it unloaded by the time we got back. we followed the mover (a very cool iraqi guy named Amar who was very shy on account of his english...turned out he had a masters in physics and math from tehran university, and started a moving company after not being able to find work or continue his schooling).

    so amar took our stuff to the new pad, backed the truck up & started moving stuff. (the idea of a mover with a degree in physics still strikes me as very douglas adams...). We naturally start grabbing boxes and the heavy end of appliances & commence moving in.

    as the last thing is coming off the truck, the contractor guy shows up. alone. and oddly not the least bit apologetic. as the painkillers are wearing off, i pull him aside for an earful of invective and discussion about how efficient two men and a truck are as opposed to one, and how cracked ribs are not conducive to moving washing machines. he finally apologizes and offers me a very reduced bill, which i gladly accept, if only to get to the bit where i get to lie down.

    he promptly says a few words to amar and then suddenly fucks off without paying amar. this naturally upsets amar, who asks for our phone to call the police. he's very flustered and so i offer to call for him, only to find that there's nothing amar can do short of go at him in small claims court.

    (flash forward...amar takes slimeball to court and scores the full amount that we paid slimeball plus costs...the system does indeed sometimes work...)

    as far as motivation to move goes, the best i can come up with is the sooner you get at it, the sooner it's over and you're setting up again. it's like being 6 and being told to clean up your room and pack up your toys...

    where you moving to?

  13. then there's fun with pronunciation:

    al-loo-min-eee-um OR al-loo-min-um?

    british : al-loo-min-eee-um

    north american : al-loo-min-um

    cletus : thayt light metally stuff what they makes mah beer cans outa.

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