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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Hey guys - I posted a new note in the league, everyone's feedback would be appreciated, so please check it out! Cheers!
  2. My old roomate's a vegan going on 14 yrs - healthy, if not healthier than most people I know.
  3. On it! (but I do encourage you to go to the highest bidder - even if it aint me....but if it is me...giddy up!)
  4. Apparently he was still playing in independant leagues as late as last season...I remember hearing it once on the radio, I think. It's probably true!
  5. "I used to like to look at the face of the pitcher when you'd steal a base. I used to walk up to the catcher and tell them, 'If you don't give me a pitch to hit, I'm going to be on third base.'"
  6. Haha, awesome! Congrats Ricky, you were one of a kind!
  7. Fair enough, I dont contest that the Jews have a stranglehold on the media, rather Im trying to figure out why it is the palestinian people seem to have no voice here in Canada. When Israel invaded Lebanon I had to sit through numerous callers on numerous talk shows come down on the Lebanese people. Why is that? I think the coverage in the media is very one-sided and shapes popular opinion. Either that or everything I've learned about morality and ethics is false. I think what BWM contrues as hate for a nation is really just the questioning of the nations governement. When the states went into Iraq they had the media on their side. One of the main personalities on CNN was on John Stewart the other night and admitted that they were wrong in the way they handled the situation. Many people critisized the US for the actions their government decided to take...no one was saying anything about an american him/herself.
  8. Thank you for posting that link, Deeps. Everytime these occurances happen Im astounded by how one-sided the coverage is. It seems Israel is given the greenlight to do whatever they please until they seem to overboard. Then there's a backlash as people stop and say, hey wait a minute, something doesnt seem right there. Then those people are called anti-semetic. There is little to no voice in the mainstream media for palestinian people. My cousin is dating a girl whose family fled from there some years ago. Contrary to popular belief, she does not want "all Jews dead," but instead has to suffer through the pain of yet another assault on her people, while the Toronto Star and CNN paint the picture of terrorists and cowards and what-not. Ya, get over it is easy to say, I guess.
  9. As much joy as I had when Freisen scored with a minute or two left? :cool:
  10. So, BWM, do you believe that Hamas only ever sends rockets in to Israel because they belive the Jews shouldnt exist? If this were true, do you not think that this is a terribly ineffective way of completing their task? Is there not one part of you that thinks maybe Hamas and/or the palestinian resistance in general was created in resopnse to what they feel is unjust and unfair? And if so, how come they are viewed simply as terrorists? How would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot?
  11. Hal Johnson

    The Dead

    I'll be spending my money on either disco biscuits or Umphry's...haven't decided yet.
  12. So when is Harper going to change Canadian law to reflect his morals? If my neighbour stabs me, I should be able to take out his entire family, his dog, and maybe his friends too, without being charged in court. Afterall, Im merely defending myself.
  13. What about Lobster?! The poor bastards.
  14. aye...1-3 for me. 3-5 all together. Next weekend is even more of a crapshoot! I wanna go Philly and Pit, but maybe that's more my heart than my head....so officially, I'll have to say BAL and ARIZONA(?WTF?)
  15. Absolutely, but no camel-jockey jokes
  16. So, ya, I'd have to agree, I see a growing tolerance of rasicm in my day to day life. Interesting study.
  17. I'll play it safe, Titans Steelers Panthers Giants
  18. Im sure if they switched to a playoff format it would be a huge success. Sure there'd be those who would be against it, but the $$ would speak for itself. Think about all the casual fans who would watch the playoffs! (myself included)
  19. Forgive me if this is old news, but I just aint as hip as I once thought I was... Note the director of the company's name though, it's awesome when the stars align like this. "Natural ecstasy" popular with Gen Y despite Health Canada warning
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