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Everything posted by NewRider

  1. Get well soon Shelby, fucking ice!
  2. Jeez.. that's awful.
  3. woohoo.. my Sis got this for me
  4. When are we doing the airing of the grievances Esau? I'VE GOT A LOTTA PROBLEMS WITH YOU PEOPLE!
  5. I used to be over by the window, and I could see the squirrels, and they were merry.
  6. Gettin' hammered drunk and trying to forget that 2008 even happened. Worst. year. ever!
  7. If you're going can I snag a ride from you Timmy?
  8. Is that Vic's Vapo Rub and Apple Martini Lube I smelll or is it Dima's response?
  9. Dude I don't even know DJ Toast-o. I just googled it, watched some videos and it was alright.. alright like those pride parades. It's cool man. No worries. Still, doesn't stop you from being a total asshole.
  10. By the thread title I expected this to be the gayest thing I've ever heard of... AND IT IS!
  11. and by the way the whole Christian Network banner can lick my fucking SACK! Fuck those fuckin fuckers
  12. YES!!! Loser, that should've been on my list!
  13. I can't express enough how awesome it will be to see the Cats at 33 Hess! This place smokes and sells cans of PBR so.. yeah!
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