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Posts posted by gentlemonkey

  1. quote:

    Originally posted by secondtube:

    well i've been told my opinion doesn't matter cause i listen to boring hippy music when selectively criticising certain styles of music....

    just be careful what you say about certain bands around here....

    there is sort of a gustapo feeling around sometimes...

    WHOA~~!! I didn't see this..are you referring to the comment i made about you only digging dead-related music??

  2. An opinion is like an asshole. everybody's got one.

    here's mine.. If an opinion isn't relayed honestly, or with true intentions i think it's totally pointless. It's great to stay positive, and focus on the good, but if something sucked badly enough that I think i need to warn people, i tend to say it sucked. that being said, it's not always worth going into..

    my frustrations arise when i read opinions that I think are:

    - based on preconcieved notions

    - unfair based on personal bias

    - ignorant/ uninformed

    but i say giv'er

  3. nero @ babylon w/lowtide

    Make sure and come early.. we're going to try and get lowtide on at like 10, so they can do a nice long set. If you haven't seen lowtide, I think you are all going to freak.. the guitar player is ridiculous. band influences include phish, zappa, miles.. can't get much better than that. and they were killer 4 years ago when we first saw them.. Loooking forward to a rippaa.


  4. puddles. that website is CRAZY!! here's an exerpt, but i recommend everyone checks it out for a laugh.

    "many, many, many bands shows are synonymous with drug abuse. Remember that lazy, long haired cow Jerry Garcia? he led (by example) a whole generation into drug abuse and spaced out weirdness unbecoming of a wholesome, morally healthy normal person. He paid the ultimate price! Look where he is now. He is in hell being tortured. that is his reward for all the drug abuse he inspired. Here is an excerpt of a song by the Grateful Dead encoraging drug abuse:


    Take a snip of this then play a little riff, don't be afraid to try

    Don't need no airplane to get off the ground there's more than one way to fly

    Have a little taste, Baby, don't hesitate, every hit don`t have to be a song

    Gonna take you to the cosmos, Baby, and boogie with you all night long

    Riding out on a rail, feels so fine

    Talking 'bout that cocaine express, mainline, got a good head of steam

    -----by - The Grateful Dead-----"

  5. Came upon this site when the Bouchard family gang came upon nero playing to an empty room at the old whipping post. "i heard they do a phish tune" hahahha. Booche wrote a review, and told us about the site.. we checked it out, lurked for a while, then got into posting way too much.. (at work mostly). Got to know Graham, Brad, Daveyboy, Crystal Andy, Erin and Kelly through the whippings.. then got to know everyone else though the board and weekend shows.

    It's been a great way to stay entertained at work, feel connected to home when away, hear from people who are away- wachamole!, continually meet great people (just met maddak, phunky cauldron this past weekend), and generally feel a little more like I'm hanging with friends, while trying to wear out the day in an office. Not to mention how great this site has been to nero, spreading the word.. When my day job days are gone for good, I'll miss being a regular part of this forum. but i;m sure ill always check in. much love. [smile]

  6. What's the lamest thing that ever happened to you at a show or big party?

    Kosmic 2000 immediatley comes to mind for me. It qualifies because there was a band playing- although a bad one. 1 hour into a very intensely anticipated evening.. a security guard freaked on someone smoking, chased them, somebody threw a punch and the fire alarm was pulled. as a result they shooed everyone in Porter Hall out into the February cold, jacketless and messed up.. and half the party tried to stuff themselves into the tunnels, ruining a few trips no doubt.. They didn't let anyone back in, but everyone that got into the tunnels partied all night..

  7. thanks! is it period time again maki? [Roll Eyes][Wink]

    i'd put the same great posts on jamhub if i could get it to remember my login.. [Razz]

    ok, i shouldn't take any technical potshots, i still have no idea how to post a picture.. [big Grin]

    Contributions to the scene are appreciated no matter where they go or come from.

    NOw, lets all make love! [Cool]

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