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Posts posted by timouse

  1. niffermouse and i just got back in from an evening with mark and liana and the mouse family...i don't think that it's sunk in yet. i can still see marcel from saturday night, standing in front of my kit, beatific smile on his face, wailing away.

    marcel was one of the best people i know, and we're all really going to miss him. forty is indeed too young for a heart attack...

    to paraphrase douglas adams, marcel was extremely. it didn't matter what excatly his state was, but it was always extremely. extremely happy, extremely sad, extremely silly...and he will be extremely missed.

    fare thee well, chairmouse.

  2. HAPPY HOLIDAYS everyBuuuddy !!!

    Yes....and right back atcha all....I'm finally getting into the spirit of things....looking forward to cathcing up with good friends this weekend, celebrating the season with family, too.

    I hope people get to experience some moments of peace and harmony (both within and with-out -- with relatives/friends) I know this time of year gets really depressing for many folks, so I am sending out all my good wishes and intentions, that y'all will be safe, warm and happy.

    Baj and Tim....I'm feeling wonderful from those images you posted...thanks

    folks should know Tim's niffermouse painted that butterfly-on-the-snow-fence. I LOVE that painting so much!!!!!!

    you are very cool to say so, deb. that painting is a favourite of a lot of people...most everyone that comes by the house remarks on it.

    shameless plug - you can buy posters of jennifer's stuff.

    Cafe Press.

  3. I would have a hard time enjoying those shoes' date=' knowing that they cost more than the annual income of many families in South Africa.


    Try and think about the fact that in Japan or Norway these shoes cost less than a day of work.

    and if that doesn't work you can get mad at Japan or Norway for flaunting their affluence and get a glimpse at how the rest of the world sees us.

  4. Ahhh... here it is!


    How do you do it? We've transferred these aging, but well-preserved, tape archives to highest-quality digital formats using the best tools available, and we have carefully catalogued everything.

    The Concert Vault is fully licensed by BMI, ASCAP and SESAC, and we pay these performance rights organizations every time you listen to a concert. The license fees make their way back to the performers that made the music. One of our top priorities will always be to make sure that the artists are compensated for their performances.

    so bobby is right, lots of folks are making money off of this, but he's covered already if fees are being paid. be patient, bob, the check's in the mail.

    i really want to like ratdog. i do. but sometimes bob just makes me sad. his comments about archive.org just floored me.

    "...there are some people, you know, the information wants to be freeeee people that don't like this. well, see ya!"

    hey dumbass, the guy that writes your lyrics is the original "information wants to be free" guy!

    arrgh. bob, you're breaking my heart :P

  5. I would have a hard time enjoying those shoes, knowing that they cost more than the annual income of many families in South Africa.

    kitkat, i totally get where you are coming from...jennifer and i have a really hard time shopping for anything anymore because of all the various ethical dimensions of voting with your $$. getting groceries is an ordeal, christmas doubly so. i've realized that not everyone has this approach, which is why products made by companies that behave abhorrently sell well.

    as for the shoes, if you truly can't abide them, then sell them on craigslist and donate the money to heifer :)

  6. I think heifer is a fantastic program.

    I once spent a Christmas making charitable donations (United Way, WWF, Adopt a child) in various names as Christmas presents instead of material stuff... It wasn't appreicated. And I ended up feeling so disillutioned.

    $100 for a good pair of shoes is justifiable. However, I seldom fork out more than $30 for shoes, and I pretty much survive on 1 pair of sandals for summer, 1 pair of shoes and 1 pair of boots in winter.

    But what about receiving 2 pairs $250 shoes as a gift? Is it ok because its a gift?

    i think that if the person that gave them to you did it with good intentions, then it's a bit excessive (imo) but okay.

    as far as the chritable gift giving goes, i've stopped caring about reactions...my family has been amazing about the whole thing, seeing tsunami footage on boxing day a couple years ago was a re-defining moment for how my folks approach christmas...that moment opened them up to the idea that half the world is hungry and the other half is over provided for.

  7. Agreed.

    So in your mind $100 is reasonable for a decent pair of shoes?


    take care of your feet and your eyes. good shoes and decent sunglasses will mean that you can walk and see well after many other of your parts have stopped working :)

    fwiw, niffermouse and i have been encouraging non-consumerism in our families at christmas.

    check out www.heifer.org - ethical shopping!

  8. a similar thing is happenning in the siberian arctic, execpt in their case it's defrosting peat bogs releasing methane. as the peat bogs melt the white ice turns to dark water, absorbing more solar radiation and heating and accellerating the warming process.

    in other news, olive trees are now growing in the south of england.

    who's got my heady sub etha thumb??

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