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Posts posted by kookycanooky

  1. Nice!!! PJC thursday, then ctfm, then joel plaskett on tuesday, then JSB again on wednesday at the casbah

    last time slowcoaster was at the pjc, it was DEAD. i was the only one up on the floor, very very drunk and loving every moment of their spunky jam reggae

  2. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6176491654107670145&q=incredible+machines&pl=true

    this video has been blowing my mind for a few days, you must see it!

    I think its an introduction to a TV show in Asia...someone connected a whole slew of these clips, totaling 13 mins of video. Its the same idea as that honda commercial from a while back...only this is real...and there are some very creative objects used in each one.


  3. nope, labour day was my first ctfm. After attending only east coast festivals, i was very very happy about the park-where-you-camp situation, and that you can build your own fire!

    What happened last spring? lots of drunkees pissing everywhere?

  4. this festival was interesting...its in the back country, in the middle of the woods. There were a lot of locals from places like quispamsis who just got loaded all weekend long and pissed on peoples tents.

    last year my 21st birthday fell on that saturday night...I'll never for get it...everybody was tripping balls.

  5. Howler, sounds like a rumor. Surely it fucks with your head after a few times, but there is no logic for claiming insanity after a precise number.

    you should watch 'the beyond within', a 2 part series captured from the British Columbia learning channel. its funny to watch interviews of now very old scientists who dosed themselves in the 50's while the drug was being clinically tested.

  6. I have no music right now to share, but i'll get the ball rolling with 2 wierd videos...

    SNL '79 with bowie:


    and...something a little wierder, depending on your outlook on bowie...a promo video for the Mellotron...probably from the 60's in Great britan. Its a nice display if you like bands like genesis, king crimson, yes...Although in this ad you dont really hear any familiar sounds. still pretty wacky though.


    p.s. - if you are sending more then 1 file per related download, you may want to zip or rar them.

  7. i remember toronto has cannabis day at Queens park...but this time it falls on a thursday...

    Actually, to be honest, the last cannabis day i attended may have been in the middle of the summer...

    Fat cats at the PJC though...

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