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Freak By Night

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Posts posted by Freak By Night

  1. any idea why my post says 3:06 PM, when my computer says its 10:06 AM?

    correct your time zone settings in My Skank -> Control panel.

    I wish correcting Ticketbastard's criminal convenience charges was as easy.

  2. Talk to a true blue Ottawa football fan last night.

    This guy's family has had season tickets since the 1940s. They did not renew for next year. They were really put off by the Gliebermen.

    Once you start losing fans like that, forget it!

    Another thing he mentioned, he heard that Jeff Hunt (owner of the Ottawa 67's for our out of town sports fans) sat down with Lonie Glieberman and gave him some advice on how to build a successful team in this city.

    Jeff Hunt has had great success with the 67's, they get a full house for every game.

    Hunt's major piece of advice to Glieberman was to make the games "family-friendly".

    What's Lonie do? Organizes a well-publicized "show us your tits" contest.

  3. The CFL and the Gliebermen (note the plural) did everything wrong with the Renegades:

    - The CFL over-valued the franchise. $4 million for a CFL team? WTF?

    - Lonie undervalued the franchise by selling $99 season ticket packages. That was great for getting fans into the stadium, but it was a slap in the face to those fans who had already paid way more than that for their season tickets. Not many of those people renewed their tickets.

    - They hired their friends and family to run the team. That's great for cell-phone plans, but these people were not the best football and marketing people. It seemed whenever Lonie opened his mouth to speak about the team publicly, what came out were pick-up lines. That guy's always trying to get laid.

    - The CFL didn't enforce its salary cap.

  4. I saw them play here in Ottawa on Friday night and it was quite good. You should enjoy it.

    If you're a young and single guy, a Coldplay concert is the place to be. You'll see what I mean tonight!

    Unfortunately I'm neither young nor single.

  5. I'm all for giving Dima his name back if he agrees to the following:

    - no reposting crap from phantasy tour.

    - he's nicer to people on this board (e.g. no saying things like "Phish will never tour again, assholes")

    - more posts like the one about leaving the Stones show at a club, which was brilliant IMO.

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