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Posts posted by YearsAlongTheSea

  1. you gotta dance like no one's watching

    thats how i live my life

    Please tell me you don't hulla-hoop. If you live your life hoola-hooping, you may get involved in a lawsuit with an old woman who's hip you dislocated while passing her on the sidewalk. It wouldn't be the first time...

    Damn Hoola-hoops.

  2. its kinda like sex, if one person is really horny but the other isnt then its not going to be awesome.. both sides have to want it.

    Well put. I'm just still in awe of the plethora of dancing opportunities that I've seen go to waste. Maybe people feel inhibited, but, I feel like a jackass dancing when everyone is just standing there. And, I agree that you don't have to dance to enjoy, it's just a perk if the chemistry is right. And by chemistry, I'm not talking about drugs.

  3. I just saw velvet at Michael Franti. Mildly disturbing. Everytime Franti asked how Velvet was feeling, he started wailing on some crippled guy that was sitting next to him making funny faces. It may have been a misunderstanding. Personally, I think it's the fascist hair-cut. Tone it down a notch buddy.

  4. Okay, the biscuits was just an example and yes, many in attendance to their shows are high, but, no kidding here, I've seen people dancing at other shows, and, get this, they were sober. So... yeah, people rage biscuits shows, but people also rage all sorts of other events. I just have to say, in the time I've been up here in Canada and now Ottawa specifically, I've seen a huge void of dancing. And, the jam-scene is not on the decline persay, it's just being relocated into more suitable genres. The word 'jam', as a foundation for a band's sound or vibe, is on the way out. That, I'll agree with. And it's not that these people I speak of are not enjoying themselves, they're just not dancing. Weird...

  5. Maybe I'm just used to NE US Biscuits shows and such where people throw down at a borderline mosh pit level but... it's kind of sad. 'Round here; no dancing, little enthusiasm, very robotic. There are some dancers, but just enough that they seem out of place and people even seemed put out by their dancing. Weird...

  6. Seriously. What gives? I don't how many shows I've been to recently where people are either glued to their seats, engaged in annoying conversation or just standing there and staring. I mean, if you don't like the music, or it's not danceable; I can understand. But, I've witnessed legions of people spectating what I would consider to be highly danceable performances, just standing there like robots.

    Do I need to run seminars on how to dance with a beverage in your hand? Does there need to be signs stating that dancing is allowed at whatever particular venue applies? Something's got to give. I feel like there is a general, innate lack of enthusiasm at musical events. And I'm not just talking about the lawnchair sections of Bluesfest here...

    Dance people! Dance!

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