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Posts posted by Deeps

  1. I was at the show on the 13th.

    The covers were well done and exciting to be a part of.

    The Golden Slumbers/Carry that Weight combo of tunes is my favourite Beatles experience. To be in New York and at such a beautiful venue with great sound and atmosphere and to have it go down before my eyes and ears was a great treat.

    Sledgehammer ruled and so did Space Oddity (Sweet jam at the end).

    There were some highs and lows to the show that I think are better addressed under the "What do you think of Trey's new stuff?" thread from last week.

    I'll grab that and finish my thoughts there.

    This board and the knowledge and opinons shared between the music thinkers on it made the show that much more enjoyable for me.


  2. How can he be even closely or remotely compared to 01 and 02 TAB with this stuff he's playing now?

    He can't.

    Apples and Oranges. The instrumentation has completely changed. It's like comparing sculpture and painting.

    It doesn't have the intensity or the shredding. It doesn't have the groove. It doesn't have the technical brilliance.

    Either does The Band. They still rule.

    Maybe he doesn't want to shred.

    I saw TAB @ 'roo last year AWESOME...any guy who'll take risks like that man did at that show (classical 1st set) is a true musician/artist and has different motives than fan pandering and regurgetation of the the shreds the kids dig.

    There's a level of sophistication that he is trying to achieve. I have the DVD that came with Undermind and he speaks to playing way less to achieve even more musically. My thoughts are that his playing is more about the notes he's not playing these days.

    I'll be seeing Trey this Friday in NYC.

    You may be right. It may suck, but it'll suck for not accomplishing solid musical movements and transitions not because of it lacks the intensity of the huge TAB that was present in '01 and '02.

    How could it? Why would it try to?

    I wonder what his goal is with the project?


  3. Nick Drake and Steve Vai on the same list.

    Can you say "find an f'ing sub-genre you meat heads"?

    Steve Vai - could be filed under

    unemotional shredders who likely believe their guitar is an extension of their member.

    Nick Drake - sus chord peddling whine horses.

    Mostly just being a smart-ass here. I like Nick Drake ... sometimes his music makes me want to hang myself, but it's inventive and Steve Vai sure is speedy. [color:purple]Scorching fretboards yeah!


  4. I'll likely be able to take it....need to use the information superhighway to confirm this.


    didn't read the PM part of the above sorry for the clutter.

    BTW I can't take the ticket!

  5. This wook was at our show in Guelph last Friday.

    Nice.....he like dancing.

    Maybe he'll tell his friends and will have a wook style sock hop on our hands in the future.


  6. Thanks for tempering my accusatory nature.

    I suppose I just think it's a pretty strange use of gender as a descriptor.

    Whether it's intentioned or not as a sexist move it remains that it is unecessary in the article headline and any good journalist would avoid such angles.

    The fact that the [color:purple]esteemed General's gender is included at all speaks to the journalists simplicity doesn't it?

    It's not like we're looking for someone and the gender is a necessary component to the understanding of the story. At best the inclusion is superfluous I'd say.

    170 pound Male signs off thread.

    Take care,


  7. Do you think Future Man cries when his brother steals his thunder.

    He's probably exclaiming....hey man it's not hard to dodge this much tax man....talk about it! Love me!

    I'm from the facking future you jerks!


  8. Link

    Wondering why the headline is what it is.

    It takes a lot of committment to reach the status of General.

    If General Colin Powell was convicted it would read.....

    ``General Demoted``






    ``Man Demoted``.

    Dunno ..... thought it weird.


    PS Feel free to spin off into a debate about whether or not there should have been more people convicted or any other feelings you have on this....but note the weird sexism slant.

  9. Make sure you keep something different.

    I remember going into the barber and getting the old "every guy" haircut.

    Number 2 clip please! I'd say.

    I see pictures of me then and I see pics of me now, and I look less tightly wound since I let my hair get closer to the ground.

    Keep it neatish.


  10. More proof that future is one strange frickin dude man.

    Pirate hat....check

    Drum pads hooked to computer keyboard.....check

    Uhhhhh sound person ..... can I get a little highs dropped off the synth roto-toms and more reverb on my pirate hat.

    Sweet ..... that's perfect.

    Bless his strange tax evading ways of the future.


  11. I'd say that making a serious effort to understand what the full chords are that are being played by the guitar and keys player is most beneficial.

    It's easy to fall into the trap of root noting your way through tunes.

    You're really playin when you can choose to introduce the minor 3rds, majors 3rds, 4s, 6s, flat 7s and major sevens as passing notes.

    That being said the root and 5 are your best friends so don't be running with the other notes all the time this too will piss off the chord kids.

    I am recently enjoying interacting with a sax player and really opening up the melodic capabilities of the instrument.

    Big ups to bassies indeed.....2 prominent(sp?) bass posts in one week....niiice.


  12. I can tell you what not to buy. Don't buy any amps made by Hartke or Trace Elliot. Unless you enjoy mystery cutouts during gigs.

    Completely do not agree with the above statement. I played through a Hartke 2x10 combo for 10 years and NEVER had a problem. Even ran a Bag End 1x15 in series with it!

    I removed the Hartke head to power my ampeg 4x10 and 1x15 and it does a great job to this day.

    I find trace elliot's a little muddy as do I find Gallien Kreuger and Peavey's to be the same.

    For me personally I find if I have a set of speakers to pick up the highs.....couple of 10" speaks and a bigger speaker 12" or 15" to round the low end out powered by a solid head that puts out 200W+ this is where it's at. But you are loking at at least $1200 to get that going.

    You should be able to get that rumble you're looking for from that Jazz bass you have, but

    compression is absolutely a necessity ... this is where you'll get the punchy sound that flea gets.

    Compression allows you to push the bass pretty hard but when it gets too loud it the compression grabs it and sets the sound back to where it needs to be. It removes the clack of a clipping amp and replaces it with the punch of a nice bass rig.

    I just picked up a combo pedal by BOSS that has a tonne of sweet effects in it.


    It has some sweet compressors in it as well as any effect a kid could ever need to put on their bass. Apply sparingly. As well as some level of Eq'ing as it has a high mid low dial on it.

    I have a 12 band EQ built into my hartke head and I find that it helps immensely in fine tuning my sound.

    Hope this helps.


    Might be a good idea to PM PhishyK on this....I'm sure he has a lot of knowledge on this schtuff.

  13. Hello Friends,

    what the thunder said is now 4 pieces of ass ... uhhh I mean a 4 piece band and has been practicing a lot for the recording of a live album.....this should be fun.


    This Friday April 29th

    3rd Floor of Van Gogh's in Guelph ON

    $2.00 cover for a DJ and band

    Cheap drinks, Cheap cover, Bring a Cheap Date and dance the night away.

    Me and the boys are having people over before and after the show. If you're interested let me know....I'd like to meet some folks.

    Given the Box of Rain and New Deal show in the Hammer we're looking for the cheap asses of the GTA to take a chance on a new band.

    Come meet other cheap people on Friday ;-)

    Take care,



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