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Posts posted by Deeps

  1. Yo,

    I only hope all of this helps the government of Canada to be a more honest system. I think all the parties will be keeping a closer eye on themselves. Nobody wants to go through what this Liberal governement has been dealing with..

    I also realize that regardless of how angry I was that this is a great outcome. It's a little backward in a number of ways, but if it'll keep the squares away from the cockpit then we're laughing.

    And with the promise of an election after the Gomery inquiry there'll still be some accountability.

    Jesus I want the NDP to be stronger than they are. I guess they've made some steps in that direction, but still have a way to go.

    The election after the Gomery inquiry should be very interesting.


    I be learnin a lot about politickin and such cuzz this here board. Jeez if I had a relative in gub-ment I could get myself in there and legalize evra-ting.

  2. Shameless self promoting, but the promise of good vibes at a later date invites to a "what the thunder said" gig of your choice.

    I hope to have some CDs of some tracks from our last show to give away. They sound groovy and will be easy on the ears. I think I be saving them for the Skanc picture gathering to hand out!

    Free music is something right? How many do you think would be a good idea?

    They'll just be a quick 5-song demo type thing for skancs only and I obviously couldn't afford to give 100s away, but if people have friends that they can share with they are allowed to be burned I think me and the boys can afford 20-30 freebees.



  3. Spotted @ the Crowes last night in T.O.

    Kaidy...I was @ the Albion that night....drop me a line next time and we'll thumb wrestle for monopoly money before the show. We know how to party in G-Uelph.


  4. It seems to me that Martin called and they said yes yes yes OK how can we help you...didn't come off as very strong.


    I realize now that this was a feeling that stemmed from my interpretation of what was being done as per the newspapers. I likely need to read between the lines a little more here and find out how all of this went down.

    On the same token it would have helped to hear Layton make a little bit more noise about what he was up to and why. Get the NDP role in the budget deal on the front page with some strong language and show that you're a serious voice. He was holding a lot of cards adn seemed to shyly slide them across the table rather than slap'em down and take his just desserts.

    I've heard way more about individual MPs who are on the fence and Stronach than I have about the third parlimentary voice.


  5. wow... interesting thread...

    She just left the Conservative party, and I think that would suggest that there is more to her than just $$$$ and ambition...

    Maybe .... but ineptitude seems to be a serious ingredient too.

    Also, I think you might want to look into the Gomery scandal a little deeper, I think you are a little too general with whom you are holding accountable.... Like Hux mentioned, generalizing that all the Liberals in the House and Senate are responsible is not accurate

    Why didn't we vote when the inquiry was complete rather than force a vote? Having the full story from this inquiry would have been nice for my vote. Maybe I would have voted Liberal, but it seems that at this point our former Prime Minister may be implicated and that does not spek well for any Liberal party members. Also being able to implement Justice Gomery's suggestions @ the beggining of the new government's term would have been nice, rather than the ad hoc implementation that now seems to be on the horizon.

    And as far as daycare goes, I think you once again are generalizing who actually gets assistance from our social programs... I am not arguing that there are some individuals that do take advantage of the system, but they are a minority...

    I was quite a cynic yesterday and was talking about the negative aspects of government assistance that I saw. I understand and support assisting those who need it, but have been frustrated with what seems to be a poor use of tax revenue.

    I would agree that taxes do suck--but what is the alternative??

    I don't think I said that taxes suck. Misappropriation of taxes does.

  6. Hamilton,

    Realistically hoping that the NDP would entire take the leadership of this country would be a pipe dream....so failing that I ask for the the more powerful NDP with a Liberal leadership.

    I still stand pat that they didn't absolutely have to get in bed with the Liberals to achieve this. I feel that the NDP is not coming off as a strong independant party to the public and instead are seen as just a kid in this game. I do like that they are somewhat getting their say in the budget, but it's just the speed at which they attempted to do this. It seems to me that Martin called and they said yes yes yes OK how can we help you...didn't come off as very strong.


  7. What's done is done. I'm not for forced abortion. If you have a clue and can do some math and your wits are about you and you find it's not finacially possible. Don't procreate.

    You know what funk it....free baby sitters and barbie campers for everyone. I'll buy.

