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Posts posted by Dr_Evil_Mouse

  1. Hey, what's the big deal? If this thing would just stop being enjoyable, I might get a good Monday night's sleep - as it is, I ended up crawling into bed way past my bedtime and now I'm all groggy, dagnabbit!

    Nice to put more faces (and names) to names - thanks again, and hope to see y'all next week.

  2. Well aren't we offbase! Turns out Focus on the Family is only 10% political! (I'd be making this all purple, but haven't sorted out yet how). Check this out, if your nerves are good and strong. One of those downsides to social differentiation. Anybody else find this gortesquely disingenuous?

    " Dear Focus friend,

    You may have seen media reports this week claiming that Focus on the Family US is funding our Canadian campaign to prevent the redefinition of marriage.

    We wanted you to know that those reports are grossly misleading.

    The media have chosen to focus their attention on our policy related advocacy work, and ignored the fact that over 90% of our activity is aimed at providing resources and services that help parents raise healthy children and husbands and wives develop strong marriages.

    The financial support noted in the Focus US annual report refers to costs incurred in the US from which Focus Canada benefits. These costs primarily relate to our radio broadcasts which, as you know, cover a vast array of topics and occasionally policy issues here in Canada.

    We are very careful to ensure that no more than the legally allowable 10% of our budget is spent on political activities and in fact, in most years, this expenditure is less than 5% of our budget. The government and media have seized upon this issue as a desperate attempt to detract from the real issue at hand: the redefinition of marriage. Our efforts, coupled with those of other groups and hundreds of thousands of concerned Canadians are turning the tide in the marriage debate to favour the protection of marriage between a man and a woman.

    As the government pushes ahead in its fervour to dismantle marriage as we know it, we will continue to stand for what we believe - that marriage is meant for one man and one woman.

    The marriage debate is far from over. This campaign of misinformation is a sign that our efforts are having an impact. I would encourage you get involved. Taking action is more important now than ever before. Visit www.familyfacts.ca or call 1.800.661.9800 to find out what you can do to protect marriage."

  3. Thanks - yup, that's the one. Finally got it Saturday night, and sure enough, the taper's mics don't buckle under the strain of Phil's "moment" near the end of the jam. Kinda too bad! I'll have to use my imagination hereonin. There's not too many people that can move concrete in a stadium like that.

  4. I've got this old crappy (physically speaking, of course) tape of the Dead at Worcester in 1984 doing "I Just Want to Make Love to You" that's just delirious - everybody in fine form, especially Phil, who drops this bomb near that end that sounds like it's about to blow the taper's mics. Someday I'll figure out how to get BitTorrent happening on this computer (not for want of trying) and track down a proper recording of it, but suspect I'd miss that effect of having everything lost in that moment of thick white noise.

    The Deal from 20-06-87 at Berkeley is pretty intoxicating, too.

  5. Aye, had the good fortune of getting in with Jay, conga and didgeridoo (seriously, can I have part of my brain operated on so I can remember names better? - sorry guys!), which was a hoot. I could get spoiled, being able to jam without first having to navigate the 401! (I keep thinking of that Joni Mitchell line - "The Indian chiefs with their old beliefs know/The balance is undone - crazy ions -/You can feel it out in traffic/Everyone hates everyone...."). *Someday* someone at Laurier or U of W will come through with a research grant or a job or something....

  6. That's a shame - caught that Kingswood show in 94 too, having been blown away at their show in Montreal at La Ronde in 90 - I'd hate to think that he's pandering to schmaltz (of course he is), but then he does seem have a kind of dialectic in his career. Maybe he needs to slip back into obsurity again before the magic starts again.

  7. I had to write my doctoral thesis on the political dimensions of mass media evangelicalism, and ended up with a bit of an allergy around it all, but I had to laugh when I heard of a bumper sticker someone was driving around with in Colorado:


    Anybody know a good print shop?

  8. Now that I'm effectively logged on, I can say without a hint of doubt or uncertainty that Harvard Mouse are considerably more modest than those other guys.

    No, wait, that's sort of a contradiction, innit.

    Anyway, I'd still rather play with the Harvards than the Modests any day.

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