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Posts posted by kookycanooky

  1. when i was 17,

    i drank some very good beer....

    i drank some very good beer,

    i purchased with a fake ID

    my name was brian mcGee

    i stayed up listening to queen,

    when i was 17

    p.s. - If the plant yee wish to flee, Go to Sector 7-B

  2. Out of curiousity i went to Billy West's IMDb page...the guy is 56!!! how does he make his voice so fry-ish?

    Also, he did a voice on a TV-series called "Camp Lazlo". Plot outline:

    Bean Scout Lazlo, a fun-loving, free-spirited monkey, and his two bunkmates Raj and Clam, wreak havoc on a very structured summer camp.

    HAH...oh Bean Scout...what shenanigans have you been up to...

  3. My name is earl is a great show...it had some so-so later episodes, but the season opener was awesome. I dont recall ever seeing jason lee doing sitcoms...i believe there is good reason for doing this show, its very very funny.

    little britan is hit or miss...sometimes the english humor is too thick and non applicable to non-britain life. The show has its moments though. I belive its just 2 guys acting as every character in the show.

    When is the tpb movie due?

  4. I was never on the south park bandwagon after those first initial episodes that kept repeating, Season 8 and 9 really got me hooked on it though.

    season 8's "Douche vs Turd" was the kicker for me. "vote or die mother fucker"

  5. I was watching that Genesis cover band and then Peter Gabriel came out and sang with them....all of a sudden, I looked at the drummer and it was Phil Collins.

    Did you hear that 'that cover band' is disbandening? Rummors have it that they've been distributing pamphlets the past few gigs on their European tour...mentioning that there will be 1 more Selling England by the Pound tour in 2006/07 and then they're calling it quits!!! I am crossing my fingers that they are stopping international tours and will continue to grace us canadians with that fantastic music...but its anyones guess now.

    There's buzz that this is due to a genesis reformation. Although I find it hardly justifiable...genesis will never be like they were in the 70's.

  6. THis is my first outing since the fatties in toronto back in decemeber, gonna make this one count

    paan whats the deal?

    edit: remember the "free" candy at the gypsy co-op?

    Pardon my ignorance, but there was a huge candy trolly in the middle of the frickin' bar...

  7. This is one of the silliest comments I've seen, from another board:
    Lisa's hair was too long and she's playing a tenor sax, not a baritone!


    Geez, possibly a sax player trying to show off some knowledge?

    Its funny this person thinks that everything should make sense. In the cartoon Bart is 4 ft...lisa is shorter, but even still, if she was a 4 ft tall 8 year old she would be barely bigger then a baritone sax.

    They left out the part just before the driveway scene, where in the cartoon, the camera QUICKLY pans over some sort of landscape where almost every character is standing.

    Also, How is that the 17th season has been going strong here since september and only starts in the UK in march?

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