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Everything posted by Whitey

  1. Whitey

    NHL Draft

    He has been the consensus #1 for a while, but there was just an article in the hockey news about how Hedman might overtake him. Who knows? I am surprised that Doughty has dropped to 4th.
  2. Whitey

    NHL Draft

    No, he is eligible next year. Doughty has dropped to 4th?.
  3. My point is that if the Leafs are looking for an established GM and stanley cup winner, the person knows the situation in TO and does not need to watch tv to understand it. Using the names that having been brought up, if any of these men decide to come they will come regardless of attention or how bad the team is. They will be brought in to rebuild the team and to cash in on the MSLE's millions.
  4. They may be expensive, but if I get a chance I would take them all and I don't even like the Bills. Bring on the NFL!!!
  5. Too bad Paul, it seemed great at the time, but things never worked out. I hope the future is a little brighter in Leafland.
  6. Losing Goalie Makes 98 Saves!!!
  7. Yes, definately props to Alfie.
  8. Don't worry, SS has some pretty thin skin.
  9. Not being a Miami fan, I am not too intrigued by this matchup, but I definately have my name in the draw. I would hate to see the Bills leave Western New York, but if it meant that Toronto could have a team, I would be in.
  10. But they started the year 15-3.
  11. Chris Neil takes some stupid penalties.
  12. You are taking that loss pretty hard, huh? Since you have given up, you might as well just cheer for the Pens.
  13. Smoothed Shredder has already given up after game one?! Things must be bad. Glad I PVRed the game last night.
  14. GARY ROBERTS ..... GARY ROBERTS! Oh yeah, great game Gary. He is definately one of my all time favourite Maple Leafs. Doing it to the Sens again. Nice.
  15. We would all have a Merry Christmas!!! Sorry that you were hire by an incompetent GM Paul, but your time is up. Good bye.
  16. EASTERN CONFERENCE (1) Montreal vs (8) Boston [color:blue]Montreal in 4 (2) Pittsburgh vs (7) Ottawa [color:blue]Pittsburgh in 6 (3) Washington vs (6) Philadelphia [color:blue] Washington in 6 (4) New Jersey vs (5) NY Rangers [color:blue]New Jersey in 6 WESTERN CONFERENCE (1) Detroit vs (8) Nashville [color:blue]Detroit in 4 (2) San Jose vs (7) Calgary [color:blue]San Jose in 7 (3) Minnesota vs (6) Colorado [color:blue]Minnesota in 6 (4) Anaheim vs (5) Dallas [color:blue]Anaheim in 6
  17. I thought of you in the 9th DJ. AFter 3 games, your prediction has come true. That being said, the first 3 games have been very entertaining ball games.
  18. That is a classy statement and he definately should have had his head up. But, if that had been Sundin I would have been pissed. Bell has done absolutely nothing this year except get beat up by almost everyone he has fought and then in the second last game of the year, he takes out the captain of the opposing team. Tough to swallow.
  19. I agree with you about the Yanks, I think they might have a few problems with their pitching staff. I was looking at their starting pitchers and Mussina is their number 2 starter. That can't be good. But, they could over come these pitching problems with their great hitters.
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