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Posts posted by Esau.



    I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to get my hands on some fuc.king gourds and arrange them in a horn-shaped basket on my dining room table. That sh!t is going to look so seasonal. I’m about to head up to the attic right now to find that wicker fuc.ker, dust it off, and jam it with an insanely ornate assortment of shellacked vegetables. When my guests come over it’s gonna be like, BLAMMO! Check out my shellacked decorative vegetables, assholes. Guess what season it is—fuc.king fall. There’s a nip in the air and my house is full of mutant fuc.king squash.


    I may even throw some multi-colored leaves into the mix, all haphazard like a crisp October breeze just blew through and fuc.ked that sh!t up. Then I’m going to get to work on making a beautiful fuc.king gourd necklace for myself. People are going to be like, “Aren’t those gourds straining your neck?” And I’m just going to thread another gourd onto my necklace without breaking their gaze and quietly reply, “It’s fall, fuckfaces. You’re either ready to reap this freaky-assed harvest or you’re not.”


    Carving orange pumpkins sounds like a pretty fitting way to ring in the season. You know what else does? Performing an all-gourd reenactment of an episode of Diff’rent Strokes—specifically the one when Arnold and Dudley experience a disturbing brush with sexual molestation. Well, this sh!t just got real, didn’t it? Felonies and gourds have one very important commonality: they’re both extremely fuc.king real. Sorry if that’s upsetting, but I’m not doing you any favors by shielding you from this anymore.


    The next thing I’m going to do is carve one of the longer gourds into a perfect replica of the Mayflower as a shout-out to our Pilgrim forefathers. Then I’m going to do lines of blow off its hull with a hooker. Why? Because it’s not summer, it’s not winter, and it’s not spring. Grab a calendar and pull your fuc.king heads out of your asses; it’s fall, fuckers.


    Have you ever been in an Italian deli with salamis hanging from their ceiling? Well then you’re going to fuc.king love my house. Just look where you’re walking or you’ll get KO’d by the gauntlet of misshapen, zucchini-descendant bastards swinging from above. And when you do, you’re going to hear a very loud, very stereotypical Italian laugh coming from me. Consider yourself warned.


    For now, all I plan to do is to throw on a flannel shirt, some tattered overalls, and a floppy fuc.king hat and stand in the middle of a cornfield for a few days. The first crow that tries to land on me is going to get his avian ass bitch-slapped all the way back to summer.


    Welcome to autumn, fuckheads!


  2. Awesome.

    The Hartford one almost had me spit coffee - I had a similar discuss with a friend from New Haven after seeing a pic on FB of him all decked out in his Whaler's and gear drinking a PBR.

    Love the Boston one, especially the last line.

    Thanks for the laugh. I stole this and emailed to a couple friends.

  3. j03_0910f.jpg

    Bob Dylan

    Jewels and Binoculars

    26 CD bootleg box set from the Vigotone "label", covering most of Dylan's (& the Hawks') 1966 tours, studio recordings and performances.

    Disc 10


    Stockholm, Sweden


    She Belongs To Me (3:15)

    4th Time Around (4:09)

    Visions Of Johanna (7:25)

    It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (5:14)

    Desolation Row (4:32 - incomplete)

    I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Have Never Met) (5:09)

    Baby, Let Me Follow You Down (3:31)

    Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (0:38 - incomplete)

    Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat (3:10)

    One Too Many Mornings (2:16 - incomplete)

    Ballad Of A Thin Man (6:04

  4. Hands on a Hard Body: The Documentary

    "Twenty-four contestants compete in an endurance/sleep deprivation contest in order to win a brand new Nissan Hardbody truck. The last person to remain standing with his or her hand on the truck wins. An absurd marketing gimmick at first glance, the contest proves to be much more..."

    IMDB link

  5. I'm no fan of Juggalos, but to qualify the lot of them as a gang is pretty absurd.


    I found it funny they [FBI] used the term "associates" too. A term most often used when describing people who work for, but are not members of organized crime groups (eg: bike gangs). I would bet it was to help drive their point across.

  6. Malwarebytes is awesome. I have the license version (lifetime). Worth every cent in my opinion for the real time protection and malicious IP blocking. Free version is great too, though.

    I would also recommend setting AVG to doing daily scans, set the scan schedule for a time your not online, like when your sleeping. I have my anti-virus (!Avast) do quick scans daily and deep scans weekly. I also run the ESET online scan once every couple weeks for a "second opinion", but will be moving to the paid version when my !Avast license expires in the new year.

  7. Sounds like someone in the FBI has a hard-on for ICP, to be honest, and probably a kid who listens to them.

    From the FBI PDF report above...


    The Juggalos, a loosely-organized hybrid gang, are

    rapidly expanding into many US communities. Although

    recognized as a gang in only four states, many Juggalos

    subsets exhibit gang-like behavior and engage in

    criminal activity and violence. Law enforcement officials

    in at least 21 states have identified criminal Juggalo

    sub-sets, according to NGIC reporting.*

    • NGIC reporting indicates that Juggalo gangs are

    expanding in New Mexico primarily because they

    are attracted to the tribal and cultural traditions

    of the Native Americans residing nearby.

