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Posts posted by YearsAlongTheSea

  1. Rage it dude. Wear sunglasses and a very distracting hat. Maybe bust it out Dr. Zeus style. It's all about getting into people's heads. Be Basher, aka The Cat in the Hat. And when people call you and you've got the hand, you only have one thing to say: "Curiosity killed the cat." Then take their money.

  2. A lot of countries still frown upon homosexuality in a serious way. They're very picky about sexuality in general. One guy I used to work with, who was from Ghana, told me it was illegal and taboo to perform cunalingus on a woman. As for homosexuality, it what's even worth bringing up. Pretty back-ass-wards.

  3. I'd get your mouse to pitch in a little. I figure the little bastard could generate enough electricity to power your whole main-frame. Just get going on the wheel, a bit of unatainable cheese or crack in the cage should do the trick, and plug him right into the grid. You're laughing.

    You could even start breeding them and put a little colony behind the fridge.

    Food for thought anyhow.....

  4. I'm sure he'll remind you to "Big-Up Yourselves Toronto," a number of times. He should check with his therapist regarding the 'big-up' tip. Seriously, at bluesfest I counted and left after the 13th time he asked me "How you feeeeeeling," and there were about 7 requests by Franti that the people of Ottawa "Big-Up" themselves. Whrere do you draw the line?

  5. Sorry, I know it's not the weekend getaway you may have been looking for but I saw the title and thought I'd let you know what my favorite camp spot is, and to date, Crestone Needle Basecamp takes the cake.

    I'm actually thinking of taking myself and the dawg out into the country for some private reprieve with nature this weekend so I'm thinking of somewhere remote in Ontario, maybe around Algonquin, but I'll have to start looking into that.

  6. The Crestone Needle Alpine Meadow. It's a bitch to get up there; a real bitch. But, it's georgeous. The 14,000+ ft peaks turn fire red at sunset ala Sangre De Cristo style and Crestone Peak is an easy walk up if you're into mountaneering. From the top you can see the entire 'Blood of Christ' Mountain Range and the Great Sand Dunes National park below you. Breathtaking. Logistics are a bitch here. Go to Durango to a Expedition Store and try to get some maps. Best trip you'll ever take.

  7. Does that make him less of an artist or just smart; like Dave Matthews?

    I mean, if I had a CD and Starbucks said they wanted to sell it, well, there'd be a lot of yuppies listening to my shit but I'd be rolling in money. Did I hurt coffee bean farmers in the process? No. Did I suck from the coorporate teet, yeah, maybe a little, but I'm sure it would be nurturing for a while.

  8. Eat lots of pharmies and wake up for moe. That's what I would recommend, especially considering it might, nay, should tone down your whiney ass.

    This is really cover story material:

    Generic Hippie Band Books Generic Hippy Band Openers

    Full Coverage inside including editorial from hippy clit dimafleck

  9. That's weak sauce. I've never heard of this place but now I'm intrigued. Have ya'll tried alternate forms of tipping?

    Shain, I gotta get my proverbial shit together, but I could be down for a bite. I'll PM you my number a bit later.

  10. I think I need to learn more about this tour before I jump on the wagon. If it's just the two of them doing drums, I can imagine that would get old really quick. So, the question is, who are they playing with? What's the dilly-yo?

    And, the last thing we need is another Trey rumour.

    I heard from Trey's Ferret that Trey is sick of Trey rumours. Yes, this comes directly from the snout itself. You heard it here first.

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