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Posts posted by Dr_Evil_Mouse

  1. :: NO! The beast needs no more food! You know those Hungry Ghosts in Buddhism? The ones with big voracious mouths, but stomachs that drop out the bottom so they can't actually digest anything... or the Wendigo, for the Anishnawbe...? Amateurs!

  2. Back to the point:

    Awoke this morning from a dream... visit from the oracle... saw a man, draped in long, billowing robes... he had red eyes, red as fire... and with a mighty horn, he did blare forth... SAMSQUATCHES!! LOOK OUT FOR THE SAMSQUATCHES!!

    So he better be there too.

  3. Revenge of the (mainly) Africans here, whose numbers are beginning to dwarf those of British and North American Anglicans. Some irony, as I hear, lies in the shifts in people's compassion - the Bishop of Nigeria taking one of his many limos to work, down from his huge palace through all the slums, while the Primate in Canada takes the TTC. What was that thing about absolute power corrupting absolutely?

  4. Re. Harry Potter - I keep thinking that it must have to do with some cognitive impairment that prevents people from recognising fiction as fiction (which suggests something of where their own beliefs are grounded). As for the rural factor, I'm hoping it has nothing to do with the smell of cowshit (or, in the case of Acton, leather), 'cause that's kind of refreshing, compared with the smell of religious paranoia; it seems, though, also especially concentrated in suburbs like Newmarket. My new theory is that it has something to do with a lethal combination of TV, relative affluence, and boredom.

  5. This link expands on the above story and more.


    Good link!

    I just wonder - do we need to become lunatics just to muster the energy and passion to stop their lunacy? In other words, is there an alternative to "The loudest noise wins"? There is a quite intelligent evangelical left (people like Ron Sider, even Tony Campolo); why can't they crack through this sh!t, and get their own house in order?

    I wonder too - does anyone not help but smile when they read the name "Santorum"?

    And on a slightly tangential note - I keep thinking, around this environmental science vs. theocracy issue, of Galileo - (and I'm paraphrasing) "Shall I laugh or shall I cry? These guys won't look through my telescope!"

    OK, back to work....

  6. If I keep opening this thread, I am going to eventually submit as well.

    You mean you haven't looked yet? Don't do it! I did, and now my daughter's hounding me to find out who kills Padme (she's clever enough to have sussed out that she won't die of natural causes).

  7. Thank God (or Higher Power of choice) for Bill Moyers. For a second, I misread the name as Bill Maher, who pushes the same point one stage further by asking why we seem to go so far out of our way to pander to religious insecurity (especially by not criticising claims based on religious principles), when it's so obvious what sorts of barbarity it leads to.

    When I was hunting around years back for the one thesis topic I would have to commit to, I used to mull endlessly over a could-1930s-Germany-happen-here sort of thing; I'd been reading lots on authoritarianism there at that time, and saw all sorts of overlaps with what was happening in evangelical culture in the US (and to a lesser degree in Canada). But then I made the terrible mistake of not seeing how someone like Dubya et al. could sweep into office (well, it was rigged, but whatever); this in spite of people like James Baker that Moyers talks about above. And here we are; the parallels with 30's Germany are still obviously a bit overblown, but I don't think the basic mentally is of a different species - who knows how things could turn if the US suffered such a brutal depression (and with Chinese economic power growing as it is, just thinking about this makes me really depressed). Freud's idea of the death instinct is spot on here. Made the same oversight around India, too, thinking people there were too sensible to vote a bunch of fascist thugs like the BJP into power, but at least the Indians were savvy or jaded enough to get rid of them inside two terms. The US seems to be too drunk on power to have done that (yeah, okay, the last election was rigged too, but again, whatever). And I think drunk is the perfect metaphor - America's liver is kakked, its arteries clogged, it's hopelessly addicted with all the denial that entails, and the only happiness it seems to find is in the short-term bliss of more binges, which screws up not only itself but all its relationships as well. Intervention!

    Moyers is right. People besides the idiots should take back the "What about the children?". I can weep thinking about the shite our kids are going to have to deal with.

    Grr. Saw *Supersize Me* last night, and I think that's flavouring this post. Sorry if I'm rambling.

  8. According to the Church if God intended homosexuality to be natural, then it would be widespread throughout the animal kingdom.

    Problem is (I'm taking this sentence out of context, sorry), it is fairly consistent, statistically, across the animal kingdom. Look at the recent trouble they had with those penguins at that German zoo (see http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4264913.stm).

    I keep thinking the best answer - it's not hard to see how pissed off this would make people - is to allow anyone to provisionally marry, but only to fully ratify it once they'd had kids (kind of like drivers' licenses for teenagers); that would give them the tax breaks, protection from getting beat up by suburban pinheads driving around in muscle cars looking for people to beat up, etc. Might force some folks to take their rationales against "non-procreative" (i.e. gay) sexuality a bit more seriously - if they ever gave the idea a second thought, which is completely improbable. Look, are Charles and Camilla planning on kids?

    'Course, it would take someone without kids to propose it, so I'm out of the running. Anybody? Might make headlines... (or, again, not).

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