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Everything posted by Dr_Evil_Mouse

  1. Thanks for those, KK. Lynchburg, of all places! Nice!
  2. Dr_Evil_Mouse


    Oh right - sorry . I think I'm just in denial; I'm guessing Ignatieff will probably get it after three.
  3. Dr_Evil_Mouse


    I'd have hoped for Kennedy. I'm still wary of Iggy.
  4. And what better place to start than Colorado. Colo. Subdivision Bans Wreath Peace Sign
  5. À propos: Ono urges day of healing on anniversary of Lennon's death
  6. Maybe; I'd opt for any sort of theism per se. But again, what doesn't work well, in terms of metaphor?
  7. How very Gandhi of you .
  8. I was wondering who was going to toss those ones out. Thanks for not letting me down.
  9. I was just downstairs playing along with some Albert Collins, wondering how drummers ever play hard enough to actually break their sticks, when I actually broke a stick. Cool, I thought; good thing I'm not actually a real drummer playing in front of people right now. This, less than a week after I broke my first guitar string in, what, it must have been about five years. Maybe I'm subconsciously rediscovering my Who roots somehow. Or maybe stress from work and life is having its way with me. So anyway, drummers, are there any things I should look for when going out to buy new sticks? Any favourite brands, or other criteria?
  10. Dr_Evil_Mouse


    Have you spent time in Japan? That's such a Japlish phrase (maybe I'm conflating with timouse's Sapporo entry).
  11. Would Louis Armstrong's autobiography, Satchmo, count?
  12. Almost looks like the logo in the clown photo says "Allures". Happy birthday, sonny . Hope to see meet you proper some day.
  13. $ for Nothing went over gangbusters (we do a nice jammy segue out of Bloody Well Right, which we carry on in the Gm). The Ween sounded really nice, imo, and the vibe of the tune was perfect for the room at that moment, though that might also have been the tune CJ overheard that comment from the guy about never clapping for tunes he didn't know .
  14. - by beginning every closing argument with observations on the universal nature of suffering, but that there is a way beyond it, which is to pay his client what he was asking for.
  15. I don't know if passion is supposed to be absent from the Buddhist world; my sense is that it all hinges on moderation and self-awareness, that you're neither governed by your passions nor unconsciously repress them. And then, too, there are all sorts of Buddhisms as well; what you get in popular forms like Pure Land sounds to me all about attachment in the same way as evangelical Christianity does. Re. Freud again - funny, I'd just pulled Jessica Benjamin's Bonds of Love off the shelf, as I hadn't looked at it in a while (great book), and she begins with a quote from Civilization and Its Discontents: Where Freud goes with this is to say that repression ends up being necessary in order to prevent the "war of all against all;" Benjamin's idea is that we do have means at our disposal to get past that - in a nutshell, maturing to a fuller understanding of what love is, separating it off from the domination we're subjected to by, e.g., our parents, who are to be both loved and obeyed - a relationship that often enough goes on to colour subsequent relationships. That's where she sees violence entering in - patterns of domination that lie just beneath the surface of consciousness, and where there's not enough awareness of what's going on to allow authentic forgiveness.
  16. I dunno, MarcO - religion can be as much a matter of art as music is. Neither has to be, of course. Luckily, none of us has any special passion for any particular kinds of music that we'd ever want to defend it .
  17. The only way I can see Freud coming in is in terms of repression - which I still think is a good lens to look at the problem of forgiveness through. SM, I've never read much of him - does Deleuze's idea of ressentiment have much to do with Nietzsche's?
  18. Is that old record store (I forget the name) in Toronto at Danforth and Greenwood still around? They used to have a basement full of lps for $1 - lots of schmaltz, but I found lots of gems there too (you just have to leave yourself a couple of afternoons).
  19. That's kind of a problem. So much of it is based on memories, and those can never be entirely reproduced. It also depends on the people you've met, the state of mind/spirit you were in, and the trajectory you were on. I'll always cherish memories of certain places around the world I've spent time in, but there's no telling whether that same magic will still be in the air - perhaps not. If only we were free to move around in time as well as in space.
  20. Margaret - very, very sorry - know that you're very much in our hearts.
  21. I think I almost forgot for a minute one day last week, but then caught myself. Here - some folks will breeze right through this, I expect. Test your knowledge of the Beatles post-breakup
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