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Posts posted by YearsAlongTheSea

  1. A lot of people whining on the Trey thread and my girlfriend practicing her bass.

    In other news, about to tune into a set of head phones and see what suprises my iPod has in store.

    Booyakasha, west side. A little Dire Straits, Alchemy; love it.

    "You guessed, Once Upon a Time in the West."

  2. I think you should really re-name this thread, 'vital organs needed..." Besides giving it that Volkswagon, 'beat around the bush heady' feel to it, it's much more concise. But, if you will know, when I go, I'm up for grabs.

  3. Yeah, private parties are nifty. I wouldn't get my knickers in a bunch for not being in the know though. Trey and Mike are celebrities and wanted to be at an intimate function where no one would really heckle them. That's probably why Jamioe said there weren't too many 'heads' there. One time I rolled around NYC in a stretch limo with Trey's Yizzle connect. Does that make me better than the proverbial you? No. Does being at the party, whenever it was, make anyone better than the proverbial you. No. So, don't bother taking it that way. Glad ya'll had fun. And I'm glad an undisclosed member of phish received sexual favors from a phan a few years back. Hospitality is key.

  4. Willy (not YATS) is both stupid and ignorant.

    Thanks for clarifying. I was going to introduce myself at Dickie Betts but I thought you might slap me for my ignorance.

    In other news, I think there should be more links from the Cavern to the other content as this seems to be where people "come waste their time with us."

  5. I think that's absolutely hilarious; well written. There are still so many laws, even in Canada that are rediculously outdated. I mean, wasn't there a short period when herb was essentially legal, or more fittingly, not illegal? Here's a link to a good article I just read on contradictary laws and such from the National Post .

  6. The Allman Brothers - er - Betts Family - er- Great Southern Band blew my freaking mind!!!

    p.s. what the hell is all this talk of the slip?! has everybody gone crazy?! did y'all miss the raging allmans tunes? give your head a shake!

    two steps back from the hype and a good deep breath...

    See, what happened, was, I got to Mavericks, and while I was straining to hear what that woman was trying to play on her fiddle, and while homeboy was learning to play the mandolin, I started to forget about Dickey. And then.... BAM, The Slip came on and there was all this hype for sale, and I was all like, "yeah, I'll take two." I should have gone for one, Dickey Betts was sick.

  7. or you could just update your bookmarks?

    the site is pretty big if you actually get out of the cavern and start exploring.

    AD can handle these situations so much better than myself. I would have just called you stupid or ignorant. Perhaps both if I were feisty.

    Fine, start a thread with a friendly reminder for EVERYONE who visits the site to update their bookmarks. I can't believe I'm so ignorant. What a stupid idea I threw out. I'm kicking myself here.

  8. Yeah, bouche, I don't know how to get around this, but I'd imagine most people's browser's send them directly to the sanctuary simply due to the fact that they visit it the most and is numero uno on their browser history. If you can manipulate that, my friend, you would be laughing.

  9. That anonymous post seems to make much more sense in that, a company the size of MySpace.com would have serious trouble trying to get away with something like stealing or maipulating anyone's content especially the plethora of large bands that are on MySpace.com and the associated record labels in general. The music industry would crush them. Period.

  10. ya, the lot is just before you get to the main entrance. ie if you're leaving the main stage headed for the canal, hang a left and it's right there. it's a free (!) valet secure bike parking area run by citiizens for safe cycling.

    apparently in ottawa it is now required to have such a bike parking area for any events drawing in the thousands of people (sorry, i don't remember the number offhand).

    good call if you ask me.

    edit --- sorry, this is mooose posting.

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