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Posts posted by gentlemonkey

  1. Hey DF!

    I for one think your moves are totally unique.. fun and musically aware. reacting to the slightest accents.. if more people were able to dance like no one was watching, the world would be a much happier place..


  2. great stuff..

    I think that the scene is constantly growing and getting more interesting in Canada. Evolve and CTMFs are a testiment to that with growing numbers as well as improved facilities/sound/activities.. things are always changing, bands breakup. people move away, bars change format.. but i definitley feel that things are really improving, and more people are taking the time to go and see new bands, and support their old faves. great sites are popping up (this one, jamhub.ca..) spreading the word in different formats.. and individuals are taking the time (and money in some cases) to really spread it around.. (thx nw!)

    Although i love the entire country, The East Coast scene is truly the bomb. kids will go see a show 7 nights a week if they can. They have supported their bands hard, and they have become world class acts in the process. not only that, but the community is active on line speading the word, and individually make sure that the scene at shows is a good fun safe one.

    getting into the U.S. is a key factor. Once Canadian bands are known down there, things will come together a lot more- and i know that all the bands you'd expect to be, are working on that.

    all that being said, this is summer time.. no matter where you go, jam show or hiphop show, turnouts are weak. it's sunny out!! it's warm.. I think we'll see the scene grow exponentially the start of this school year.

  3. So the pope has been in Canada for a bit.. he seems to have been on the cover of every paper while he's been here.. (that makes sense, cause he is god's embassador to earth, he deserves media attention [smile] ) .. but, I find it completeley strange, that a lot of the papers describe him (in their headlines) as beaming, or glowing.. because it doesn't seem to me that he'd be capable of emotion.... being 200 years old and all!

    have you seen him!?! [Eek!] jeez!!

    I don't want to seem blasphemous. (too late i suppose). i'm a baptized (not by choice) catholic, and i love my god.. but i just dont get why people pretend that he's looking good. i wouldn't be surprised if he's been dead for two years and there is robotix puppeteer at work here..

    thoughts? hate mail?

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