    I think help is good I think breeding reliance through mandatory provision is bunk. People need to get off their asses and pick themselves out of the gutter.

    You hear about families who have generations who have all collected UI. It becomes a way of life that is socially destructive, morally obtuse, and could have been avoided.

    I guess if there was some sort of a percentage of a persons annual income and they paid what they could and posibly were taxed later as their economic status improved and thus would pay back into the system that helped them then that would be cool.


  8. When someone elses "rights" result in the population paying I have a right to be annoyed.

    I don't know if you realize it or not Deeps, but that position or philosophy of government is more right-wing than any political party in Canada at the moment.

    Should the state act as a pro-active force for equality, or stay out of the sphere of the individual who should be left to determine their own fate regardless of circumstance - there's your (excruciatingly generalized by me) classic "right vs. left"....that statement is most definitely on the far-right of the spectrum. But you are entitled to those opinions, hell the people that brought me into this world live over there too, and I love the hell out of 'em!!

    I think we have to pick our spots on assistance. I like a socialialist slant, but don't try to convince me that the burden you've knowingly taken on is now my responsibility. Governments change and legislation around funding for things does too.

    It's not prudent to say you're able to take on a child if you have a complete necessity for assistance that might be gone tomorrow is it?

    I guess I see that a lot of Canadians are more apt to look to their government for help when challenged rather than realize the benefits of toughing it out.

    It's like 20+ year able bodied people who collect UI in the winter because they are landscapers in the summer. F 'em get your ass out there and get a gig. Because I don't pay taxes in the 10s of thousands of dollars to help people who in my opinion don't NEED it. I don't have a tax grudge and realizee that as a responsible citizen it's my honour to help those who are in need and those who deserve.

    It's the same reason most of us don't give spare change to beggers around our age who are essentially lazy in some obvious cases. This skepticsm is neither left nor right but quite centered with all do respect.

    If you knew me you would truly know how charitable I am and that I only am looking to eliminate this trend of government teed sucking I see that many of us are prone to.


  9. Not every family can afford to have a stay at mom OR afford the high price of day care but they certainly do have the right to have children.

    Not really.

    There are mistakes where people get pregnant b4 the family is ready I can aid these extenuating circumstances. However I will not justify people who have children when they know damn well that they're are unable to provide, because they believe it to be their "right" and they want a bundle of joy that others can cloth.

    When someone elses "rights" result in the population paying I have a right to be annoyed.

    Can I get the non-drivers to throw in on my gas expenses cause I decided I really like SUVs? No.

    My choice is my burden I should be made to deal with it alone orr with a little help from my friends.


  10. I hate the thought of homo-sexuals having their rights srewed with ... I do, but Alberta is that way. If you don't like rednecks don't move to Texas.

    What if you're born in Alberta/Texas? Must you uproot in order to have sexual freedom; and if so, is that really a supportable position?

    No it's not ... this should probably read if you don't like rednecks the only way to deal with them is to get married elsewhere for now then move to Texas and fight the good fight, but don't expect or force through legislation people to turn on a dime because you are morally justified in your own mind. This too would be a little disingenuine.

    Patience might be a better move in the long run. We want them to understand morally I supppose and that doesn't come through law it comes through time and education. This type of patience brought a lot of provinces around why wouldn't it work in Alberta eventually?


  11. I find your generalization highly offensive.

    I thought it obvious that I would not lump ALL Albertans in there my friend. Just running through a point based on prevailing political trend not on the enitire populus.

    My apologies genuinely offered up.


  12. The truth is I want another election so I can be prime minister and be mouthy in an even bigger forum.

    Seriously though .... my hope would be that the outcome of this would result in another minorty Liberal government with a bigger share in the way of the NDP overall and that the business and humanitarian ideals that I posess would be facilitated by a now more financially dilligent Liberal party with a little less power and an NDP with a larger voice.

    There needs to be a message to political parties that shows corruption will damage you in the long run and they will be found out and subject to the wrath of the people's votes leaving them. This is where I agree with the distain Harper has for his opponents.

    Le Deeps

  13. "imbalanced, kick-back jockeys who'll stop at nothing to maintain an underhanded strangle-hold on our lives"

    and I was wondering if you might expand on that. This underhanded strangle-hold on our lives, what are you referring to?

