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Posts posted by Dr_Evil_Mouse

  1. Thanks - I'm kinda weirded out by crazy glue on or near my skin to be honest (not a little ironic, given the crazy sh!t I'm otherwise willing to take internally for purposes of simple recreation!). Guess I will have to give it some thought, though - this one split nail on my index has been driving me nuts all week. Most of the time, except when I'm with H. Mouse, I'm on a nylon-string.

    Kinda sad - all those questions I should have asked my guitar teacher, had he not passed away (from a long life of smoking, mind you, nothing crazy glue related) so many years back. Interesting guy, though I'm sure "Guitar (etc.) Teachers" merits its own thread.

  2. Agreed. That old adage, "If it's seems too good to be true, it probably is," is probably true. I suppose a good indicator is whether you come out on the other side with any awareness of debility or whether you're too debilitated to notice. That seems to be the case with crystal meth, which I've avoided like the plague, particularly having seen cautionary examples; same goes for coke, too, which seemed to have the capacity to turn people into assholes like nobody's business. One of the profs at Laurier I was talking with recently said she could pick out the signs of students nursing e hangovers from the other side of the room, and was wondering too what sort of geriatrics they were going to make.

    Meh. Like I said somewhere above, back in the day, all I remember was acid and shrooms, and I don't remember anyone complaining ;).

  3. I'm in a position - i.e. academic - where I have to stay tuned or I lose both touch with what's going on and that spark of outrage that keeps my classes alive (if, that is, I can adequately boil down and share the material). I find digging into history helps put what's going on into perspective. I mean, I'm so glad that the Cuban Missile Crisis retrospective got such big press recently - not so much in that it in any way suggested that things are much better today (they're considerably worse!), but rather that all the people at the time who were throwing up their hands at the end of the world turned out to have been wrong (by minutes, apparently, but still).

    That said, I think media tune-out is perfectly healthy and advisable, unless there is some pulse that you need to stay on top of for whatever reason. When we went travelling for a few years, years back, we not only had little clue what was going on, but when we came back, we found ourselves surprisingly re-sensitised. The first Hollywood flick we opted to see (this dates me) was Pulp Fiction, and I just about lost it by the time the cardiac needle scene came up. Now I can sit through pretty much anything, but I'm not sure I'm any better off for it.

    Fasting is good, if, as the Buddha sussed out, you know in your heart when to stop. Happy media fast!

    (But you'd be probably well advised for the duration to click that button that blanks out all posts from me, at least!)

  4. Right on - daughters appreciation thread. Cassia got around the whole bedtime thing last night by producing the guitar we'd bought for her the day before and asking for a late-night lesson. Am tired but very happy this morning. Leona, being four, is happy just dancing away right now to "Cherry Hits".

  5. Thanks, everybody! Some good ideas here. More iron & other essential nutrients: check - fewer dishes/more gloves: check - see what they're using in the finer stables in southern Ontario: check! NIN - they still around?

  6. Hey, thanks Mark. Should have thought to consider what they do for horses' hooves! Onymyrrh... hm.... Think I'll steer clear of the artificial nail option, though (glue - ).

  7. Perennial problem, which I hope maybe some fingerpickers (or especially gifted nosepickers) may have a good angle on: is there anything that's good to build up strength and durability in your fingernails? I keep having them snap, sometimes halfway down towards the cuticle (yes, ouch, and it usually takes the better part of the week to deal with), and my patience with the whole thing, after over a decade of not playing with a pick, is running a bit thin. Does anyone know of good things to keep an eye on in terms of diet, for instance? Should I put my foot down and say I'll never wash a sinkload of dishes again? Have them surgically removed and replaced with some sort of NASA-grade plastic (though not whatever they made those o-rings out of on the space shuttle)? Ideas?

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