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Posts posted by timouse

  1. so during the day at work, i endlessly depress myself (and my co-workers) with the latest offerings of http://www.tucradio.org

    the woman that runs this independent radio production house and web site is very cool, and knows some very scary things. the show is called Time of Useful Consciousness, which is a reference to a military air term, the time between the pilot realizes that he is totally boned and the moment that he blacks out and the plane crashes..."time to act and save the plane."

    she recently played a lecture by a guy named Michael Ruppert, a former LA policeman who was drummed out of the force after alleging links between the cocaine problem in Los Angeles and the CIA/NSA/general black hat division of the US government.

    his latest passion is the geoplolitics of Peak Oil, and he talks about his website, from the wilderness, and his book, Crossing the Rubicon (which i deperately want to order but am half afraid of doing for fear of winding up on a watchlist :) ).

    A former cop turned investigative journalist, he prides himself on following "evidentiary rules" in gathering information and postulating links between events. The case he makes for US government complicity in the events of 911 is disturbingly compelling. He essentailly states that peak oil is coming, and with it a highly protectionist, very agressive approach toward "energy security," the euphemistic phrase describing US oil hegemony.

    he describes his ephiphony moment, when he overlaid a map of US troop deployment with a map of global oil reserves, and discovered that the US pretty much "has the oil surrounded." He goes on to explain the following really suspicious things...in his words, "In police work, they are called Clues."

    -the links between the CIA and Bin Laden during the Russian invasion of Afghanistan,

    -the link between US dollar value and petrodollar trading, and the increasing oil trade in euros instead of US dollars,

    -the holes in the official acount of 911, most notably the largely unreported war games happenning the morning of 911, which interestingly had to do with hijacked airplanes in the "northeast air defense sector," (aka the air over boston, new york and washington). by some accounts there were as many as 22 separate alleged hijackings happenning as part of these excercises. citing mainstream news sources from the days after 911, he backs up these claims, and then wonders rhetorically why they have not been talked about or mentioned in any substantive way in the 911 commission report.

    -the unseemly link between most of the current US administration and the energy industry.

    all of these things taken together paint a pretty ugly picture. basically he asserts that the US is fully aware that peak oil is coming, and are following an agenda of "energy security."

    he goes on to postulate that 911 was the "new pearl harbour" that made this move toward US military hegemony possible. The phrase "new pearl harbour" turns up a lot in discussions about 911. from shrub's alleged diary entry the evening of september 11th to the 2000 discussion paper produced by Project for a New American Century, there are a discturbing number of references to 911 as an event that will galvanize the public and provide a pretext for US agression.

    David Ray Griffin discusses the "new pearl harbour" concept in his lectures presented by TUC radio...he is a theologian from claremont college in california, and has researched and lectured on the meaning of september 11th and the war on terror. He talks about the war games as well, and the inconsistencies of when fighters were scrambled in the official timeline.

    The more that i learn about energy security, the more freaked out i get. if these guys are right, the reality of it is all pretty terrifying.

    so how many of you folks are quaking in your tinfoil hat???

  2. yay! another scully-creature!

    carrots, timothy grass and lots of attention, which you already seem to be well on top of. as the weather gets better, be very careful about leaving twitchy unattended outside. you would be amazed at how fast the next critter up the food chain will swoop in and have off with her. can't wait to meet her in person (it is a her, right?)

  3. That's funny! Tonight, too, was the first time (believe it or not) I'd ever heard the name "Furious George". "Incurious George", though, has always been perfectly fitting.

    or spurious george.

    this really shows what a "lame duck" president can really be. it's pretty telling that republicans voted this down in huge numbers, something like 62-2. the administration kept banging on about the democrats trying to out-homeland security" them by grabbibg this issue and running with it as a security issue. really it's just an international business issue...the irony is that DP World, the new owner of P&O and therefore the port contracts, has offered to sell the US port division to a yet unnamed company that will operate independently from DP World.

    Can anyone say Halliburton? It'll be interesting to see who finally takes over...

  4. women of the world take over...

    indeed...what was robin williams' line? "If women ran the world, there would be no more war. of course, there would be severe negotiations every month..."

  5. Hey Dr. Evil Mouse' date=' where do you work? [/quote']

    It is Algonquin. I'm a part-timer, which means they've just effectively given me my two-weeks' notice, after which, if the strike isn't done, I'm out in the cold (hopefully it'll at least be warmer outside :P). On the upside, if I were what they call partial-load, I wouldn't even get that much courtesy (i.e., they stop being paid immediately).

    Yup, I've got my fingers crossed, Jon. At the least, this opens up some space for some full-time job-searching. And if I do get back, at least I'll have front-loaded the following few weeks of lectures.

    i think dimafleck is the only one one here with a partial load.


  6. the irony of the interview was the DEA guy continually saying "I don't care about his politics or his cause, he is guilty of a felony and will face possible life improsonment." Cut to Emery, who says that 2 people in canadian history have been charged with selling seeds and the most recent punishment meted out was a $200 fine.

    vive la difference.

  7. Lots of Fatty fun last night, and What The Thunder Said sounded great in that room ... very full sound.

    It still floors me that I can see a band like the Fat Cats in a small bar or club ... I love the Fatties!

    Peace, Mark

    what he said.

    the fatties were aewsome as always, and wtts rocked! the horns took it to another level...hwta a good time! and what a cool place the starlight is...

  8. maintaining your sense of humour when life is raining shit on you is a mark of a strong person...having said that, i hope that the rain stops soon. if you're coming to kw for the fatties tonight, i'd love to buy you a beer and help you on your quest to get "emergency room and stitches kind of drunk..."

  9. what are they like?

    They're like cask-strength harsh smoky bourbon' date=' with a dash of tupelo honey added. They're like chewy grainy cornbread with jalapeno peppers. They're like a mother's love for her child, with her anger and disappointment at its failings and misdeeds. They're like raw human emotion and energy channeled into sound. They're like a band that's so inspirational you want to go home and practise for 12 hours straight, while so unattainably proficient you want to stop playing forever.



    brad, you should be writing blurbs for the Sisters full time. thast was bloody brilliant!

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