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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. great pics, tasha ... as always. thanks!
  2. Last night I saw one of the most unique shows Ive ever seen. Nels Cline, lead guitarist of Wilco played with longtime friend G. E. Stinson at a small, late-night show in a church gymnasium as part of the Guelph Jazz Festival. I don’t know whether they actually played a 60 minute song, followed by a 20 minute encore, or whether they were simply experimenting with sounds. A little bit of both perhaps. But it was excruciatingly brilliant, and something I venture I will never see again. The Guelph Jazzfest is becoming known as one of the most avante garde festivals in the world, and this show will simply add to that mystique. I don’t even know how to describe the performance other than to say it was the two of them, standing at the front of the stage, making sounds come out of their guitars. It didn’t help that the show began close to midnight after a long full day of music, and many in the audience had a hard time staying awake, let alone getting into the performance. Both guitarists came equipped with a caseload of pedals, capos and strange and wonderful devices that either clamped onto the strings or were used to blow onto them. Dissonant more than melodic, yet never too loud, the sonic landscape was rugged, warm, jarring and surreal. We were treated to witness a process of creation, not to enjoy a finished product. I know a couple of other skanks were there, so hopefully they can do a better job at describing the show, but here is the pre-show link from the jazzfest about the show, and where I lifted the pic.
  3. hey all, I have a pair of Devendra Banhart tickets for next Friday night (Sept 21) in Toronto at the Danforth Music Theatre. The tix are GA. I just dont really want them to go to waste. The show is not sold out. He's probably best decribed as Indie-Folk. This is his myspace page and his home page as well. Was actually looking forward to him, but will be out of town now. Send me a private messgae if you are interested. Im in Guelph, and work in Hamilton, but can expresspost them as well. Thanks.
  4. oh, that was you in the back row that night
  5. 1. My course books are, like, totally heavy. 2. You should see my schedule, I have to walk miles between classes. 3. Q: Do you know where the student centre is? A: Turn around. 4. 5. 6.
  6. i hope it finds its way back to you. you go to mohawk? i was just there.
  7. wowser! i go away for lunch and a whole new theme has come and gone? well done, skankaroni's!
  8. i heard there was a pack of wild dogs roaming around that area this past weekend ...
  9. ... i'm interpreting it as "if you heard it, it's good" ... ... edit to add: unless of course you were alone, in a forest ...
  10. i do believe the theme has been modified ... so, in the spirit of progress ... 270 Songs You heard at CTMF (or anywhere else) this past weekend 1. Bob Dylan - Gotta Serve Somebody(Steve Murphy Band) 2. The Grateful Dead - Franklin's Tower (Passenger) 3. United Steel Workers Of Montreal - Ask Me Stay (Dedicated to me!) 4. () Diesel Dog - Ain't Hurtin' Nobody (status pending) 5. The Last True Gentlemen - Nanaimo 6. The Police - Bed's Too Big Without You 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  11. the love here is so thick I can cut it with a fork
  12. sweeet!! im loading up the el camino and heading down to the bmo tomorrow. does phil still hold the flashlight under his spooky chin for moma?
  13. im on my 12th beer now, nothing will help ... you know, i mean, other than a 13th ...
  14. did anyone go to the free genesis show last night at ACC in TO?
  15. jeesh, im even more confused now ... i need two beers ... ... pass on the lawyer this time ...
  16. i need a beer ... .... and a lawyer ...
  17. come to my office, little girl. i'll show ya things ...
  18. Jamie Sommers could have heard it from anywhere ...
  19. Anyone here ever see him sing? I would have liked to have seen him, but I have a feeling I would have either been a bit bored or glued to the edge of my seat with a tingling spine. Hard to say.
  20. Just prior to the 1985 election, Conservative Premier Bill Davis rammed thru funding for Catholic school boards. It backfired, and the PCs who were expected to win handily were barely elected with a small minority government. John Tory was Davis' legislative secretary. It completely baffles me that Tory seems to be repeating the same fatal mistake that ended the Big Blue monopoly in Ontario politics 20 years ago. Desparation, I guess. I actually has a great deal of respect for the man. He always struck me a straight shooter. But now, he seems to have lost his mind.
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