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Posts posted by Esau.

  1. Yeah, Ollie, I did. After reading your comment I went and pulled out my copies to double check, sure enough the option was checked.

    Not that it's really a big deal, it's not hard to call ahead and check, so I knew to bring a piece of mail with my address, and photo ID, but I just find it really strange that this has occurred the last three elections. Speaking with some friends last night and some of them had the same thing happen, one even had an elections Canada rep or something visit her to confirm the residents of her household earlier this year, yet didn't get a card, nor was on the list.

    If I actually subscribed to conspiracy theories, this would have me reeling. lol

  2. Just got back myself. Once again this year, I didn't receive a voting card, nor was on the list and had to provide ID, and proof of address. Not sure why this happens, but it's happened the last three times I've voted. My mother apparently was on the list, but didn't receive her card.

    Talking with the one of the girls working there I asked if they had been busy so far and she said that out of the 400 people listed from my area, only 55 had voted so far. Also, 25 more people (on top of the 55) were in the same boat as me and never received a voting card, nor were on the list.

    Disappointed to hear only 400 were registered for my area, especially since I live in an area with two huge apartment building, and easily 15 townhouse complexes (10-20 units per) and the entire residential area around the 4 schools. I'm also wondering about the number of us who just flat out didn't receive a voting card, nor were on the list to vote. Something really strange about that to me.

    Anyone know much about that? Why a bunch of us didn't receive a card or weren't on the list to vote but have voted in all the previous elections?

  3. Pretty interesting guy really, learned some new things reading that article.

    After dropping out of Reed College, a stronghold of liberal thought in Portland, Ore., in 1972, Mr. Jobs led a countercultural lifestyle himself. He told a reporter that taking LSD was one of the two or three most important things he had done in his life. He said there were things about him that people who had not tried psychedelics — even people who knew him well, including his wife — could never understand.
    He had a number of well-publicized romantic relationships, including one with the folk singer Joan Baez, before marrying Laurene Powell.
  4. haha - just had this discussion over the weekend at a wedding. Short answer: No.

    Of course this doesn't apply to anyone who willfully breaks something.

    I found it it's called "The Pottery Barn Rule" too.


    A quick search found an article about that very question.


    Then again, I'm no contract lawyer, so perhaps I'm entirely wrong.

  5. Steve Jobs of Apple Dies at 56


    Steven P. Jobs, the visionary co-founder of Apple who helped usher in the era of personal computers and then did nothing less than lead a cultural transformation in the way music, movies and mobile communications were experienced in the digital age, died Wednesday in Palo Alto, Calif.. He was 56.

    The death was announced by Apple, the company Mr. Jobs and his high school friend Stephen Wozniak started in 1976 in a suburban California garage.

    Full 5 page article:


  6. No one posted about this yet? Saw this on another board.


    Mitchell Hurwitz now promising a fourth season of Arrested Development in addition to a movie

    Not content with merely teasing fans with an Arrested Development movie, creator Mitchell Hurwitz has now upped the ante to a movie and a return to series television for the show, telling an audience at today’s New Yorker festival that a nine- or ten-episode “limited-run†fourth season of the show would help provide the prelude to the film that is still definitely happening, seriously. Adding further fuel to the flame, both Jason Bateman and Will Arnett later tweeted that both the movie and the next round of episodes would shoot next summer, probably seeing release sometime in 2013, while Bateman spoke for the rest of the assembled Arrested Development cast and crew in saying that “creatively we are all on board.†(As for supposed longtime holdout Michael Cera, Hurwitz explained that the whole ruse was just an idea for a “inside joke†he’d had based on Cera’s “Andy Kaufman thing.†You know, that Andy Kaufman thing that Michael Cera has.) Clearly, for a show that has inspired a religious faith in its Second Coming, this Sunday saw some especially impassioned preaching.

    And now, the obligatory caveats: Hurwitz acknowledges that, while the creative side is cooperating 100 percent, the stumbling block, as always, comes down to money. “We don’t completely own the property, there are business people involved and studios and that kind of thing,†he said—as he's always said—adding that the expanded project “requires studios to work together that don’t typically work together, film and TV.†And of course, as of right now, there's neither a film studio nor a network attached to either project, meaning Hurwitz has essentially doubled down on his bet that someone cares enough about reviving Arrested Development for its cult fanbase. [uPDATE: On the TV front, at least, Deadline says there have been "talks" with both Showtime and Netflix about picking up the limited-run series.]

