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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. You guys are mean, and not being fair. A guy at work tells me his buddies make a point of going out to fields this time of year to find crops. He said they went last week-end and found some. So stop blaming the victim here.
  2. Hal Johnson


    Its a tad ironic that he craved the media's attention for so long, only to have it push him to the point of suicide. Now he has to face the same media, but ten-fold, and over something much, much worse than a bad attitude during football games.
  3. I know someone out there cares about this date as much as I do. Its a wednesday and not only is Primus playing the Koolhaus but Axl and his bastardized version of GNR is playing the ACC at the same time! What the hell would YOU do?
  4. "You wanna antaginze me? Antagonize me mutherfucker, get in the ring mutherfucker, and Ill kick your bitchin little ass, PUNK!" hehehe, thats awesome.
  5. Thats funny, I just read the headline on Google about the tories making "minor cuts" to save a billion dollars and I thought, "oh great, what kind of stupidness are they going to come up with for this one?" And here we have it. Ya know what? Im not even surprised anymore. What a bunch of stupid jerkfaces.
  6. No shirt, no service. (unless on the West Coast)
  7. Canada in general is a bad sports town. Therefore, I wouldnt single Ottawa out, except to say that their hockey fans care more about the Maple Leafs than they do about their own team.
  8. Im with DEM, I hated this album when it came out, but in my case it was cuz all my friends loved it so bleeping much. Over the years I started to appreciate it, but never too much. I cant help but agree with Bruce Mcculloch when he says, to paraphrase, "Would all these people even care about this man if it were not for his golden locks and dreamy blue eyes?"
  9. I guess Tucker's name just got dragged in to it to show how dilusional Leaf fans are. I for one like the guy, but like you, I also know his place in the NHL.
  10. Therefore they should retire his jersey and put him in the hall? I think the theme of this thread is that Leaf fans generally tend to overrate their own players, never stopping to realize they're really just celebrating mediocrity. Which is probably why they'll never win again, cuz as long as management brings in a guy who scored 30 goals once, ten years ago, the fans will rejoice.
  11. The guy owns a Randy Wood Jersey, as well as a Baumgartner sweater. Trust.
  12. Oh man, it was brutal at first, people were calling for his Jersey to be retired, and to have him inducted to the hall of fame. Luckily, cooler heads prevailed.
  13. Refreshingly enough, Toronto sports talk radio was inundated with calls lambasting Domi. It got to the point where I almost felt sorry for the guy...almost.
  14. The new ones look like they're missing something, Im not sure what, but they just dont look completed. I like them a lot better then the recent ones though.
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