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Posts posted by can-o-phish

  1. Holy fahk, what can you say after a night like last night????

    I always say that you're guaranteed an amazing night of music and on some nights, an extraordinary evening...

    Kinda one of those last night. The sun brought out many as the room was filled and like every group, The Sisters feed off of that energy.

    From the first tune "Poor Ray/Dominic Troiano" it was obvious that they were going to, for the lack of a better word, "GIVE'R"....and GIVE'R they did.

    Finishing off the last set with, I still can't fahkin believe it, PURPLE RAIN, and the first time they played it. Man oh Freakin' man, everything from the drums to the bass to the smokin' organ to Kevin tweaking out those notes....

    All I can say is that the O-town kiddies are in for a real treat on June 10.

    For those of you who want to hear "Purple Rain", follow the link below, scroll down and click on the picture of The Sisters Euclid to hear the mp3 from last night. I wish I had time to upload the whole show as it was just through the roof....


    Cannot wait to see what they pull out of the book next week...

    Until Then...

  2. Oh so many moments....the first time I caught an episode of FG was at 5:00 in the evening when it first aired and one of Stewie's classic quotes was "Now pick me up and shake me like a British nanny" which was aired at the same time as the much-viewed trial of the British nanny in Massachusetts. I was laughing myself silly but at the same time couldn't believe what I was hearing. Talk about crossing lines!!!

  3. Hey Folks,

    For all of you out there using DAWS, I'd love to hear your comments, reviews, gripes and praises. This is for our quartly newsletter that can be found at www.renegadeaudio.ca

    Don't worry about Pro Tools & Emagic Logic as I have these covered. Also, if you're a Final Cut Pro/AVID Xpress Pro editor, please send along the same.

    A pdf or doc format would be great.

    For those of you who do submit something I'll try to compensate with some of my live recordings or maybe transfer/convert services if you have some DAT's needing to be edited.

    Email to the contact email address.

    Many thanks

  4. The voice of "American Dad" is "Brian" from the Family Guy and the music cues/score are from the same composers and are too similiar to "Family Guy". Working in animation, these things jump out at me quickly. The scripts/plot need more work and the character development is in it's early stages.

    "Family Guy" was one of those unique shows that everything "fit".

    Seth was at a family get together and when one of the women was leaving she turned to the four-year old and said "See you later" and the four-year old replied "Yes, I'll see you in hell!" or so the story goes. This was the "birth" of Stewie and Family Guy.

    Last night' Family Guy start to end was a big ACES-THUMB'S UP IMHO.

  5. Yes, most definitely a hilarious show. A British friend of mine recently gave me his DVD to watch and I think I watched the first five episodes without a break and was pooched from laughing.

    Hollywood, of course, tried to "Americanize" it and ruined something that never needed to be changed. If it aint broke, don't fix it...

  6. Nice Article. Years ago I worked at Lake Louise on the Bell Staff and one of the "lifers" knew both Greg & Jim. They were touring and finally stayed at Chateau Lake Louise were they both worked. So they pull up in the busses and Jim Cuddy's driving a van packed with gear. I met them at the door and Jim politely asked if I could park the van full of gear. Man, it was like "Super-Band In-A-Box". So I park tha van and return the keys to him and he passes me a healthy tip which I tried to decline to which he replied "I used to work here and I know how lousy the pay is." Then Greg passed a couple of tickets my way for the concert in Banff. Bob Wiseman was still playing with them at the time.

    All I can say is what a great bunch of people and musicians. And a very funny moment when Greg forgot the opening verse to "My Dark Angel"...

  7. I've always wondered if actual people win those trips you see everywhere and now I know!

    Hope you lose your mind in Vegas but not your shirt!!!!

    "No point mentioning those bats, I thought. The poor bastard will see them soon enough". - Hunter S. Thompson on Gonzo, F & L in Las Vegas.

  8. Bouche,

    I'm still up for having a "Dave's Picks" on the jamband site that I could upload downloads on. What we talked about when you were in Toronto. Still would be cool to do a webcast as well but don't really know where to begin that whole can'o'worms...

    Whatever you can do, let me know.

  9. The night started off fairly quiet and the jokes were flying that Natasha's absence had lead to less drooling male Orbiters, but by the middle of the first set, the bar was filling up.

    The Sisters have been covering some of "The Band" and last night they broke out "It Makes No Difference". Very sweet. You can hear Kevin coaching the rest of the band through the changes.

    If you'd like to have a listen/download, follow this link, and click on the picture of "The Sistas" to listen or right-click and save target...


  10. Not that I know of but he is a huge fan of Levon, like we all are. I have a recording of Folk Alarm where he tells the story behind the song "Mr. Levon Helm"....had a dream of Levon and Audrey Hepburn getting married in a pawn shop....

    Man, I think I gotta take a break from the Sisters/FA....starting to scare myself....

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