    But that’s boring, pragmatic, cynical realist stuff! As a far more entertaining distraction, Hurwitz offered some tantalizingly specific details about the now much bigger project. As he explained, the new episodes would focus on a single character at a time, all in order to fill in the backstory on what’s happened to them since the last episode—and according to the New York Times, he’s even got the first episode mapped out:

    The first episode, he said, could focus on Buster Bluth, the deeply neurotic brother played by Tony Hale. “The latest joke we have,†Mr. Hurwitz said, “is that it’s Cambridge, Mass., and there’s all these scientists in lab coats and they’re waiting for somebody. Buster comes through the door in a white lab coat — ‘Let’s begin’ — and they say, ‘Oh, no, you don’t get to wear the lab coat. We’re experimenting on you.’ â€

    Why, it’s almost like you can see it in your head! (Which is still pretty much the only place you’re definitely going to, as of right now.) So in conclusion, don’t get your hopes up about an Arrested Development movie anymore. Get them up about an Arrested Development movie and a fourth season.

  7. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/plagiarised-by-dylan-speaks-out


    Why no credit? The photographer 'plagiarised' by Dylan speaks out

    By Guy Adams in Los Angeles

    Saturday, 1 October 2011

    During his long career, Bob Dylan has marched against the Vietnam War, campaigned for the civil rights movement, and written progressive anthems which highlight such social blights as poverty, racism, criminality and nuclear proliferation.

    Now the “voice of a generation†faces a battle which may end-up leaving him on the wrong side of history. It pits the multi-millionaire pop legend against Rob Oechsle, a middle-aged photography enthusiast from Pennsylvania.

    Mr Oechsle, 58, is otherwise known as “Okinawa Soba,†the owner of an account on the photo-sharing website Flickr. Earlier this week, it emerged that several of the paintings in Dylan’s latest New York art show were direct copies of pictures from that very feed.

    “It’s plagiarism, pure and simple†Mr Oechsle told The Independent. “If a writer were to use a phrase from Shakespeare, and not credit him, or attribute it in any way, that’s what they’d be accused of. There’s an ethic expected of an artist, and Bob Dylan should be good enough to have it.â€

    When Dylan’s show opened at Manhattan’s Gagosian Gallery last month, the 18 oil paintings were billed as a “visual journal" of his travels in Asia, containing "first hand depictions of people, street scenes, architecture and landscape." In its catalogue, the singer claimed: “I paint mostly from real life.â€

    It has since emerged, however, that at least half of the works are copied from the internet. Six of them came from Mr Oechsle's Flickr account, which contains antique photos of Japan which he collected during thirty years as a resident of Okinawa.

    “Why didn’t he just credit the source?†says Oechsle, who was alerted to the theft by users of a Dylan fan site, Expecting Rain. “That would be the civil thing to do: give credit, say thanks, and acknowledge where the idea came from. If someone made a record that copied Dylan’s music, he’d hit the roof; there’s a double standard here.â€

    The musician didn’t just rip off Oechsle’s pictures; he also claimed they represented fictitious locations. A Dylan painting called “Shanghai†was based on a photo taken in Guangzhou. One called “Mae Ling,†a Chinese name, was cribbed from a shot of the Ainu, an indigenous people from Japan.

    “It’s lazy, the sort of thing you’d expect from a tourist,†says Oechsle. “He’s just copying stuff but not paying attention to the subject.â€

    Dylan’, whose gallery won’t reveal the price of the paintings, did not actually breach copyright - since the antique images from Oechsle’s Flickr are too old to be protected by proprietary laws. But in a move which now looks shifty, given that the paintings were originally marketed as first-hand works, it seems that he did seek formal permission to sell a painting based on a 1948 photograph by Henri Cartier-Bresson.

    His subsequent failure to own up to their actual provenance is a flagrant breach of Flickr etiquette, says Oechsle. “You should give due credit. It’s a social civic duty, part of being civilised,†he said. “It’s sad, because I’m a fan of Dylan. I grew up with him and bought his records. When a song of his comes on the radio, I used to turn the volume up.†But, he adds: “I guess you could say the times, they are a-plagiarising.â€

    NY Times article with a couple pics.




  8. Ok, I see what your saying now. Too much benylin/buckeys for breakfast I suppose. Damn sinus infection/chest cold. Sorry about that.

    But, I agree with you.

    Personally, I gave up in any belief of Health Canada having my back when I went through my cancer treatments, spinal surgeries and rehabilitation over a decade ago. Feet dragging and needless hoops to circumvent for some minimal support. Thankfully, my Union stepped forward and looked after me and my concerns at the time - something they had no obligation to do as my injuries were not work related. Anyway, that's a whole other story.