    Most crimes committed by Juggalos are sporadic,

    disorganized, individualistic, and often involve simple

    assault, personal drug use and possession, petty theft,

    and vandalism. However, open source reporting suggests

    that a small number of Juggalos are forming more

    organized subsets and engaging in more gang-like

    criminal activity, such as felony assaults, thefts, robberies,

    and drug sales. Social networking websites are a

    popular conveyance for Juggalo sub-culture to communicate

    and expand.

    Juggalos’ disorganization and lack of structure within

    their groups, coupled with their transient nature, makes

    it difficult to classify them and identify their members

    and migration patterns. Many criminal Juggalo subsets

    are comprised of transient or homeless individuals,

    according to law enforcement reporting. Most Juggalo

    criminal groups are not motivated to migrate based

    upon traditional needs of a gang. However, law enforcement

    reporting suggests that Juggalo criminal activity

    has increased over the past several years and has

    expanded to several other states. Transient, criminal

    Juggalo groups pose a threat to communities due to the

    potential for violence, drug use/sales, and their general

    destructive and violent nature.

    Although law enforcement officials in Arizona,

    California, Pennsylvania, Utah, and Washington

    report the most Juggalo gang-related criminal

    activity, Juggalos are present in Colorado, Delaware,

    Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts,

    Michigan, New Mexico, New Hampshire,

    North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania,

    Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia, according to

    NGIC reporting.

    In January 2011, a suspected Juggalo member

    shot and wounded a couple in King County,

    Washington, according to open source reporting.

    In January 2010, two suspected Juggalo associates

    were charged with beating and robbing an

    elderly homeless man.

    *Juggalos are traditionally fans of the musical group the Insane

    Clown Posse. Arizona, California, Pennsylvania, and Utah are the

    only US states that recognize Juggalos as a gang.

  8. A prolific songwriter, Phish guitarist Trey Anastasio quietly spent part of the past two years working on a score for a new musical – an adaptation of the documentary Hands on a Hardbody – which will debut this spring in La Jolla, California. With a book written by Pulitzer Prize winner Doug Wright and dance numbers choreographed by Benjamin Millepied (Black Swan), Anastasio certainly isn't the only marquee name involved with the project. But his involvement will, no doubt, be of interest to a rabid audience of Phish-heads who may not necessarily be known as avid theater-goers.

    Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/exclusive-phishs-trey-anastasio-talks-about-his-first-musical-20111031#ixzz1cOsMGfiB

  9. XP, Windows 7 and Vista are all Windows. But different operating systems and have different ways to resolving problems.

    Regarding your AV issue: According the the AVG forums, if your scanner logs are showing wrong date they recommend deleting the old scan files. Otherwise, uninstall AVG and reinstall. AVG (and any AV program) get the time from your computer, so if at any time your computers time was wrong, the scan logs will still be wrong after the computers time is fixed.

    Best I can offer with no info to go on, sorry.

  10. First thing, what operating system are you running? (XP, Windows 7, Vista etc).

    It could be due to the time being incorrect, and when the program tried to access certain files they are mis-dated which will cause issues.

    I know a good site for online scans, but it can take quite awhile, but it's thorough (more then AVG) and trusted, but I'd rather try to solve this without doing that yet.

    Once I know your OS, I'll post how to reset the time. I found a bunch of people who have had this issue of the mouse not working - in some cases, uninstalling the mouse and restarting the computer worked, for others it took reinstalling the OS and in some cases a hardware issue was the culprit, but none were due to viruses.

    Here's this link to the online virus scanner, in case you'd rather just scan for a virus. Make sure to disable AVG when performing the scan.


    Follow the instructions in "Step One" (The Step Two is for purchasing) and your go to go, but be warned depending on your hard drive size and number or files/problems this scan can take a long time. But this company is one of the better security/anti-virus companies.

    For me the scan took 6+ hours - but I had 3.5 TB scanned.

  11. Honestly, that sounds like the mouse is dying or has died. Usually (although not always) non-responsive "clicks" are due to something inside the mouse giving out, usually from regular old wear and tear or because it was a cheap mouse. Almost always it's the "left clicks" that stop working.

    Try a different mouse as suggested. If it still the same, then we'll check other options. Process of elimination etc etc...

  12. Poor sport about it, if you ask me. Besides the crap with 911 and all, it's funny hearing his reasons excuses; "it was dark" - but it wasn't. It was 8:30am and daylight. "My daughter was scared" - except his daughter was no where to be seen, according to Mary Walsh on CBC the other day, the video doesn't show her either. The recent death threats are perhaps is a good reason, but come on, he knew, at the very least, they were reporters, not attackers. To me it was obvious when he got into his car, sat there for a few seconds and then politely asked her to move so he could get out and go indoors to call 911.

    Regardless, I imagine this will play in his favour to some degree, garnering him some sympathy from the public who feel 22 mins went to far. Good timing too, as his popularity is already doing a nose dive.

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