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Hal Johnson

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Posts posted by Hal Johnson

  1. I just spent a half hour watching the Senators "Over-time" show on Sports Net East, waiting for the game to start. But, low and behold, it's blacked out here in Waterloo. BLAH!!!! If Im ever in the Senators dressing room Im going to poop on their silly logo!

  2. True, but the refs are all over the place. First of all, they need to distinguish between an actual "slash," and an accidental/innocent, momentum driven contact of the stick to the lower body. I understand what they are trying to do, and that's cool, but, I dunno, it blows at times?

  3. If you watched the Leaf game the night before you'd notice Carolina was on the powerplay for almost the entire game. BOR-ING. The NHL that's slightly different from before licks monkey butt at times.

    Not to mention the general inconsistency in the calls. Which is good, I guess, cuz if they were truly consistent there'd be no 5 on 5 play at all.

  4. For what it's worth...

    'One-third of NHL players may be cheating': Dick Pound

    Dick Pound, chairman of the World Anti-Doping Agency, believes as many as one-third of the NHL's 700 players may be taking some kind of performance-enhancing drug.

    WADA chairman Dick Pounds thinks as many as one-third of the NHL's 700 players may be taking performance-enhancing drugs. (CP Photo)

    "I spoke with Gary (NHL commissioner Gary Bettman) and he said 'We don't have the problem in hockey,'" Pound said Thursday in an interview with the London Free Press. "I told him he does. You wouldn't be far wrong if you said a third (of hockey players are gaining some pharmaceutical assistance)."

    Asked if he meant performing-enhancing drugs, Pound replied "Yes."

    ya, but how many?

  5. I pulled up to a notoriously slow red light one evening. Baked outta my tree. I had to turn left. So I waited for the light to change. Then I waited some more...and then some more. I looked left, looked right, then looked left and right again. The light was still very red. After waht felt like an eternity, and since no one was coming either way, I decided I should probably just go. But I waited a bit more, just in case. After working up the nerve, I turned right, then did a quick U-ey. (That's right, Im dangerous). Problem was, by the time I got turned around to face the direction I needed to go, it was too late! The light had changed. So there I sat, dazed, confused, and thinking, hell, If I was drunk Id a been home by now.

  6. Gangsta Rap IS a problem. I dont care what anybody says. I saw it growing up. My community suffered because of it. Im not naive enough to believe it is the sole reason for the way some of the kids act, but it sure as hell doesnt help.

  7. So do I, but I am also expecting his production to fall off pretty soon. He aint getting any younger and his contract starts paying him HUGE dividends this year. I'm STILL pissed at the Jays for how they handled that situation and dont think I can ever forgive them. They ran him out of town.



    Jays should put Batista back in the rotation, over-pay for a GOOD closer, and then sign some wing-nut whos good for 35+ HR's. He doesnt even have to hit over .130, just as long as his hits are 2, or 3 run shots. Im thinking someone who likens their game to a Rob Deer, or Tony Batista...

  8. Me too. And your probably right. Most people would do just about anything if it meant landing/sustaining a multi-million dollar contract. When I played Ball in college one of my teammates told me of his days in the states at a major U.S school where he said at least 80% of the players were on steroids. At LEAST 80%. He told this to me loooong before Canseco came out of the closet too.

    I guess its not fair to assume Fischer was on anything, but given the nature of the beast, it wouldnt be surprising.

  9. Shit, I used to take caffiene pills when I spent the day at high school smoking pot and then had a game the same night at like 10:45 across town. I didnt think it was a big deal at all. Yikes.

    On a more innapropriate note, a buddy of mine and I were talking at work about the sadistic Pro Line commercial you could make of this. It writes it self.

    Dont worry, im slapping myself right now...

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