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Posts posted by lsamuel3

  1. I truly never understood the hype around The White Stripes. I tried time and time again to get into their music and I never could. When playing in The White Stripes, I think Jack White's skills as a guitar player are completely overrated. That being said, I do enjoy The Raconteurs and I dig Jack's voice. On the whole though, I think they were way way way over hyped.

  2. Hanky Moody is the greatest anti-hero there is. between the beat-to-shit Porsche with one headlight, the all black outfits, the constant smoking and drinking and flagrant drug usage and the ability to still be one hell of an author, the guy is living the most romanticized "artist" lifestyle i've ever seen. in short, he's my hero.

  3. Hey everyone,

    I've moved Back In 15 Minutes over to a new address, backin15minutes.wordpress.com

    I've got some exciting stuff lined up including an interview with Sam Cohen about his new band 'Yellowbirds' (Sam is a founding member of Apollo Sunshine), as well as a really cool Artist Mixtape series where bands will choose a number of songs based on a certain criteria which I will then upload for streaming from the blog.

    Can't wait to get things rolling again!



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