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Posts posted by can-o-phish

  1. Yes, that's hard to ignore, the fact that it was so long in coming, but seeing the courts convict someone regardless of their age and have him serve the remainder of his "golden years" behind bars is better than avoiding or ignoring just punishment.

    And he will be recognized as an outright murderer....scum

  2. My dear Ms. Huxtable,

    I would never joke about something like that. End of the first set was "Two Miles of Bad Road" one of the best I've ever heard and by the end of the tune he only had two strings left. What that boy can do with two strings is more than most of us clinkers can do with six....

    I don't know what to put up for a sample of last night...Two Miles, Coldplay's "In My Place", the encore of Po' that segue's into Galveston...

    It was just sick sick sick...

    There'll be a small package arriving in O-Town hopefully by the end of this week and I'll have to pack a copy of last night in for you and Bouche to go with the Ottawa show...

    Happy Summer Solstice!!!

  3. I've seen drum circles in Queen's Park and also there has been a crazy on-going one at Christie Pitts every Tuesday(?) evening that has been happening for several years.

    Kinda sucks as I'm always on bike back coming back from the studio and wish I could lug one of my drums with me.

    Happy Drum Hunting

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