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Posts posted by timouse

  1. If I'm reading you correctly, you want to use the laptop's screen as a monitor for the tower PC. I don't think this is possible; most laptops will let you feed their video out to another monitor, but I don't think I've seen any that let you feed an external video signal into the laptop to be displayed on its screen.



    ...unless you want to get elaborate and run"virtual machine software over a network connection. the PC then becomes available as a program window on the laptop.

    i wouldn't guarantee that it would work happily though. most VM software is meant for helpdesk type stuff, i don't know how much you can actually do remotely.

    google "virtual machine" for more.

  2. okay.

    i've said it before, i'll say it again.

    who's got my heady sub-etha thumb?

    if US politicians are required to believe in God as a condition of getting work, then they really oughta just drop the "separation of church and state" thing and go for full on public fundamentalism.

    i mean why not? it would at least be honest. give shrub one of them pointy pope hats, and let him communicate his message unbridled by speech writers and euphimisms.

    thanks, stone mtn, for the enlightening yet disturbing read.

  3. it's snowing pretty steadily here. niffermouse and i went for a 1st day of spring hike along our chunk of the Bruce Trail (well not ours personally but geographically) yesterday, and are happily inside and warm bemusedly watching the snow fall.

    come on spring!

  4. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Levon's autobiography This Wheel's On Fire is absolutely essential for Band fans. It's a quick read and immensely gripping and entertaining.

    well put, rev...i'm an obsessive band fan. levon's the man, and his book is the best thing i've read on the band.

    i'm not hot to open a can of worms either...suffice it to say that levon says it best, and good to know he's fully back.

    here's hoping he ventures out of saugerties and hits the road this summer, sure would be nice to see him up here somewhere...

  5. nothing like leaving a door open.

    there's a david suzuki series called naked ape to superspecies that just blew me away. i think it's episode 4 or 5 that fearures jeremy rifkin talking about the legal precedents in the US for patenting life forms, it's incredibly disturbing. rifkin figures that the biotech guys are in a position to own great swaths of genetic code...

    *sigh* another reason to try to hitch a lift with a flying saucer...who's got my heady sub-etha thumb?

  6. excellent! stone mtn is officially in the harvard mouse club! yeah, the supreme court ruling on harvard's patent came out just as mark tonin was getting us to play in public, and it seemed like a perfect band name...it made us all really mad to think that someone could patent a life form that they had souped up.

    from what i understand of US patent law, this sort of thing is becoming more common. that's just nuts, imo.

  7. heheheee...mice are not easily offended :) and go check out http://www.newamericancentury.org/

    these guys make the Fraser Institute look like angels. here's a passage from their page.

    "The Project for the New American Century is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to a few fundamental propositions: that American leadership is good both for America and for the world; that such leadership requires military strength, diplomatic energy and commitment to moral principle; and that too few political leaders today are making the case for global leadership."

    be afraid. be very afraid.

    but at the same time be glad to be in canada where we are a good bit more progressive. i hope.

    stone mtn, are you really a lawyer, or do you just play one on tv?

  8. Let's take a moment to give thanks that we live in Canada. An article like Ben Raymer's would never appear in a major US daily.

    Again - have a look at the cartoon from the Victoria Times Colonist, posted the day after the murders.

    Fear FEAR.

    well said. and stone mtn, it does become semantics. i had alwayd regarded the Fraser people as right of centre....knowing that Preston (refoooooooooorrrrmmm!)Manning was involved gave me that impression...dr evil may be right to call them libertarian. i guess my original point was that if people klike the Fraseroids thought that legalization was a good idea then the battle was over :)

  9. indeed, that was an excellent article. but consider the author....ben rayner is a pop culture critic, and probably pretty marginalized inside the star.

    but any light shed on this issue is good. while i was in BC last summer there was a Fraser institute report that essentially said that pot was the largest industry in BC. Forstry was something like 50 million CDN, pot was 60 million.

    Their take on it was legalize it & tax it. If the people that advise "...the jackasses responsible for these laws" (thanks DEM) think that it oughta be legalized, maybe there's hope after all...

  10. what OS are you using?

    Windows 98 SE

    so go to the desktop, right mouse click & see what the "settings" tab has...click the "advanced " button & make sure that it knows about your monitor here as well.

    i was working on a laptop that would not go out of 640x480x16 mode no matter what video driver & monitor combo i fed it. finally had to reformat it.

    good luck.

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