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Posts posted by Deeps

  1. She almost saw our band on a pass by of Guelph. Sure it didn't happen but she was really excited to try and make it happen.

    The 5 secs I saw her at CMTF this past May were fun too. She's smiley and nice and stuff.

    Way to not be a knob buddy.


    what the thunder said this Thursday June 23 @ the Vinyl in Guelph opening for Wassabi!

  2. Well as amazing as my van gogh avatar has been for the last 2 weeks I think I'm gonna snap if I can't change my avatar to something I actually want.

    Please point me to how to remedy my situation...I've sifted throught the help forum and became more confused than b4.

    I am a sad van Gogh avatar havin' Deeps.


  3. I'm looking at the Bonnaroo website and it looks as though John Mayer is sitting in with Herbie Hancock in the Headhunters 2005 section.

    Do my eyes deceive me?

    Did anyone catch this?

    If it was Mayer; did he hold his own?

    Need details!


  4. Farm school ... yes....many pickup trucks.

    One of the most progressive and open minded communities in the country if not THE most.


    Come join the garden of good times and funky beats in Guelph.

    I'm going on Friday for sure. More good tunes in Guelph. We be bringing a bunch of people ready to listen and dance.

    Looking forward to finally hearing these kids.

    What instrument does JChameleon play? I'd like to say hi!

    Looking forward to meeting up.


  5. I enjoyed the music. There's the compliment you must of been looking for. :) Though I was merely compariting the magnitude of acoustic instruments when you must of been refering to some spiritual quality. But in no way was I trying to deliever a negative fact into this argument... you've done that quite well on your own. ;)



    I think Shredder hits a nail on the head here. I personally am going to hold any further critique until the Bonnaroo peeps get their inevitably positive reflection from this past weekend in.

    I went last year and it ruled so tell us why it ruled this year [color:purple]then I will save up all your positive comments and disect them one by one until you're left with no fun at all. Kidding....welcome home kids.

    Sorry if any of our jawing has detracted from your experience at, I only hope it's fair and makes you think a little, but skim for the positive in this thread while you bask in the glow of one of the best music fests ever.


  6. I loved the Sha Na Na part!


    Explain please. Explain to me that on some misfit hippy level the inclusion of Sha Na Na is a beautiful thing and should be duplicated. When does the musical integrity of the fest usurp inclusion?

    So essentially there is no cool is there ?...everyone's welcome eh?

    Except Trey I guess.

    You one crazy crackah MarcO.


  7. I can't think of anything more boring than a music festival based strictly on "musicianship".

    Wake me when it's over.

    MarcO was front row and shirtless for Sha Na Na at Festival Express flipping out as they ran from medley to medley.


  8. I see what you're saying on the inclusion front and I'm for its sentiment, but I don't think I'm unjustified in worrying that once the mass radio artists realize that there are 70,000+ fans waiting in line for this fest that the agents and record companies that represent them won't be lining up with top dollar to get their *amazing* new artists on this cross marketing stage complete with their fashionable hair cuts and dance poses.

    Maybe I'm just paranoid, and I really hope I'm wrong, but the thought of the 'roo being soiled by the interests of the afformentioned proprioters of money driven drivel(sp?) is something I'll fight tooth and nail to prevent.

    Cheers to the Bonna-crew for the amazing festivals they have put on to date and here's hoping their integrity stays in tact as ther fest gains more and more fame.


  9. Don't forget that artists like Jurassic 5 were at the inaugural Bonnaroo, and they don't fit into your narrow criteria of what Bonnaroo is all about.

    J5 definitely fits in what you perceive to be my narrow view of acceptability. Their tunes show sophistication that THEY produced. They are a band not a thrown together group of people. Everyone in the band relates directly to the music and the messages they put across in hard to execute hip hop tunes. They move in and out of vocal lines with some serious precision in an organic way.

    I don't think Joss Stone's band members relate to the following lyrics.


    Joss Stone : You had me

    You had me

    You lost me

    You're wasted

    You cost me

    I don't want you here messing with my mind

    Spitting in my eyes and I still see

    Tried to keep me down

    I'm breaking free

    I don't want no part in your next fix

    Someone needs to tell you this is it

    Hey listen you'll be missin'

    Out on all my love and my kissing

    Make your mistakes on your own time

    When you come down you're just no good to have around

    Instead of making money you took mine


    You had me

    You lost me

    You're wasted

    You cost me

    I don't want you here messing with my mind

    I've realized in time

    that my eyes are not blind

    I've seen it before

    I'm taking back my life


    The fact that these players back this is an inevitablility in music unfortunately. I guess I want Bonnaroo to represent music played in a collective fashion not in that studio band vein that pervades radio.

    I really hate to make an example of Ms Stone because from the sounds of it she means the heck outta what she's saying, but once it's filtered through the corporate machine it really does start to come off as an inorganic music commercial.

    That's something to be avoided at the 'roo.

    I had the same complaint of Maroon 5s inclusion last year. Despite the weak virtually chopless attempt at bringing the funk and their coy cross marketing the band is a record company produced Poppy McPop Pop brand of tuneage.