    I had written a lengthy rant (re: Health Canada), but after a couple previews, edits, and re-reads I decided this wasn't the place for it. Needless to say, I'm not at all surprised about the caffeine story.

  9. Glad I've got my MMR license already. Gives me one less thing I need to worry about anyway.

    You may have to start worrying.

    Medical Marijauna under review:


    Saw that. Poorly worded/written article though. Sad to see CBC play the scare tactic card, but not surprising.

    I have a physician who is more then willing to sign the forms, is very educated in medicinal use and laws. He didn't even ask me to sign a practitioner's release form, so I shouldn't have any problems from my understanding. The biggest changes that are coming will effect those that are applying to also grow their own, or are applying to grow for patients. I'm not eligible since I'm not the home owner.

    Not quite sure what you mean about Health Canada "having my back". They are the ones holding things up regarding this topic, not the doctors.

  10. Site seems to be loading and reacting a lot better today, bouche.

    Image button to insert code is also working and haven't had any errors editing a post after hitting preview. :thumbup:

    Added some sharing links down below threads for various social networks.

    Not sure if you have these on the site still, but I've yet to see any link for these. Running FF 7 (updated today) with AdBlock disabled.

    a couple of my private topics seem to have disappeared, ftr

    Probably due to the site being rolled back a couple days or so when bouche got it back up and running. I noticed that one of mine was gone as well, but also that any posts/threads created one or two days previous to the update error were missing also.

    No little arrows for me. When I click on the most recent post on the right side it jumps down to that post, it used to do that automatically when i opened up the thread title on the left side but clicking on the thread title doesn't jump down any longer.

    I just unchecked the "jump to new post" option, saved, then rechecked it and saved a few minutes ago. Then I went to the random picture thread since it has a lot of pages and one post I hadn't read, clicked on the thread title and it took me to the last/recent post (yours). I also tried the "What are you listening to" thread since it had a handful of posts I hadn't read. It took me to the newest posts, which was about four or five posts before the most recent (or last) post in the thread. So for me anyway, it takes me to the most recent posts I've yet to read.

    Might have been fixed, or perhaps just needed to be reset via unchecking and rechecking the option.

    New unread posts are remaining marked as such for me now as well.

  11. Just an update from my previous posts.

    My control panel is working again, the circled arrow takes a bit of time to load to CP options though.

    Shoutbox and Online Now boxes are back. But shoutbox at times takes a long time to load, overall the site as well. I'm using FF 6.0.2, Adblock disabled. Not sure if that helps.

    I'm still receiving the error message that the forum is not active on occasion, most recently when switching to full reply, or editing a preview of a post. The arrow at the bottom of the page seems to work again, and return me to the forum.

    can you see the little arrow beside the thread topic title? I think you need to click that.

    I'm not seeing any arrow myself. I click the name of the person who posted last (most recent) in the thread and it opens on that post. That's how I've always done that, unless I'm misunderstanding what your talking about. I have the option "Auto jump to new posts" enabled.

    I read your post about the FB interrogation. What sort of interrogation will there be? Just curious.

  12. does everything look normalish? there are some site graphics/styles that I'm going to have to edit that I forgot I had customized and new styles that I have to add to the custom skin. So if anyone notices any odd things, feel free to post them.

    I've noticed a few possible problems.

    Previewing a post, then hitting the edit button to make spelling corrections gives me a message that the forum is not active. This occurs also when using the arrow at the bottom of the page to return me to the forum. Here's a screen shot. (click link, then click pic for large view)


    When I go to the control panel, I cannot access anything. Clicking the blue arrows does nothing. Here's a screenshot.


    When I tried to use the Image box to post the code for linking the above screenshots, this is the code that appears.

    [[object HTMLTextAreaElement]][/[object HTMLTextAreaElement]]

    I can however enter the %7Boption%7D code myself and have it work.

    Also, don't mark as edited has changed, nothing drastic, but you need to click "reason for edit" first. Not an issue, just pointing it out. I assume that is one of the customizations you spoke of.

  13. Glad I've got my MMR license already. Gives me one less thing I need to worry about anyway.

    pledged to make it difficult for the government to pass the omnibus bill within 100 sitting days, as promised by the Conservatives last spring.

    Not like that time-line really matters to Harper anyway.

  14. Woohoo!!! The Muskoka Harvest Ale is back! Amazing beer.

    I agree, I love this beer.

    This year I decided to forget about checking online for a LCBO with it in stock (they always sell out near me)every time I wanted some. So, I went to two LCBOs (Hamilton/Burlington) and bought up what they had in stock at the time. So now I have 18 bottles of that nectar here for my enjoyment.

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