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Posts posted by timouse

  1. many of my favourite dead tunes are covers, and they really changed my way of thinking about covering someone else's songs. if you taka a song that you dig by an artist that you respect and can twist it a bit and make it your own, then covers are the sincerest form of flattery. if you are making a "major label world wide release" with a cover, it had damn well better be good and obscure. if you're just going to do a reading of a cover tune and nail it exactly as written, then it's already been done.

    many contemporary cover tunes make me want to climb the nearest bell tower with a high powered rifle :)

  2. ahhh, i would love it, but yoga finishes at 9 and my sweetie and i go home, have dinner, watch the simpsons & go to bed.

    if i can swing another night for yoga next session i will though, sounds like the gypsy jam is a blast!

    besides which better weather's (hopefully) coming!

  3. well okay then. verry sorry about referring to you as one of the [word deleted]...i'm still new at this married thing and am discovering the best use of marital language. i cherish both my balls and am unwilling to give one of them up over semantics :)

    looks like we're going to need a bus to get everyone out to bc...

  4. wow. great thread.

    very interesting to get stories about e. i have always been skeptical of pharmaceuticals, but was willing to dose once in a blue moon. i have only recently learned about e and went from thinking it was likely a bad news drug (thanks tv!) to thinking it was the best thing ever (thanks deb!) to now being not entirely sure.

    nobody fully understands brain chemistry, we're really playing with powers beyond our control every time we dial in to the electropshychedelic power grid. e is wonderful, but it's square wave power...eventually it will damage some of your meatware. maybe we are preparing a generation of serotonin deficient seniors :)

    not to come down against it, i will hopefully be doing e and a until i'm old & gray, but i'm more and more mindfull of the toll to be paid.


  5. i can empathize with your plight. i have gone on a number of short media fasts when it all gets too much...

    i think that you can channel all the unfocused rage that the news induces into figuring out how to live your life in a way that the underlying sadness in the world has it's least impact on you.

    if you feel that you can make an impact on the current state of affairs, pick up a sign (or a rock) and make yourself heard.

    or say to heck with it and get away.

    that's my personal hope/plan. utah phillips talks about the evil of coercive combinations. you are forced to dance with the devil every day at work, when you go shopping, when you turn on the tv, paying your taxes, dealing with cops, etc...phillips advocates getting out from under these coercive combinations and setting up voluntary combinations with like minded people, sort of a DIY government.

    fwiw, me and dr evil and our wives are planning an eventual escape to the interior of bc, there's room on the bus still :)

    hope this helps


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