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Posts posted by kookycanooky

  1. since all the clips were pre-recorded in one go...the episodes are completly random.

    However each episode ended with the wolfman playing a song on his "turntable"...then he would get up and dance in front of a psychadelic screen 'till the end of the show.

    I have one episode with "amos moses" by jerry reed

    if people are interested I could dig it up.

    going out of town for the weekend so it will have to wait till sunday night

  2. strange brew! The last episode "with idle hands" was such a great way to end off the series. But in the article its sounding as if groening wants to turn this show into the simpsons, in terms of length...which I dont think the story line can support. Rather i dont think they can come up with enough interesting plots to do that. Anyway. thanks for posting about this

  3. I've added oinkers to the oinker forum (under bittorrent)

    Where is this forum? i cant find it. I looked under the bit torrent forum on the sanctuary and under the oink bit torrent form. Help.

    BTW, i'm LOVING this site. I was overwhelmed by the rules though...at first i was kinda turned away. But i've never been a seeder before joining this site - i made sure to do so before even attempting a DL. 2 Uploads so far...4.3gig UP vs 252mb dn.

    I used the same username incase u want to find me.

    thanks again to rubberdinghy!

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