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Posts posted by Esau.

  1. Why not make underage smoking illegal then?

    In my opinion, the same reason they aren't going directly after the makers of the cigarettes or even go after the sellers/stores of the cigarettes in terms of tighter controls, taxes, even bigger fines for selling underage or licenses to sell revoked for selling to underage etc.

    Just not enough money to be made from it.

    Just last year the gov't gave tax breaks to a Quebec tobacco company (GVA) even though they owed over 20 million in outstanding excise tax. The gov't was working out a deal on that owed tax money so GVA could remain operating (they owe almost every province money btw) - later GVA used the money they saved to lower their prices. (like mentioned above in Velvet's post) They have no interest in stopping smoking, in youths or adults.

  2. Perhaps, although I'm guessing that if someone wanted to illegally download titles from Sony's catalog, he or she wouldn't need to wait for files to be stolen by hackers. I actually wonder whether the stolen files were mass disseminated at all.

    Sony paid $60 million for over 80 hours of Jackson unreleased rehearsal footage(video/audio) made before his death. I'm guessing that Sony puts a hefty price tag on that stuff alone. I mean, we all know (for the most part) when a label states "unreleased material" that doesn't always mean previously unavailable material. At least on the internet.

  3. http://www.wired.com/2012/03/sony-music-hack/

    It appears that hackers who breached Sony’s networks last year absconded with more than just the personal information of millions of Sony Play Station users. They also stole more than 50,000 music files, including Michael Jackson’s entire back catalogue of published music, as well as previously unreleased tracks.

    The lost music is estimated to be worth around $253 million, according to the Daily Mail. Sony discovered the theft within weeks of its occurrence, but kept the news under wraps, though the Jackson estate was told of the breach at the time. Because no personal customer data was stolen, Sony was not required to publicly disclose the breach.

    Sony discovered the hack through routine monitoring of social networking sites, Michael Jackson fan sites and hacker forums, according to the Mail

    Sony purchased the Jackson catalogue in 2010, a year after the singer’s death, giving the music giant rights to the catalogue for seven years as well as permission to release 10 new albums of his work. Among the previously unreleased tracks reportedly stolen by the hackers were duets with Will.i.am of the Black Eyed Peas and Freddie Mercury, the deceased former lead singer of Queen.

    The hackers also obtained songs by Jimi Hendrix, Paul Simon, the Foo Fighters and Avril Lavigne.

    Sony has acknowledged the breach to the BBC, but refused to say how many Jackson files the hackers had downloaded. Sony still possesses copies of all the music, and the breach does not affect its ability to still release albums and individual songs that were taken by the hackers.

    The breach occurred last April, around the same time hackers broke into Sony’s PlayStation Network. In that breach, hackers stole the personal data of 77 million registered online gamers and also gained access to credit card data, though Sony insisted that the latter was encrypted and therefore useless to the intruders.

  4. I think part of the strategy (for good or ill) is to attack the Industry indirectly through their customers.

    Agreed. But to what end though? I mean, I get it and I imagine it worked to a degree. But now I believe it's failing. Those who are still smokers regardless of the prices, restrictions, health warnings or numerous other issues attached to smoking are obviously unaffected by these laws in terms of quitting. Meanwhile corporations get more tax cuts and incentives from the government. While lobby groups burn money and time simply fighting the smokers. In my opinion, like the war on marijuana it's an exercise of futility accomplishing nothing except more laws and restrictions which are almost always abused in the name of protecting one thing or another.

    I think the reason smokers are targeted over the Industry is because smokers don't spend millions on lobbyists, whereas the smoking industry does.

    Yep. Not too mention income generated from taxes on import/exports and again at point of purchase. Fact is the government will always be more then happy to collect even more cash from the people via fines all through more restrictions on the people, requested by the people. They got to love shit like that.

    I guess I no longer see the advantage of simply creating more laws instead of working at fixing the problem at the source. I see it like using a bilge pump to empty an over flowing bathtub instead of pulling the plug and turning off the tap. Costly with no real results.

    Anyway, I'm pretty much wandering off topic here....

  5. As a smoker (working on quitting now) I've never really had much issues with the smoking bans. In fact I was rather happy when the indoor ban (eg: bars) came into effect. I'm a conscious smoker in terms that I pay attention to my surroundings and light up in appropriate areas, or distances from others. I don't have any complaints about doing that. But it seems that the non-smokers are really only focused on the smokers instead of the source of all these issues - the tobacco industry.

    Instead of stacking law upon law onto the Canadian people until we live in a complete nanny state afraid of sneezing in public for fear of someone calling foul, perhaps focus should be directed at the tobacco industry, the source of the issue. One could even argue the government (all parties) who are more then happy to collect taxes while making more and more laws would be worth focusing on as well. I mean, the direction this seems to be going is to ban smoking in public, period and restricting smoking to private. Correct? So, just do it.

