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Freak By Night

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Posts posted by Freak By Night

  1. Did you hockey fans catch Coach's corner on Saturday? Don Cherry had Dick Pound as the guest. (Ron wasn't there)

    It was quite interesting. Don Cherry is actually smarter than I gave him credit for. Dick Pound said a few months ago that a third of NHL players are on performance-enhancing drugs. Don was asking him for proof. Dick said that stimulants "Red Bull" are problem in the league!

    Anyway you can watch it here.

  2. Sorry if I offended anyone... but Lazlo has posted waaaay worse stuff than that over in the Cavern, and he's regarded as a hero.

    What's really funny is badam's fat cat avatar with the remote and beer! I love it!

  3. Hey Brad. We did not go after all, because MacLaren's is not "kid friendly".

    My brother called the place in the afternoon and asked if they would have the Leafs game on, the manager said yes, the Leafs game would be shown, but implied that it would relegated to a small TV in the corner, and that any Leafs fans would be shunned by the staff! (rightly so in my opinion!)

    My brother wanted to bring his two boys (age 7 and 11) but the dude said although kids are allowed, it's not recommended.

    Thanks anyway for your assistance in this matter.

  4. Hey Ottawa sports fans... anyone know of any bars in Ottawa that will be showing the Leafs/Sabres game tonight? Preferably in the market, centretown, or glebe areas.

    My brother, from T.O. has rolled into town for a visit and wants to see that game. Of course there's a Sens/Bruins game at the same time. Most places in Ottawa will have that game showing, but if anyone knows of a place that will have the other game on too, let me know. Thanks very much!

  5. I think the whole pot cafe idea was ridiculous to begin with. In my opinion, the cafe in and of itself is an insult to the local police, who do not go knocking down our doors when we're smoking pot at home. Smoking pot in our own private property is more than okay, I don't see anyone throwing fines and jail time at me when I smoke at home, so what's the need for a pot cafe then? It's just for idiots who feel the need to publicize their habit for 'protest' purposes that really are more insulting to people than influencing.

    Aren't you moving to Amsterdam soon? :P

  6. You know what would really be awesome?! The Leafs start winning a few games, making a run for the playoffs, and end up just on the verge of the 8th and final spot.

    Then, they get mathematically eliminated by the Sens in another 8-0 romp, on Hockey Night in Canada on Saturday April 15th.

    That would rule.

  7. The worst part is that if the Sens win the Cup this year, the Leaf fans won't stop saying "that's because we weren't in the playoffs this year".

    That argument won't hold water:

    "Your team won the Cup this year because our team was too shitty to make the playoffs".

    However, we're getting a little ahead of ourselves. As a Sens fan, I'm more worried about Buffalo and Carolina.

  8. Bouche:

    Do you mean that the whole CKCU jamcast will be available for download.

    I missed it!

    I'll field this one... we intend to condense last night's 2-hour radio show into a 1-hour (or so) podcast, featuring just the Dave Lauzon parts (and no commercials!).

    But if you want to hear the entire 2-hour show, we can make that available too.

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