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Posts posted by gentlemonkey

  1. hahahaha.. not smoking.. i quit.. but i'm hacking up 'oysters'.. yum. carrying a small vile of lemon and tabasco. shlllooop..

    I recall a memorable puke I had 4 or so years ago. Myself, one of my roomies and a pal went to Zaphods.. got hammered into the night, then got invited to a party.. left the bar around 2:30.. got to the party and it was cool, (pretty much a mini-rave in a house) with djs.. and this great food spread.

    So we sucked back our medicine.. and chilled at the food table. I spent a lot of time with the spinach dip. after about 40 minutes, me and my roomie exchange a glance.. saying to each other 'we're waaay fucked'.. so we booked it, forgetting all about friend number 3 who fell asleep upstairs anyway.

    got home, felt a little better.. decided to go to sleep.. couldn't get this damn beat out of my head though- smoked a j and put on some pavement.. fell asleep, and awoke with vomit pressing... jumped out of bed, opened my door and started to puke. all over my roomies door, and the wall and washroom door.. and once inside the mirror and the sink. it was a thick green broth that smelled like murder. eyes tearing, head throbbing.. i tried to clean it up.. adding to the mess several times.. then i decided "fuck it" and went to bed.. and woke up to my roomated howling in fear and laughter. There has never been so much vomit on a wall i don't think. should've taken pictures.

    learned a couple lessons that day.

  2. Hey Kung!

    Yes, tis true.. got the word from jamhub.ca message board. Apparently Mark (gnome totting fella) got backstage at the Charlie Hunter show and convinced him to come to the Planet- and he did and brought a few members of his band. No first hand re-tellings, but I'm sure it was unreal.

  3. feelings i don't like..

    - hearing someone brushing their teeth really hard (to the point it sounds excessively hard).. baaaaaah! not sure why but it gives me shiverees, much like a street sweeping broom does.

    - swimming through a lot of sea-weed. blah!

    - discovering banana in my mouth.. fruit salad, or whatever scenario.. hate bananas.. and raisins

    - something probing my ass.. (again, whatever scenario- dont like it)

    - watching people eat anything that looks like vomit.. (im with sk on the cream of wheat..)

    icecream?? I too was all about the heavenly-hash also. gold medal ribbon.. now im into caramel cone explosion. or strawberry.

  4. here's jaybone's ideas..

    "on the topic of themes for the Deckuf shows i'ld like to throw in White Trash Night. We can have appetizers of spray cheese on crackers and spam spread. Everyone can dress their trashiest and maybe the bar would consider drink specials on Old Milwaukee from the can!

    Pimps and Hos is another fun theme to consider as is Formal Night."

  5. Hmmmmm, theme party eh? I think the theme should be...

    "Nude bradm in a backpack getting drunker than hell"

    brad, you will spend the night nude and in a backpack (a la C3PO in Empire), and everyone will take turns carrying you on their back. You get to choose who carries you next based on how many drinks you are getting.. fun ensues

    maybe a "wear your favorite meat" night.. that could be cool.

    other suggestions?

  6. .. i quit doing it! and i feel like my insides are coming out of my bellybutton and my eyes are about to explode.. anybody have any ideas!?

    sloth, drop me a line, need yer email.

    ps- back in the office for a couple weeks.. (they think I'm back permanently- uh oh..) [Wink]

  7. ok..

    (I'm waiting on a copy of jack johnson- i like what i hear)

    Tungsten, I'd love a copy of that Ween in Toronto show.. lets talk favours. sexual, favours.

    what i'm listenin to..

    moe. May 2002, Cajun Riverboat Jazzfest.

    (unbelievable).. hi light.. that chuck tune>brent black>seat of my pants.. yum. thanks p and t.

    mmw Austin TX, 1996. w/trey.. good lord!! not so much for trey, but the boys were hot that night. not as free form as their shows are now, more segues into the tunes on their records. but fuckin hot. thanks p and t.

    ween. chocolate and cheese. I was all about the white pepper, now I'm all about this.

    thats six discs. so ill stop.

    most recent movie i saw was sexy beast. dug it.

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