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Posts posted by timouse

  1. Framed - Cheech & Chong version

    (Lieber & Stoller)

    I was sitting in the coffee shop

    Just minding my own affair

    When all of a sudden, this

    Policeman caught me unaware

    Said, is your name Pedro

    I says, yeah, I guess so

    Said, then come with me cause

    You're the man we been looking for

    I said, hey, man

    I been framed

    Hey, no, really, man

    I was framed

    Aw, I never do nothing wrong, man

    But every time I get the blame

    I been framed

    They put me in the lineup

    And let the bright lights shine

    There was ten poor dudes like me

    Standing in that line

    I knew I was the victim

    Of somebody's evil plan

    When this scroungy looking dude

    Came up and said, yeah

    That's him, man

    Hey, wait a minute, man

    I been framed, man

    Aw, listen to me, judge

    I was framed

    I never do nothing wrong

    But every time I get the blame

    Hey, I been framed

    Then the prosecuting attorney

    Started prosecuting on me

    That dude gave me the first

    Second, and third degree

    He said where were you

    On the night of July 29

    I said, man, I was home in bed

    He said, judge, that man's lying

    I said wait a minute, man

    I was framed, man

    Hey, judge, listen to me, man

    Really, you gotta believe me

    I been framed, man

    I never do nothing wrong

    But every time I get the blame

    Oh, I was framed

    Now look, I deny the charges

    Of having any weed

    And I also deny the charges

    Of taking any speed

    I deny the charges

    Of selling any grass

    But when the judge

    Looked down and said guilty

    I said, judge, you can kiss my


    Judge, I'm telling you the truth

    I was framed, man

    I never do nothing wrong

    But every time I get the blame

    Hey, I was framed

    Oh, framed

  2. I heard a pipefitter at work say this yesterday. It was so funny I thought I'd share:

    "I have about eight kinds of hangover going on here. Someone told me I was getting laid off today so they better not be lying."

    I think I might be saying the same thing myself, very soon. Should be laid off just in time for a little south ont Slip run. What a run it's been. I've only had two days off since Thanksgiving (the Canadian one). Been such a good boy and it's time to let loose. A few more days.

    would that mean you are craving a Pink Slip?


  3. what are the advantages of raw milk compared to the milk i buy at the store

    (t)ricky posted an excellent bit on what pasteurizing does to proteins...basically they change shape and become functionally different. so if you have trouble drinking pasteurized milk, you might not have the same problems with unpasteurized...and it tastes amazing!

    conventional dairy operations feed antiobiotics and hormones to cows, lots of which make their way in to meat and milk...check out d_rawk's post earlier about the weston price foundation and the campaign for real milk.

  4. "big names rally to support farmer" - from the CBC.

    Celebrity chef Jamie Kennedy was among those who rallied in Toronto Wednesday to support a farmer's fight against an Ontario law that bans the sale of raw milk.

    The debate was stirred up last week after Michael Schmidt's dairy farm near Durham north of Guelph was raided by provincial authorities because he has been illegally providing unpasteurized milk to about 150 customers.

    looks like this is getting some more press...

    this is all about the freedom to choose where your food comes from. paisley is spot on about "industrial" dairy practices...mastitis runs rampant in a lot of larger automated dairy operations, and pasteurization allows the dairy industry to mass produce a commodity with less worry about sanitation.


  5. Do you ever have one of those days when it seems like the whole world is crashing down on you, and people are coming at you from all sides with problem followed by problem?

    That is all.

    yes. they are called work days :P

    sorry to hear that it's going that bad. i empathize, and on a happy note, it's past wednesday noon, so it's the 2nd half of the week!!

  6. Additional Charges

    SOCAN (Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada)

    Up to 100 guests - with dancing $41.13, without dancing $20.56

    Over 100 guests - with dancing $59.17, without dancing $29.56

    Fees apply to all events where music is enjoyed.

    maybe that's why nobody in toronto dances at shows, it's all a concerted effort to save the promoters a few bucks :P

  7. It's crazy to the point that there is actually something of an underground milk market. Buying and selling (or even simply giving away) raw milk really does have a lot in common with buying and selling drugs what with the networks of trust that form around it.

    If you own a cow directly, you are entitled to drink it, but you can't even share it with your spouse (at penalty of something like a fine of 5 grand). I know of some groups that have tried to set up 'cowshares' to get around that, but I don't think that has panned out.

    The politics of milk! Who whoulda thunk.

    schmidt did the "cowshares" thing to try and skirt the law, but still had his farm raided.

    and fwiw, raw milk is harder to find than heady pot :P

    i wonder how much the big dairies and the "milk marketing board" have to do with the laws against selling unpasteurized milk. follow the money...

  8. TORONTO -- It was an early-morning drama with all the hallmarks of a big drug bust: Ontario Provincial Police cruisers blockading the lane while armed officers swooped onto a farm, herding the farmer and his workers into the kitchen of the old house.

    But this dairy farmer was no drug kingpin. In the century-old barn of the farm northwest of London, Ont., were 30 cows and the stainless-steel equipment used for milking, separating the milk and manufacturing dairy products such as cheese and yogurt. And the contraband confiscated in last week's raid at Glencolton Farm consisted of dozens of glass jars of unpasteurized milk, fresh from the cow.

    Michael Schmidt, a maverick dairy farmer who has openly provided raw milk to hundreds of families for more than a decade since his last brush with the law, faces a charge of operating a milk plant without a licence and could be slapped with more.

    full story here.

    niffermouse and i found out about this last week when we went to pick up our CSA basket (and jar of whole milk). our local farmers were nervous on account of the "raid."

    the farmer, who was busted has been busted before, and has done many things since to improve his position in the event that they came after him.

    rather than selling milk, he sells shares in a dairy cow, and each week provides you, the owner of the animal, with your completely legal whole milk. he has also had milk tested every two weeks, and had it come back fine every time.

    they busted him for "...operating a milk plant without a license."

    in talking with folks at work today, hardly anyone knew that it was illegal to buy whole milk...as sad as it is to see a small farmer popped for this, they couldn't have picked a more articulate spokesperson...

  9. I'm boycotting purple. But I think the sentence works either way.

    i agree. the moment i posted my response i realized that you had indeed spoken the truth.

    what was bob's line in that radio interview? something like "...you know, all those information wnats to be freeee people, well, see ya!"

  10. They have not played Toronto' date=' not becuase they get tonnes of work all the time in the US, and to come hear for one show they would want big $$$ to lose out on all the other booking they always have in the US.[/quote']

    Nice to see they also embody the spirit.

    don't you mean [color:purple]Nice to see they also embody the spirit.?

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