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Posts posted by timouse

  1. You'll probably have to wait until it gets dark. Then turn EVERY light in your whole apartment on and open your windows (and remove screens if you have them). The bat should get the hell out at that point. He may need some encouragement to fly though. :o If you happen to have contact with it, I think it actually becomes better to keep him so that he can be tested for rabies rather than just automatically giving you the 'deep tissue' shots that are required.

    seconded. a broom or other long, big-at-one-end sort of object makes a good bat motivator. they generally don't want to attack you, as they know that you have the advantage. but they will if you corner them, so try to give it a clear shot at an escape route.

    "tonight, on Fear Factor London..."

  2. sounds interesting...what's the cost? Not that I'm downplaying the "benefit" I just am broke...

    Lunerfest was a yearly event around KW in the mid-eighties. It was a party based around a group of local musicians who would jam and it grew and it grew. It has been resurrected as a charity event, with this year’s proceeds being donated to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.

    We welcome back Daniel Davies, Paul Hoffman, Kevin Gingrich, Brad Freiheit, Sean Gilders and more musicians who played at the original Lunerfests. The musicians are top notch, professional players with years of touring and recording experience and it is a show that you will not want to miss!

    The musicians will be playing some original tunes, as well as the music of Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Deep Purple and The Police, and some newer tunes from the likes of Coldplay, Incubus, Collective Soul and more.

    Put on your party hats and come on over to the Lancaster Tavern for an evening of fun and entertainment!

    Great door prizes and raffles! Friday, August 19, 2005. Doors open at 8 pm

    Lancaster Tavern

    574 Lancaster Street, West

    Kitchener, Ontario

    $8.00 advance purchase, $10.00 at the door. Call 746-2700 to order by phone, or purchase online.

  3. "In March, the archconservative American Enterprise Institute published a report -- titled "Are We Losing the War on Drugs?" -- that concluded "criminal punishment of marijuana use does not appear to be justified."

    if the neocon mothership thinks this, then

    there's hope yet!

  4. ...hmmmm....all of the sightings of insects have been from outside the urban shadow...

    we ripped up half of our front lawn a couple years ago and have been slowly planting bird/insect friendly plants (or simply allowing the naturally occurring ones to grow). we get some reasonably rare birds, not many butterflies so far, but as the milkweed spreads that oughta change.

  5. niffermouse and i caught this story on CFMT toronto's South Asian News program. they interviewed an indo-canadian polysci prof at u of t who had just cancelled his holiday plans in to the US as a result of this decision. the upshot is that any non us citizen transiting through the US can be picked off a plane and detained for an unlimited amount of time without charge.

    at this point, if jerry & brent were both ressurected and the GD started touring again playing small clubs for a $5 cover charge, i'd still be hard pressed to travel across the border.

  6. butterfly populations have been steadily dropping is SoOn for a few reasons...

    habitat loss. more & more of the areas we flatten and cover in suburban housing used to be meadow and woodlot that provided butterflies (and countless other creatures) a home.

    depletion of food sources. milkweed, a major food source for monarch butterflies, is on the "Noxious Weed" list in ontario, and rural property owners are required to spray for it.

    pesticide use. all of the crap we spray to get a perfect weed free lawn isn't just killing crab grass.

    sorry to be such a downer, but you asked :)

  7. oh what were the little chicken mcnuggety things they were eating on futurama...that turned out to be alien babies...we're all going down alien style because of that stupid thing.

    Set it free(cough drown it cough) into the Ottawa river.


  8. that was great. thanks for posting this, 2ndtube!

    i was never a big phish person...they impressed me musically, but i always found their lyrics a little to...straightforward, i guess. what do you expect from someone weaned on robert hunter & john barlow? :)

    i remember seeing trey on with charlie rose when he called it quits, and was very impressed with the way he did it. he was then, and was also in the above interview, really classy & straight up about why the band was packing it in. in a way, i wish that jerry would have been able to do the same thing and just withdraw from it before it consumed him.

    i always wondered at shows what it must be like to be at the nexus of an entire stadium of "enhanced" psychic energy, how that must have felt, and what distractions it drove people to...there's a common theme between the dead and phish....either barlow of hunter made a comment to jerry at one point about it getting darker backstage as it got lighter out front.... :(

  9. S/C , a bioethicist, eh?

    okay, then.

    1) is it ethical to sell my frozen 4 year old placenta?

    2) if yes, how much should I charge for it?

    ethics shmethiks. let the market decide :) although in this instance, i'd be surprised if there were a market. not knocking the product at all, but more questioning the demand.

    i'm pretty sure i've never uttered the phrase "damn. if only i had a frozen placenta i could fix this..." but i will sit back and watch the bids roll in :)

  10. Also looking forward to checking out "Everybody Hates Chris" and the show that dude from "Super Size Me" is bringing forwrd, where they put people into contrary situations and follow their progress, like making an Evangelical Christian live as a Muslim for a month, or a sober Soccer Mom/housewife live in a frat house for a month.

    if this is for real then i have a reason (other than the simpsons) to turn on the tv!

    episode 1 - gwb and family trade places with an extended iraqi family in fallujah.

  11. somehow I doubt severely that the power supply is a "special" one..

    open it up and take it out.. then take it to a computer store.. ask for a new one just like it.. probably get one for like 50 bucks..

    or attempt to fix it.. if you can get all the specs and have a multimeter and a soldering iron lying around.

    I hate dell..

    dell is just evil enough to use their own proprietary power connectors. nothing that a soldering iron and a multimeter can't fix, even better, avoid dell :)

  12. i have been fixing computers for friends & family ever since the dark days of windows 95, and i can't say enough bad things about Dell. most "name brand" computers are a bit finicky, but jesus, dells are mental. the card bay is way shorter than a standard pc, meaning that if you use a non-dell anything (sound, video, network, modem) that there's an extra degree of mechanical fuckery required to get the damn thing to stay in. they also thought that making their own version of PCI that looked just like PCI, and if i recall correctly would accept a PCI card, was a good idea. i'm totally unsurprised that their replacement power supply is "special" and costs 6 times what a standard one does.

    i'd rather have a bout with teenage acne than go anywhere near another dell...unless i happen to be holding a very large magnet or an equally impressive axe.

    and mental note, never get on sharon's bad side :)

    get a mac :)

  13. the guys in the dead kennedys have been suing jello's ass off over the last 10 years to get rights to the tunes, and have cost jello a lot of money amd time, to the point now that jello's just about outa dough. i don't know how good i'd feel about spending my $$ to see them...

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