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Posts posted by gentlemonkey

  1. quote:

    Originally posted by h:

    baron von semen - ha ha

    did you jsut make that up?

    i'm gonna go transfer it over to my new favourite sayings thread

    i still say that last guy is kid rock though

    yep.. freshly made up. maybe kid rock's older more mature brother.

  2. i was just at the airport and some senator was there off to Zurich. (3 huge bauer bags, a slick suit and an accent- but i have no idea who it was, so i guess this is only slightly related to the thread).. i gave him a little wink as he left with his ticket, as to say.. 'win it for me this year, comrad' .. i think we can count on a capital cup this year. [Wink]

  3. sweet!!

    i managed to score 1 pass.. but there are two of us. hopefully we can fandangle something. (ie- one of us goes in, finds somebody who comes out with the pass... any takers?? [big Grin] )

    I stopped in and checked out soundcheck.. didn't seem as contemporary as the reports have indicated, but they are smokin.

    (me and moe.ron are hitting the turtle for dinns around 7 then headin there)

  4. Micheal Moore is so cool.

    I need to read that.. Roger and Me..got to watch that in grade 12 business.. great film. Poor Flint, MI.

    the short film Pets or Meat is also great.. a follow up with the frightening bunny-lady.. and a huge snake. the scene in Roger and Me is one of the most hardcore things I've ever seen in a movie. Bllaaaaahh!

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