    Strangle-hold is a little severe, but they have called an early election to hold onto power and are still maneuvering their way into a longer tenure at the top.

    The fact that they are in jeopardy of losing power opints to lack of strangle hold (sorry for the rhetoric).


  14. I am not happy with the state of affairs of Canadian politics by any stretch. In fact I watch the House of Commons everyday they sit in horror. What I am happy about is that a person is supporting a budget that I truly believe is the best thing for Canada.

    Do I support a government who set up the Gommery commission to get rid of the corruption? Yes

    Do I support a government who promises to give back every cent of the stolen money? YES

    Do I support a Prime Minister who said he would resign if he was implicated in the scandal? YES

    Do I want a budget that supports the Atlantic Accord? YES

    Do I want a budget that wants to set up a national daycare program so that I can afford to have children? YES

    Do I support a budget that will help develop affordable housing? Yes

    Do I support a budget that will help support graduate students? Yes

    Do I want a government that says no to missile defence? YES

    Do I want a government that supports the right to gay marriage so my sister can get married to her partner in Alberta? YES

    AND I wont complain about filling out a ballot to do so.

    Is it at all possible to achieve all this anyway?

    Maybe not right now, but could this still be in our future?

    I think it's possible to have these priorities expressed in the house without the complacency of hanging onto an election result that was based on voters not being able to cast their votes upon the Gomery Inquiry's completion.

    I hate the thought of homo-sexuals having their rights srewed with ... I do, but Alberta is that way. If you don't like rednecks don't move to Texas.

    I believe that good will prevail over time, but Albertans need to be taught about acceptance, not force fed it, you want a victory on paper or do want to improve the morality of the country, because they aren't the same? The focus people have on this human rights issue, though serious and necesary, needs to be tempered with the knowledge that if nothing was done on this front homo-sexuals would still be able to marry in many other provinces. I don't see a bill being able to pass in the house that would reverse what the majority of provinces have already ok'd.

    As for day-care : My mom and Dad were 21 had 2 kids born in 1978 and were given very little in the way of government day-care support. They are the parents of 2 university graduates because they found it in themselves, not the government, to improve their personal economics. They are better people because they struggled and so are their kids. If a person can't afford kids then maybe they need to budget and improve their ways to warrant themselves being fit. Or maybe they need to bare down and realize that the kiddy plan is going to be tough as nails, but in the end they will reap the benefits. Define "afford to have kids".

    Gomery : Setting up and inquiry and promising to pay back the money is a decision for the people and not within the rights of the party. I don't show up to court on millions of dollars of fraud and tell the judge that I see that I may be found guilty so you know what judge...let me keep my job at the bank because I promise to pay you back ... I've seen the error of my ways (or my colleagues ways in the case of me being a business owner) and now I'll make it better.

    Accountablilty is a good thing and Canada's tendancy to govern based on the lowest common denominator is nice, but not flawless.

    I like my politics centred I guess.

    I am a fence sitting bastard at this point and am trying to figure out which lot of weirdness to pick.

    It's a strange time and an opportunity for Canadians to start REALLY thinking about how they vote. Without another election I feel we won't learn anything.


  15. She's had her sights on the Prime Minister's office for awhile. Her chances are much better as a Liberal than as a Conservative.

    I am very thankful that this has happened.

    She is a billionaires brat daughter who has failed at almost everything she's been handed.

    Sign her up for my team maybe she won't actually tie her shoes together today and knock over the other players.

    WTF - Who invited her? - Thanks daddy!


  16. Oh man I am so happy

    How anybody can be elated about the state of politics in this country is beyond me. It seems that party ties amongst voters usurps the evidence that these Liberal asswipes have flat out stolen our tax dollars and laughed in our faces while they've done it. They are a power hungry freak fest that will stop at nothing to maintain control. Make no mistake these jerks are in the senate and in the cattacombs of the government and won't be leaving their positions for long after they are out of office.

    Do you think it better to be represented by imbalanced, kick-back jockeys who'll stop at nothing to maintain an underhanded strangle-hold on our lives than to throw caution to the wind and possibly have to deal with a government that is mis-alligned with exactly what you feel?

