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Posts posted by Dr_Evil_Mouse

  1. Anyone familiar with Samuel Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations"? I'm going through it in class this week, but the class let me know in a midterm review that they'd like to be watching more videos (I'll bite back any cynical comments here). Any ideas? The obvious sort of pick would be any address whatsoever by GWB et al., but I need something on DVD or VHS. Can anyone think of movies, grossly fictional or not, that are concerned with looming massive conflict between "civilizations"? (I have issues with the thesis, but that's what the bit after the movie is for).

  2. We just had to go to Diesel Dog instead and have a great time, alas. Had to defer the pleasure of a good night's work until today... or maybe tonight... or maybe really early tomorrow morning.... Gotta keep enough charge in the batteries for the Gypsy Co-op jam tomorrow. Oh, and work too, I guess.

    So timouse, what did niffermouse learn about American kestrels? Did you run across any good part numbers in the course of your travails?

  3. Rod seems to make the songs sound flat,sorta lacking depth & insincere,as if he was just going through the motions singing it

    I haven't looked back in this list lately, but I do hope somebody's put down Rod Stewart's version of Old Man River - I mean, that's just absurd.

  4. ah he can't be much of a cop/pig anyway if he hasn't busted you yet.

    There's the rub - nobody's really encouraged to look at cops, positively or negatively, as real people (along with teachers, priests, that lady at the grocery store checkout,and so on) - we do sometimes need to be reminded. Helps keep a healthy perspective on power. Power dehumanises - we think we can wield it, but the best we can do is prevent it from doing too much harm - if, that is, we're more concerned with being human. I always try to get a smile out of a cop when I can - God knows they can use them.

    But I should probably get off this thread before I go and say something uncircumspect.

  5. Sorry - I didn't want to labour the word "stupid" - I do see Large Marge's point about the tragedy of other banal deaths, and that there are proportionately more sins of omission (i.e. preventable deaths) than of commission (i.e. deliberate murder) in this. And nobody should be in a line of work where they feel they have to get paranoid and cart around firearms to guard a bunch of stupid plants.

  6. The whole thing is profoundly stupid in so many ways - people killed over what? Now there's a lifetime of longing and suffering by the family and friends left behind, and a further ratcheting up of the stupidity of these laws and the power used to enforce them - who, after all, would push now to change those laws and so render these deaths even more meaningless?

  7. Ow! Now that's just silly, one of those artifacts people will be pulling out of garbage dumps, perfectly preserved, in 1000 years!

    And Douglas Adams thought that Bach should have been pulled off the Voyager human sample disc because it would have been "showing off".

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