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Posts posted by timouse

  1. Wow! Congratulations, guys, and welcome Liam! There's nothing like the timeless time you're in, with an entirely new person who's wandered into the world. I hope everybody's recovering well; don't forget to sleep.

    spioken like a veteran! woo hoo doug & lex!!

    welcome liam!

  2. have a great trip lex!

    sorry we missed you afetr the show on saturday...when 2 became 3, everyone suddenly started thinking about getting home & getting to bed....

    i'm sure we'll see you back here once you're relocated.


  3. Thanks everybody who made it out last night; I'm so bummed to have missed the after-show jam (due to a knot of impossible logistics), but hope a raincheck is in order. Lex, I'm glad we had a chance to see you once last time before you vanish behind the mountains. Hope nobody had anything they slept an hour too late for today.

    See y'all next time!

    as usual dr evil says it all. niffermouse and i had a blast, and are very sorry that we missed ricky & lex afterwards....damn time change!

    lex, hope you have a great trip out west! the universe willing you may find mice on your doorstep :)

  4. We'll have to play a song or two tonight to send out some positive healing vibes for Neil.

    We should have an "every band currently playing include some Neil in the setlist" thing going. I'm no believer in petitionary prayer, but you can't knock the good vibe quality of that. And who knows, maybe Neil's a secret Jambands lurker... (or not!).

    But I expect he already knows everybody's rooting for him, which is good. Get better, Neil!

    indeed. and if we play them badly, he will have no choice but to get better and redeem his catalogue :)

  5. There was that other occasion at Stratengers, though, where they did have a hockey game on in the background; funny how every goal happened at precisely the same moment as a killer moment in a song ;). I remember not sussing that one out until I actually turned around and saw what was being projected behind us.

    oh yeah, forgot about that one.

  6. You know that big last note of a concert?

    One evening, it was a huge show and we were rocking out big time. When that huge last chord came, I raised my bass triumphantly in the air and came down with the headstock HARD on our conga player's head. It really hurt him and everybody saw it!!

    That was like 4 years ago and I'm still getting ribbed about it... >_<

    ok, that made me laugh out loud. that is memorable, no wonder you're still hearing about it.

    i don't know if i can think of something embarrassing to top phishy k. i do remember playing a gig with mark tonin and dr evil where elements of the crowd badgered the bartender in to turning on the TV at midnight (really loud too) to watch a hockey game or something on in the middle of what was the middle of our second set.

    no wait, it was saturday night live that they put on....and not even good saturday night live either. taking the hint, we packed up and got the hell out quickly.

    crowds have been much better to us since :) the secret is to play to happy friendly freaky people instead of surly drunken students hellbent on bad television. someone told us later that this bar showed snl most every saturday, but i think they were just being nice :)

  7. I saw that counter climbing up to its incipient Big Round Figure, and thought, Wow. You always have such totally enjoyable and spot-on appropriate posts, Brad, and set a good example for budding board junkies like me. Keep 'em coming!

    What He Said. Your usually brilliant posts here and your kind activities in meatspace make a lot of folks very happy.

    We'll drink a toast to you on Saturday!

  8. Cindy at the Boathouse sent this to me, thought I'd pass it on. Michael Pickett looks like an interesting show, and [shameless self-promotion] i hear those Harvard Mouse guys are okay [/shameless self-promotion]

    Doors & great Food start at 7 pm (expanded summer hours)

    and all shows but the Sunday Matinee start at 9 pm

    Sunday Music starts at 3 pm - doors at 2 pm

    Fri Apr 01 - Mark Perak w/ Chris Giesbrecht & Mike Alviano ($7)

    Sat Apr 02 - Harvard Mouse w/ Firefly ($7)

    Sun Apr 03 - Julian Fauth & Wayne Charles

    Sunday Matinee at 3 pm

    Tues Apr 05 - Open stage w/ Kris Miles

    Wed Apr 06 - MARY 5E w/ Punham Ahuja

    Thurs Apr 07 - Shannon Lyon w/ Nonie Crete

    Frid Apr 08 - BlueBird Night hosted by

    Mary Anne Epp

    Sat Apr 09 - Valery Gore & Royal Wood ($7)

    Sun Apr 10 - Adam Buschlen and Jessie O'Brien

    Sunday Matinee at 3 pm

    Tues Apr 12 - Open stage w/ Kris Miles

    Wed Apr 13 - Tamara Duiker w/ Chris Mulligan

    Thurs Apr 14 - LINDY w/ John Southworth

    Frid Apr 15 - Justin Rutledge w/ D. Trevlon

    Sat Apr 16 - Michael Pickett ($10)

    Sun Apr 17 - Dean Harrison, Chris Murphy & Douglas Watson

    (Sunday Matinee 3 pm)

  9. i have had my beard for almost the last year. grew it on vacation, love it largely because i'm no longer giving my money to the gilette company!

    and i love it becuase niffermouse loves it too...

  10. We caught him maybe at the same show, but I do remember wishing they would play around a little - the tunes were all pretty cut and dried. And I could have used fewer stories about him flying his plane around between yacht clubs in the Caribbean, too.

    however we discovered that cute young kids make great cover for security people hellbent on ferreting out dope smokers :)

  11. Paan, have you given any thought to what might happen once the hair starts to noticably grow back? Stubble can be itchy, at times. (My brother had this problem when he started growing a beard, and found that normal hair conditioner helped.)


    BRAD (Barbers, Razors, And Depilatories)

    brad, you're always thinking around the corner.

    you must kick ass at chess ;)

  12. I have these recurring phantasies about taking all these folks from all different corners and leaving them on some godforsaken island somewhere to sort it all out, but a) I like to think there's no such thing as a godforsaken anything, and B) you wouldn't want to inflict them on the local wildlife.

    ok dave, let's pitch it to the fox network...Fundamentalist Survivor!

    throw religious nutjobs of all stripes on an island somewhere and let them duke it out for ratings "...see which is the one true faith."

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