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Posts posted by timouse

  1. When you have a violent, abusive, parasitic neighbor that bullies you into following their demented "world domination" foreign policy and blackmails you into not passing laws they disagree with, which all, hurts the way the world views you, then I say we can't push that/them away far enough....

    someone once compared Canada living next to the USA to the Flanders living next door to the Simpsons.

  2. Perhaps it was the Grateful Dead's status as one of the most boot-legged acts, ever, that kept the Recording Academy from bestowing any official kudos until now. Fifty albums later and 11 years after the death of ex post facto frontman Jerry Garcia, however, the Anthem for the Sun rockers are getting their due.

    The country's most successful touring band has seen a few faces come and go since it rose out of San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury counterculture in the mid-'60s, but the Academy will be paying tribute to original members Garcia, drummer Bill Kreutzmann, guitarist Bob Weir and bassist Phil Lesh, along with eventual second drummer Mickey Hart.

    as well, Bob Wills and Booker T Washington will be honoured.

  3. I think the only thing we can really fault Bobby for, is that maybe he could have tried harder to keep Jerry clean. Then the Grateful Dead would still be playing and Phish wouldn't have gotten so big and Trey would have stuck to 'shrooms and weed. Trey from 10 years ago wouldn't be caught drugged and driving.

    Bobby owes Trey an apology.

    What are we talking about again?

    best post of the thread :)

  4. I think you are correct, Brad, that people have gotten much less cultured and polite over time.

    I'm not particularly offended by the behaviour I see on these shows, but I am embarrassed by it. When I see humans behave in a manner that makes them look like complete fools, and seems to indicate a self-absorbed attitude and an inability to plan beyond the next few moments, it makes me want to disassociate myself from that sort of thing. I like to believe that they are that kind of human whereas I and my peers are of a completely different breed.

    I feel embarrassed, though, when I have to admit that these people come from a very similar society to mine, speak my language, and are of my same species. tsktsk.gif

    [color:green]Some people's kids!

    in the words of Rowan Atkinson, "I wouldn't trust them to sit the right way on a toilet seat."

  5. From Alternet

    Such claims have been a staple of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy under present drug czar John Walters. Typical is a 2004 New Mexico speech in which, according to the Albuquerque Journal, "Walters emphasized that marijuana is a 'gateway drug' that can lead to other chemical dependencies."

    The gateway theory presents drug use as a tidy progression in which users move from legal drugs like alcohol and tobacco to marijuana, and from there to hard drugs like cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine. Thus, zealots like Walters warn, marijuana is bad because it leads to things that are even worse.

    so using this logic, cigarettes and booze are the real gateway drugs.

  6. $8 could buy you 15 organic apples OR 25 fruit trees for farmers in Honduras to grow and sell fruit at their local market.

    $30 could buy you an ER DVD Boxset OR a First Aid kit for a village in Haiti.

    $73 could buy you a new mobile phone OR a new mobile health clinic to care for AIDS orphans in Uganda.

    $2400 could buy you a second generation High Definition TV OR schooling for an entire generation of school children in an Angolan village.

  7. i'm halfway through the audiobook version of this (i didn't buy it, i nicked it off OiNK :P ) when i got to this bit, i stopped listening, and was genuinely a bit grossed out. it seemed really over the top and to not at all contribute to the story. i had no idea that this was a "bully pulpit" moment.

    michael chrichton is an ok author but increasingly is showing himself to be a jerkwad.

  8. I met Marcel when that whole Harvard Mouse package came to town and stayed up all night jamming in our basement. Marcel was the jolliest person that I ever met. I think he was taking his giant truck across Canada the next day if I remember correctly. Oh and we had such a huge laugh when he broke a chair. I'll dig up any photos from that night if I can get a date.

    mike, jennifer and i had a huge and much needed laugh reading your story about the chair :) you and sharon were so good to all of us that weekend, i will never forget that. and marcel and his giant truck did indeed split for th e west the following day...that was such a good time.

    February 5-05 was the day of the show...if you have any pictures from that date, please post them.

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