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Posts posted by timouse

  1. \("they needed a better drummer"), \

    Are you kidding!?!?!?! Ringo was a fu©king awesome drummer! A "better" drummer would have ruined what the Beatles were going for. Really sit and listen to the drum parts (especially in the later stuff) and you'll notice how Ringo is a chameleon drummer his sound adapts to each song and he blends in perfectly with his surroundings.

    What he said.

    ringo is it. he laid the path for rock drumming...and the chameleon thing is on the money....to be able to switch gears and truly fit the tune is my lifelong quest as a drummer. ringo and levon are my spirit guides. :)

  2. family? then you need to go. if you back out of the vacation, especially an "off to see ailing elderly family" trip, you set your priorities in the eyes of your employer. this may come back to haunt you.

    conversely, if they decide not to hire you knowing your circumstances, then they show their priorities in terms of family vs work.

    family is everything. work is just something you do.

    glad the interview was good, hope it works out...keep us all posted!

  3. wow, staggerleee, you hit the nail on the head. as with any protest, the farmers are no more a united front than anti-globalization protesters, and within farm groups there's a very scary attitude about land rights and water access. "it's my land, i'll do what i like on it."

    coupled with that is the need to compete with giant agri-business, and that leads to bigger and bigger operations and more and more energy-intensive farming. all of this to keep tomatoes at 99 cents a pound.

    onthejourney's point about monsanto is a whole other sordid side to the farm world...the idea that farmers can no longer save seed and are going back year after year to Monsanto for seed and matching petrochemical fertilizer and herbicide makes me shudder. (this practice is becoming really widespread in the developing world. check out vandana shiva's navdanya foundation at http://www.vshiva.net/index.html if you're not already mad at monsanto).

    while elements of the farm protest movement may not have it all together right, because of them we're talking about it. (~);)

  4. i knew something was up. my cats were all in the corner whispering to one another last night.

    i figured that eventually humans would get bumped from the top of the heap, i always figured the dolphins would take over.

  5. sports figures make millions.

    daycare workers make 20k a year (if they're lucky).

    small farm farmers make less than minimum wage if you work the hours out.

    farming is becoming a corporate activity, large agri-business runs the show and hires "guest labour" from [insert impoverished developing nation here]. the farmers that are left have every right to bitch and shut down the highways, whatever it takes to draw attention to the many flaws in our food system, not the least of which being the economic horse-whipping that farmers are taking.

    no farmers, no food. no food, no people.

  6. indeed. be yourself, and be straight up. we just interviewed a bunch of people at work and the winner was totally honest, just confident and straight up.

    think about all of the freaks here woohooing in your direction and you'll be fine.

    or collapse in laughter.

  7. right, right, sorry...simpsons first. but definitely futurama second. south park is brilliant, but it's not particularly subtle. what was the class gerbil's name? tiddlywinks?

    family guy is ok but derivative. i'll take it over any of the sitcoms starring real carbon based lifeforms....

  8. heheheheeee...two tiles short of a ceiling! that's hilarious! but the folks on esau's list don't even know where to get tiles :)

    those folks sound like people that couldn't quite get it together enough to make the darwin awards list....

  9. i expect that the truth is somewhere in between .

    "Wag the Dog."

    If the advertising world has the smarts to peer in to our heads and use the knowledge that they glean to sell us goods and services, then i have no doubt that the people who advise the people who pretend to be in charge have at least as much of a handle on our collective psyche, and use that knowledge to their benefit.

    as far as i can tell, CNN is the stage managed version of real events. every once in a while the truth shows through the cracks, opnly to be rapidly plastered over and re-framed in the next half hour.

    i can't imagine that they actually found saddam hussein hanging out in a hole in the ground as the TV wants me to believe, but the TV has pulled bigger and fater ones on people far more cynical than me...

    i think dr evil nailed it. check back in 2055 for the truth.

  10. Happy International Women's Day indeed, and here's hoping that the fairer sex gets a chance at running things. Lord knows it couldn't be done worse than the guys are doing...

    "If women were in charge, there would be no more wars. However, there would be severe negotaiations every 28 days."

    -Robin Williams

  11. so as i sit here looking over the list of bands playing tonight, i wonder how many people are doing the same thing? i am ostensibly working tonight - i do freelance mechanical design work for an electronics company, and i'm in the middle of a bunch of boring grunt-type work (assigning part numbers and updating drawing files). i've popped in on break from work, and feel a twinge of...well, i'm not sure exactly what. i'd rather be diesel doggin' with deb & dr evil, but alas, both niffermouse and i are working. she's writing her nature notes column for our local paper (this week, the american kestrel!)

    anyone else out there home tonight & wishing you were out partying?

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