    Oh God I don't want to get off my couch and have to go and check another box on a ballot or actually entertain the idea that maybe things are in a bad way and need to be fixed by a large shake-up!

    I can't stand some of the ideals that the Conservatives represent, but the fact is that this Liberal debauchle is making want to smack the voters of Canada and their truly Canadian complacency in the fricken mouth. If this sh!t was going on in another country people would take up arms.

    The day that the NDP got into bed with the Liberals tells me that these jack-asses don't even believe in the system of representation we've got set up and don't understand that integrity needs to be maintained over all-else and can only be preserved through due-process and accurate representation in the house of commons not chronyism and fear of change.

    Party line towing bullshit is already got us where we are today and we need to learn from that.



  17. Hi,

    Dunno if it was mentioned or how rare a sighting this really is, but Tom Marshall was at the Trey show in New York on Friday May 13.

    Trey went out of his way to let people know that Tom was there.

    Tom waved to the crowd from the shadows. When the house lights shone(?) on the section he was in everyone gave a timid look up in that direction, like trying not to scare a deer and we could see him kind of try to step back a bit.

    About 3 tunes later he was gone. Heh.


  18. Compared to those runs with TAB, this is TREY LITE.

    Seriously. How can he be even closely or remotely compared to 01 and 02 TAB with this stuff he's playing now?

    It doesn't have the intensity or the shredding. It doesn't have the groove. It doesn't have the technical brilliance.

    Its almost like, lets see how much stuff i can push on my fans.

    I think it would be unfair to not validate some of the claims above that I questioned last week.

    I saw the show on Friday last week. It did lack the technical brilliance of the TAB of the past. There were a number of missed changes and the drummer seemed to lag at times.

    I think the fact is that trying to pull off tunes like "push on 'til the day" without the horns and with a drummer who isn't comfortable with these tempos is a mistake. These tunes have a personality that needs to be maintained and Unfortunately they can't really achieve what they are supposed to without the same players.

    However, it was interesting to see how the band swung some sections of "push on..." and really gave me a glimpse of what the root of the tunes must have been when Trey conceived them. Cool to see such a deconstruction and the outro of the tune was awesome as it seemed that the band allowed themselves to completely abandon the recorded version and just feel their way through, this is what a band is supposed to do.

    "Night Speaks" on the other hand was pretty dang solid and the band did it justice. Easier.

    It seemed that forcing these players to duplicate grooves and intensities that are on the TAB albums worked to an overall disadvantage, but it is likely that this is the angle Trey's taken because there is a younger crowd who wants to hear the stuff they know.

    The crowd was reminiscent of a DMB crowd. A little younger and a little more eager to make a star out of someone....many of them probably don't know much Phish and Trey as a business dude needs to hand them what they paid for their tix for. They won't know that it's sub-par and essentially he is trying to build a following so he's got to put on the stage regardless. It's good for business and questionable artitically...I'm sure he's aware.

    As a listener I would have preferred that TAB tunes were generally left alone if they didn't feel right in rehearsal (which they couldn't have).

    I think this is where the dissapointment of Mr. tube lies too.

    On the topic of dissapointment...when we bitch about shows or players I think it a good idea to find what we like and where the potential is. The constructive part of constructive-criticsm should not be omitted because we are not personally in touch with the players.

    Which songs are original to the group of players that were on that stage? In a number of tunes I did not recognize they seemed to lock up in a comfortable way and reached some plateaus that were Phishy, but fresher and more explorative. These moments and jams were WAY MORE Interactive and self expanding than some Phish stuff I've seen that is a little too "heady" where they go off for an eon and don't seem to be listening to eachother's ideas at all.

    Loved hearing the interaction of the 2 guitars ... really elevated things. Good for the ears I tells yah.

    Can't wait to see this band after recording an album together. A little more unified and some more material of their own to explore together and they'll be a great time.

    Which one's are the originals...I've pulled out the one's I recognize.

    Please excuse me if some of these are obvious to some of you.


    5/13/05 Hammerstein Ballroom - New York, NY

    by Pete Carini

    New York, NY May 13 08:44

    Set 1:

    Dark And Down

    In The Light

    Set 2:

    The Way I Feel >

    Mr. Completely >

    Goodbye Head >


    Come As Melody

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