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Everything posted by timouse

  1. ooh, good one. wasn't there a top brass US soldier who was given the boot after it came out that he was evangelizing to his soldiers and generally being a bit of a nutbar?
  2. ...but according to Wired News, they can be disabled by whacking your passport with a hammer. every day I find more reasons to be happy to be canadian.
  3. oh. my. god. that kid is freaking amazing. thanks for posting this, jay!!
  4. I used to be with it. Then they changed what it was. Now what i'm with isn't it, and what's it is weird and scary."
  5. wow. aaron, you are very brave to 'fess up to having problems and to be willing to tackle them. you should be very pleased that you have gotten as far as you have....you are basically in the process of saving your own life. you will make it, you have the love and support of lots of folks here....
  6. how come all the context sensitive ads on this page have to do with Nickelback??
  7. what he said. ollie turned me on to oink as well, and as such has added joy to my life. cheers!
  8. timouse


    another comedy hand grenade from BradM. read the sentence, wait five seconds, and enjoy.
  9. i read this quickly and thought that sentence read "wash away skin..." which given the polluted state of a lot of India's rivers wouldn't be much of a stretch
  10. and if you add in soldiers that died in afghanistan, bush is a bigger killer than bin laden. confirmed.
  11. sorry, AD...not at all meaning to confuse the issue. i have no problem with the sunshine, i do however worry when it's 8C outside in January with no significant snowfall yet. there are reports of animals engaging in spring mating behaviour, while other animals wander around scratching their heads wondering where the snow is and how they are going to store food without the freezer that nature provides them every year. i agree that wrm spells are normal and not harbingers of doom, but other than a brief spell in november, this "winter" has been one long warm spell. colour me worried.
  12. watched an inconvenient truth over the holidays, and this lovely sunny day we are having makes me very nervous. another nail in the coffin for canada's polar bears too, i would expect. *sigh* at least the sunshine will make us all feel marginally less sad about the whole sorry mess.
  13. indeed!!! congratulations heidi!!
  14. happy new year everyone! here's hoping that 07 is better than 06.
  15. What a crappy week. indeed. the very funky and the very unfunky both died within days of one another...this could fundamentally destabilize space/time...
  16. merry christmas everyone, and here's hoping that 07 is a better year
  17. here. i love that Douglas Adams is first on the list.
  18. a woman in the words of ronin williams, if women ran the world, there would be no more war, just severe negotiations every 28 days.
  19. timouse

    yayyyyyy God

    i think dr evil mentioned this somewhere else, but maybe not. our dear departed friend marcel had a sticker on his guitar case that said "jesus was my co-pilot, but we crashed in the mountains and i had to eat him." appropos to nothing. on with your discussion
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