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Freak By Night

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Posts posted by Freak By Night

  1. I've been in this boat before. One thing the cops explained to me, while handing me a $105 ticket, was the 11 pm thing. It's a common misperception that you can make noise until 11 pm without fear of reprisal. Noise bylaws are in effect 24/7, and if somebody complains, they have to act on it.

    A lot of people work nights, and sleep until 11 pm to go to their shift at midnight. That was the case with my neighbours! They hated me.

    Eventually my band bit the bullet and shelled out $150 a month for a proper rehearsal spot. That was a pretty good price split 4 ways.

  2. I think they'd take it and then probably just put emery away for life and conviniently forget we had an agreement and things would be back to normal.

    Ahhh... you're a veteran observer of US-Canada trade relations.

    I'd like to see what Kelly_Anne has to say about this subject...

  3. Why not use Emery as a bargaining chip in the softwood lumber dispute? Harper could say: "Well give you Emery, but you remove all duties and tariffs on softwood lumber. Hell, we'll even throw in a two-four".

    Think the yanks will go for that?

  4. Also check out Waking Life for some great food for thought and absolutely incredible eye candy.

    I also enjoyed Waking Life. I just looked it up at imdb found this in the user reviews. Hilarious!

    So, one may think that it would be ideal to view when under the influence of one or more varieties of psychoactive drugs. And, they would be absolutely correct.

    But, as it can be VERY intense (depending on the substance ingested), one should be careful to be in a stable environment and amongst good company.

    For example, if one decides to watch the movie about 1 hour after splitting (with a buddy) a half ounce of Ecuadorian mushrooms, make sure to keep an eye on each other. I would recommend chatting a bit during the movie, so as to not get completely lost (in one's mind) and also to best delineate some of the lessons which can be learned from such an experience. Just to be safe, watch the film again after everyone has sobered up. Although, you will most likely find that the movie will be unnervingly similar the second time around.

    Have a great time!

  5. I saw that movie last year. I heard that there is a sequel coming out soon.

    I liked the movie. Marlee Matlin was excellent in the lead role.

    Enjoyment of this movie is enhanced if you're really baked. (I say that about every movie though)

  6. From sportsnet.ca

    Lonie Glieberman steps down as president of CFL's Ottawa Renegades

    posted March 2 @ 13:16, EST

    OTTAWA (CP) - The Lonie Glieberman era in Ottawa is over.

    Glieberman has resigned as president of the Ottawa Renegades less than a year into his second stint in the job. Glieberman has been the object of criticism since he became president of the CFL club last May when his father, Detroit-area businessman Bernie Glieberman, bought the team for a second time. He owned the Ottawa Rough Riders in 1991-93.

    Lonie Glieberman's controversial Mardi Gras promotion last season received plenty of criticism around the league, even from CFL commissioner Tom Wright.

    Glieberman's resignation comes after several weeks of controversy around the club. Earlier this week, new head coach John Jenkins lashed out at team consultants John Lisowski and Phil Kershaw in a dramatic news conference.

  7. It's all well and good for somebody from England to speak out against Canada's seal hunt.(I'm not just referring to Sir Paul here - there's a movement afoot in British Parliament for a boycott of Canadian products). England chopped down their forests and destroyed most of their wildlife centuries ago.

    Richmond Park, in London, is home to hundreds of deer. Each year, many of these deer are slaughtered, as a form of "wildlife management".

    As I said earlier, I'm against the seal hunt, but I'd like the Richmond Park deer slaughter to be given equal time in the press, and by the seal-hunt protesters.

  8. Freak By Night:

    Do you know that they're not vegan and do wear leather?

    Besides, I disagree with your comment anyway. An argument has nothing to do with the person who says it. The argument, itself, is sound or specious; regardless of who says it. Your comment is addressing only whether the MacCartney's are the ones who should make that argument, rather than someone else. Pretend this article was about two people who are definitely non-leather-wearing vegans.

    It's easy to put down someone else's efforts and argument without adding any comment of your own. Do you have any comment to add? For instance, it sounds like you are implying you support the seal hunt. Why?

    My original post this morning, before I edited it, could have been interpreted as either uproaringly hilarious, or offensively insensitive. I posted it solely in the interest of getting a laugh, but decided I better change it before somebody really took me to task. What I changed it to doesn't really reflect my feelings on the matter. Nor does it get a laugh.

    I'm against the seal hunt, not because baby seals are cute, but because I think fur coats are unnecessary in this day and age. Who wears these things anyway?

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