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Everything posted by Esau.

  1. Flag atop Parliament building at half mast for Gord Downie.
  2. Right on. Texted my friend, he thought the same. Damn, that would've been awesome.
  3. I remember being in Kingston to visit a friend going to St. Lawrence, and we missed a Hip show in a bar, mid nineties (thinking 94/95). My first thought was the Toucan, but that place was pretty tight - saw Fat Cats there. Memory is cloudy regarding bar names, Wellington perhaps?
  4. Didn't realize it at the time it would be such a great memory, but seeing them on Canada day 89 in a park in London, ON. There was about 50 people hanging around, though the videos circulating appear to show even less. That was the first time I saw the Hip I believe. Another Roadside Atrraction Markham, 93. My girlfriend and I got mistaken for other people (I think it was her moreso than me) by someone on MIdnight OIls crew and were invited back stage, by the time it was realized we weren't the right folks, we were told, "well, your here now, enjoy the show" The Hip came on about 15 minutes or so later. Watched the entire show side stage, and Gord was in prime form that day. Unfortunatley didn't get to meet anyone, from any band that played that day but still an awesome time.
  5. https://globalnews.ca/news/3806747/actor-john-dunsworth-has-died-at-the-age-of-71/
  6. I edited the thread title as it's well beyond TPB and a few sites it appears. Hundreds Of websites mining cryptocurrency without user consent https://www.hackread.com/hundreds-of-websites-mining-cryptocurrency-without-user-consent/ Remember that adblockers will block these scripts and it is on developers of cryptocurrency mining scripts and domain operators to transform this scheme into a reliable alternative to advertising. “Providing a real alternative to ads and users who block them turned out to be a much harder problem. CoinHive, too, is now blocked by many ad-block browser extensions, which — we have to admit — is reasonable at this point,” stated CoinHive rep.
  7. Just like ads, users will seek out ways of blocking the script. I know I'll be looking as it seems this practice is getting more and more popular, and by companies, that in my opinion shouldn't require it, nor be stressing users systems or bandwidth, like CBS. I get that site owners need ways to generate income to help cover costs since so many users block ads, but this method is more damaging (again, my opinion) then the risk of malicious scripts contained within ads - which for the most part isn't an epidemic by any means. I mean, how long before the folks who write the malicious scripts that get injected into ads simply inject them into mining scripts? And how long before sites start figuring out how to inject mining scripts into downloads? Especially torrents, and on sites were share ratios are enforced, meaning users will either have to accept that their systems/utilities are being used or be kicked off a site for not maintaining an acceptable ratio. utorrent was already caught installing (stealthy 3rd party like) mining scripts on user systems that updated their software, and it's likely mining scripts will eventually be hard written into software making it practically impossible to block or opt out, short of just not using it at all. Considering that a lot won't be transparent about it being there, users simply won't know. Given the rising value of nation-less digital currency like bitcoin, I suspect games will be the first software this stuff shows up in - its the best cover for it as systems will already being running at elevated levels making it less likely it will be detected by most users. [edit to add] Almost forgot.. The Pirate Bay Caught Secretly Running Cryptocurrency Miner Again https://www.hackread.com/the-pirate-bay-caught-secretly-running-cryptocurrency-miner-again/
  8. Esau.

    Epic Covers

    Add the info provided on the video (minus the link to a removed video).
  9. https://www.hackread.com/hackers-compromising-websites-to-mine-cryptocoins-via-user-cpu/
  10. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/edmonton-oilers-craft-beer-sponsor-molson-1.4342960
  11. More sites caught using this crap. Currently, users have mixed reactions over the issue. While discussing The Pirate Bay’s cryptocurrency mining issue on Facebook, Cláudio Marcelo Silva a HackRead reader wrote that “Nothing wrong about doing it. But you need to be transparent about it.” Another reader Pierre Ciholas wrote that “Am I the only one who prefers having my browser used as a crypto miner during the brief time I browse a website to support them instead of having a dozen of advertisement and popup for porn websites?” Danny Marshall, an avid reader, wrote that “Do you people have any idea you have to pay the extra bill from your salary for extra CPU usage?” It is although a rare practice, but if adopted on a long-term basis it might replace ads for good as advertisements can be malicious and annoying at times. However, the fact that it hijacks computers for crypto mining deeply concerns for users, therefore, website owners should allow users to choose whether they want the site to use their CPU for mining or not. On October 4th, PassThePopcorn torrent announced that it would start generating Monero digital coins but at the same time, it will let users opt-in and control by the whole process which is the right way to go. https://www.hackread.com/cloudflare-boots-off-torrent-site-for-using-cryptocurrency-miner/
  12. Sometimes when I'm high, I wonder if I like Terrapin Station more than I like Morning Dew. On one hand, Terrapin Station is an original and kicks ass, and on the other hand, it's Morning. Fucking. Dew.
  13. I tried mining in 2010, I think they were worth less than 25 cents at the time. That was part of why I felt it wasn't worth it, the stress on my machine and the low value didn't seem worth it. Especially since I had fried a GTX 480 1.5G, and that was an expensive GPU at the time. I thought I was being smart by letting the software run when I went to bed. I had 4 coins by 2011/2012, they were worth about $15-25 each and the price was starting to drop, so I traded them off for two 100 GB HDDs. At the time I didn't think BC would last. Big mistake obviously. I wouldn't even consider using my current rig for doing it, I built this one over xmas last year and really enjoy my ASUS Radeon RX 480 8GB. Not too mention the rest of the set up.
  14. I tried mining software years ago when I first heard of bitcoin but at the time I didn't have a machine strong enough to do it and make it worthwhile. I even fried a graphic's cards trying. But, now-a-days most people tend to have the bandwidth and computers capable of doing it (eg: gaming style pcs with powerful graphics cards) and the fact that bitcoin is worth a fair amount (1 BC = 4834.09 CDN // 3,946.15 USD) there is a rise in this type of crap and considering places like TPB or software like utorrent boast of millions+ users/visitors daily it's no surprise really that this shit is no longer done via viruses but more or less in the open. I suspect it'll only become more popular too.
  15. No idea if folks still use TPB (I haven't since it's first take down a few years back) but in case folks still are, be aware. Also, if you use utorrent, starting with 3.4.2 build 28913, they've done it as well, link below in article. No idea if they still are though. I still use version 2.2 Build 23235 and its clean. https://www.hackread.com/the-pirate-bay-caught-running-cryptocurrency-mining-script/
  16. In case anyone who enjoys Jason's music hasn't seen this yet. http://www.npr.org/event/music/545844291/jason-isbell-tiny-desk-concert
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