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Freak By Night

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Posts posted by Freak By Night

  1. Surprised nobody has commented on this yet, so I'll get the ball rolling. After 30 years of disagreements, outrageous tariffs, and lawyers getting rich, the US and Canada have come to an agreement on softwood lumber.

    Is this Harper's finest hour? Or will the US just find other ways to screw us?

    Personally I think the deal makes no difference in the big picture; we will just continue to chop down trees until they're all gone.

  2. I was flipping through the channels last night during commercials in the hockey game. Landed on A & E and there was a huge band playing on an outdoor stage in front of a small crowd. Immediately recognized the song as Zappa's Zombie Woof!

    The band was made up of young kids, both boys and girls, and wow, could they every play.

    I caught the last 20 minutes or so of the show, it was some kind of Rock School thing. Looked it up on the A&E website this morning, it's a 2-hour documentary, the instructor teaches these kids how to play Zappa. It looks like it will be re-broadcast this Saturday at 4pm.

  3. I remember that well. I was babysitting my neighbour's kids (a boy and a girl 10/12 years old or so) when this occurred. A few days later I learned that the parents were upset with me for letting their children watch the brawl!

    Thanks for the video link!

  4. I must comment on the selections of music they played during the stoppages in play in Tampa.... WAY better than what they play here in Ottawa. You never hear Black Sabbath or Yes at the Scotiabank Place. They do however have the same "Big Ben" sound when they go on the power play.

  5. I was indeed skeptical about the thundersticks! I thought they were a "bad luck charm".

    Every time Spezza coughed up the puck last night, a guy a few seats down from me would yell "Dare to Dream, Spezza!". His jeers turned to cheers after the winning goal!

  6. Attendance last night was announced as 19,660, which is a sellout. But I don't think it was sold out until just before game time.

    Not sure what the "official" sell-out number for the Sens is, in previous seasons year it was 18,500, but this year they added a lot of standing room and some extra boxes.

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