    I don't hate it I just can't come near respecting it when they are surrounded by bands who choose to make tunes in the admirable and hard-working spirit of The Black Crowes, Allmans, WSP, Govt Mule, Primus, Ween, Particle etc.

    Note: the preceding band list is not a list of preferences, it is a list of some people who work hard and speak and play to what they know. Ideally Bonnaroo bands ensure that the don't get filtered and washed out despite ALL of the opportunities that are likely available to them since they have the credentials enough to play @ Bonnaroo.


  10. Bonnaroo is about musicianship. If a band cant meet that one requirement they dont need to come. Period.


    I agree...I think that the hacks that slip in should be obligated to watch some bands with skill. Escorted by the Bonnaroo crew.

    Maybe some shirts that say "music ed."?


    "Integrity injection squad."

    With little reverance for actual musicianship these days in the main stream, one would hope that the 'roo would be treated as a sanctuary for just that; gawd knows the radio is a bastian for the exact opposite and is a scary beast.

    After all Bonnaroo gained its following on the backs of bands that exemplify solid musicianship.

    A place where writing tunes based on gut feeling and the pursuit of exciting people through inspired playing is needed in a big way and that's what Bonnaroo represents to me.

    Joss Stone can sing, but gives little in the way of originality. Another ass with a producer and a voice...no thanks. Currently searching for songwriting credits on this album....I smell formulae and some heavy studio players.


  11. True, Mayer used to be a wannabe pop star churning out sappy tunes for 14-year old girls, but if either one of you kept up with what was going on in music, you'd know that the John Mayer Trio is a far cry from his solo work... Here's the info about the Trio:

    "John Mayer plans to release a new studio album in early 2006, and he already has a name for it -- Continuum. According to RollingStone.com, Mayer plans to experiment with a new sound and even take some risks while doing it. He explained, "I'm ready to shake it all up. They are tunes that live on guitar. When it comes out, I may never win a Grammy again, I may never sell a million records again, but the world will get where I'm coming from." Mayer added, "I'm not afraid to lose it all."

    Sounds pretty "adult contemporary" to me... (insert rolling eyes smilie here)

    One Rolling Stone article and the boy is absolved of his previous sins? See "daughters" by John Mayer for the height of song writing garbage.

    In response to the "keeping up with the times" quip. I've heard for years that the dude had some chops, I heard he's studied witha lot of blues greats. I've kept up and have yet to hear shit that pointed him toward more than a sappy love songster.

    Good on him for grabbing the loot and running, but the lame-icity that has been done has in fact been damn near impossible to endure and only when this album you speak of is released and we hear that the boy finally stopped with this style will he begin to be acquitted of the crimes his mamby-pamby generic brand of pseudo rock has done to my ears.

    He can rawk the way he wants to I guess, I aint buying it because of the above feelings or in the case of MarcO I aint *almost* buying it either.

    [color:purple]No one is going to tell me I don't know what I'm talking about you boy-band-box-set-buying son of aaahhhhhh Monday.


    PS I have no air conditioning!

  12. "Listen cheese lady! I don't know what the fuck you are talking about. I've gotta go my friend's waiting on me.", said Darcy pointing in Todd's direction.

    "Well you tell your friend that he can go to hell too you little weasel."

    [color:purple]"Yah I'll get right on that", said Darcy.

    Darcy and Todd meet in the centre room and realize they are wearing the same suit.

    "I went and saw our friend behind the red door and she gave me this trumpet Todd. Do you have any idea who that was?"

    "No. She kept muttering something about Coltrane's ghost and how music was dying because Jazz continued to be played in stuffy high end clubs to snobby no-minds."

    "She said the same to me Todd. I can't say I disagreed with her."

    "Yeah me neither.", said Todd.

    Looking at Darcy's battered horn Todd asks, "are you gonna play that thing with me tonight or just stand there?"

    "That old girl behind the red door gave you chops too Todd?"

    "Sure did."

    "Listen Todd, you see that Humpty Dumpty looking dame over there with that sour look on her face."

    "Yeah", Todd replied.

    "Well she's got it in for us. Saying something about us doing her wrong or something. She sounds like the woman who called you on my phone earlier today."

    "I'm gonna throw myself in there and deal with this mean ol girl. I'll see what's up with her", Todd said fearlessly.

    Before he could take a step toward her a spot light fell on both he and Darcy.

    "Ladies and Gents we got a gotta couple of players here who neeeeed to make their rent. Please welcome to the Swanky Skank stage The Red Door Players!", blurted the loudspeaker.

    The lights went up and down quickly, just enough time for Todd and Darcy to rotate once around. Each hallway eminating from where they stood layed wood toward at least 200 people. Like it or not, ready or ill-pepared the Red Door Players were going to play to a packed house of about 1400 tonight.

    There would be no sound check it was time to play.

    Todd and Darcy, now faced eachother and in eachother's eyes was a confidence that would lead them directly to the same piece of music.

    The first note hit Darcy's ears and he knew that they were going to play the hell out of Coltrane's "Central Park West".

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