    As many may already know, unless you own or have permission from the owner of a home/apt/condo etc where you reside, smoking can and/or is on many occasions banned in rental properties. Owners have that right and I agree. But, considering the laws applied to smoking in a vehicle with children and the rental possibilities of smoking bans I just mentioned, it's safe to speculate that in the future we'll hear about banning smoking in private homes that have children. All the signs seem to point in that direction at least. It would be naive to think smoking will only be legal for home owners with no children, so again, why bother? - just ban smoking outright in Canada and save the money, time and bullshit wasted on enacting laws that will no doubt have funny little loopholes allowing government more intrusive powers then they already have and are lobbying for currently.

    I plan on being smoke free in the future so I'm not complaining about the bans per se, just the ever growing acceptance that more laws, restrictions and intrusions from government are the best way to deal with these issues. Again, if an outright ban is the desired end result, just do it. Lobby the gov't to shut down the tobacco companies, stop taking money from them (taxes, contributions or otherwise) and ban smoking period. Done and done.

  6. The screen on an old laptop around here finally kicked it and I have alot of files on there I'd love to grab.

    What is the easiest solution for transferring these files?

    I was going to just hook it up to my TV, but without the computer monitor I can't set the dual screen up.

    Any methods that I could do myself at home today?

    I found the easiest way to salvage data off a laptop HDD was buying the kit that makes the laptop's HDD an external HDD. Hooks & powers up via USB. Not much bigger then a large pack of smokes. Bought mine at factory direct or tiger direct (I forget) for less then $20 (case,cable and (faux)leather case cover) - still works great, doesn't get hot either and you'll have a nice external/travel HDD for future use for a couple bucks.

    Mine is similar to this.

  7. Just saw this on the CMW website. If it's already posted I missed it.


    TORONTO – February 13, 2012 – CMW regrets to announce that Jeff Beck will not be attending this year’s Slacker Canadian Music Week.

    Originally scheduled to participate in an exclusive one-on-one celebrity interview on Friday, March 23 at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel, and perform at The Phoenix Concert Theatre on Thursday, March 22, Jeff Beck has cancelled his appearances due to delays in his recording schedule.

    Jeff’s concert in Toronto was planned to be a launch for his new album, but due to timing, has been postponed until a new date can be announced. His interview at CMW has been re-scheduled for our 2013 event.

    Refunds for both concert tickets and individual tickets purchased to Jeff Beck’s interview at CMW are available at the point of purchase.

  8. http://gizmodo.com/5885792/taco-bell-has-an-85-million-taco-shell-reserve-prepared-for-doritos-onslaught

    Taco Bell Has an 85 Million Taco Shell Reserve Prepared for Doritos Onslaught

    Look, you can argue this fact all you want, but a fact it remains: Taco Bell's soon selling tacos made out of giant Doritos, and you're going to eat one. No, shh—it's true. Millions of orange shells await.

    The Doritos Locos Tacos, already available at a few experimental Taco Bell locations—the Los Alamos of shockingly cheap Mexican food—will roll out worldwide. And then, it'll be too late to resist, you stupid gourmand. You think you're too good for Taco Bell, maybe? Hah, no, friend. That's not how it works... But if you're going to be difficult about it and turn up your nose, try this on for size (like an enormous taco): the company has already mass produced 85 million Doritos taco shells ready.

    That's enough for every single person in Germany to receive one. And then another four million left over. So shut up and eat your tacos, which are so Locos that they require a specially-designed holster to prevent Doritos dust from getting on your skin and overwhelming your entire central nervous system.




    "In The Black Box"

    Friday March 23rd & Saturday March 24th, 2012

    Doors at 7PM â— Show at 8PM

    The Great Hall

    Toronto, Ontario

    1087 Queen Street West


    Tickets will be available at all Ticketmaster outlets or by calling

    (855) 985-5000 or online at www.ticketmaster.ca

    Toronto: CBC Music is proud to present Daniel Lanois with Brian Blade at 8PM at the Great Hall in Toronto, Ontario on Friday March 23rd and Saturday March 24th. The concerts coincide with Lanois’ induction into the Canadian Music Industry Hall of Fame during the Canadian Music Week festivities.

    Lanois will be presenting each show in a series of 3 acts that will feature prepared tracks with live dubs by Lanois set to visuals, a solo performance by Lanois and a full band performance with Brian Blade and Jim Wilson on bass. Following the performance there will be an after-party with Jamaican Dub music by DJ’s Mark Howard and Ryan Worrall.

    Lanois commented, “It’s a great honor for me to host this night at the Black Box, a tri-level evening..... featuring at level one, my ambient dub music fresh from the laboratory. At level 2, I will bring in my mate, Brian Blade, who will shred the drums on old Queen Street mixed in with a little bit of my Canadian story telling. This rare up close performance will segue into level 3, Ya Mon, hand-picked Jamaican Dubâ€.

    "CBC Music is the new home to Canadian music and we're pleased to present Mr. Lanois in concert at this very special time. Daniel is truly one of Canada’s national treasures," said Mark Steinmetz, Director of CBC Radio Music. "We are very pleased to offer our CBC Music audience an exclusive interview with Mr. Lanois on the eve of his first concert as well as a video broadcast from the event itself."




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